WOIN Let's talk Spears


So my plan is to throw some spears at my players in an upcoming campaign. Spears have the thrown trait, very simple, they are throwable. But there is no listed range." A melee weapon with this trait can be thrown with the noted rangeincrement. For example, a weapon with thetrait “Thrown (3)” has a range increment of3. The default value of a thrown item is 3."

So the range is 15' or 3 squares (Very short range) BUT, in the Myths and Legends Bestiary, Achilles has a range of 15 or 75'. His STR attribute is also 15. Coincidence?

Now looking at the Saurian/Lizardfolk 5d6 in the bestiary, her spear range is 12, but the STR is only 3 and AGI 6.

Please explain to me how to get a spears range when thrown and whether or not a throwable knife or handaxe has the same range or is only half.

(I just want to hit my players hard with stuff that bypasses their Soak ;) )

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Well, that was fun
Staff member
Bestiary entries essentially hide the following exploit:

Monster. This creature has an array of specific bonuses, all included in the stat block.

In other words, monsters are exception-based design. The system doesn't drill down into how those scores are achieved, it just presents appropriate scores for the challenge level and type.


So is there any way to increase a PCs throwing range? Would it be the Throwing skill + Equipment skill (spear, knife, handaxe) =range?
equipment skill cannot be larger than throwing skill.



For something like a spear, I could see STR helping out with that. Knives and axes take some finesse to throw properly, but spears are pretty straightforward.


Well, that was fun
Staff member
Hmm. The intention was that the throwing dice pool size add to range increments, but it seems that didn't make it into the final edit. I'll note it for errata purposes.

Otherwise, there's also a couple of exploits which add to throwing distance.

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