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D&D 3E/3.5 Level Adjustments and Balance in a Solo 3.5 Game

My advice is to give him Hit Dice in the place of his empty Level Adjustment levels. This is what I do in my own games...

Each level of a level adjusted character is replaced with a d4 Hit Die, which grants 2+Int modifier skills per level, poor BAB, and all three poor Saves, as well as any feats, ability score increases, and so on that would normally go along with those Hit Dice.

Alternatively, since it is a solo campaign, and balance between characters is no issue, you could treat his as a 1st or 2nd level character, rather than using the full +3 Level Adjustment.

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First Post
Okay, the guy has 7hp? He gets a +2 Con for being Half-dragon, his rogue hitpoints (d6) are maximized at first level, so the Constitution score he rolled was a 10 or 11? THAT'S the problem. He's not optimizing his character for survival. He shouldn't be playing a character with more level adjustment than hit dice if he's not optimized for survival. I don't know the rolling rules for your game, but his Constitution should be his highest or next to highest score. Once he's contributed on his end, you can supplement his low health with magic items and variant rules. For example, if you use Pathfinder rules for negative hit points, a character dies at a number of negative hit points equal to his Constitution score. This makes the Die Hard feat worth taking at low levels. Rather than having 9hp (with a 16 Constitution) until he's incapacitated, he'll have 25hp. At which point, a magic item that grants Die Hard as a bonus feat (Headband of Ferocity from Sword and Fist does something like that) is all you need. Another alternative is to give him a magic item which grants a small number of temporary hit points. At higher levels, these items depreciate in value, which is perfect for you.


First Post
Try using the savage progressions rules from the WotC site instead.

Savage Progressions Archive

He doesn't need to pick up the "levels" as his character level progresses, he can pick them up later instead after he gains some class hit points. He is a "lesser" version until all levels are picked up (and he doesn't need to pick up all of them or any of them if he doesn't want to).

It is a pretty good method to help mitigate a situation like this.


First Post
Another alternative is to give him a magic item which grants a small number of temporary hit points. At higher levels, these items depreciate in value, which is perfect for you.

I like this idea. I'll think I'll go along with this as well as keep in mind a few other suggestions. Thanks for the contributions guys.

green slime

First Post
Seriously, I'm not seeing the problem.

1) It is a sole PC.
2) How can "Balance", which shouldn't ordinarily be an issue in a standard game, even come in to consideration? There isn't anyone else to "balance out" against!!

Let's face it, the only reason for "balance" in a normal group, is to spread the fun; everyone's character needs to feel needed and relevant; i.e. that they are all contributing.

So balance isn't a problem.

The issue is then: "My player has a weak character, how do I keep from killing the solo schmuck?"

The answer is obvious; you don't need to kill him. Why all the bloodthirsty opponents? Do opponents never try to capture someone? The player's failure is a mere complication, not to be solved by a 4th level walking everfilled potion. In movies, does the hero never fall unconscious, and wake up to find himself in a predicament?

Allow him to runaway. (7hp? Do not engage in melee!) Make him use intelligent play. Ranged weaponry, sniping, using the terrain. Hiring mercenaries, and/or purchasing war dogs.

And above all, give him the option of surrender.


First Post
Also I could have sworn half dragons got their HD boosted by one..d6 increases to d8 for all levels. So that should help out with 2 extra HP/level for some survivability. Also I thought they got a +4 to NA. Assuming he has an 18 in DEX that means he's gettinga +2 bonus from armor? Whats he wearing padded? I find it customary that between armor and Dex mod you should always get a +7 bonus and always try for a +8 as it usually easily attainable even with gear from the PHB for starter equipment.

Maybe I'm just uber mean but I'd say if the guy didn't build him to survive a little bit of combat and take advantage of at least some character maximazation, I'd let the dice fall as they be and if he dies from a kobold let that be a lesson to build tougher characters. He is after all soloing a campaign. Do you really want to nerf rolls and pull punches for the next 20 levels?

You're only other option since he's so frail is to change the campaign setting for a while and have him earn xp for problem solving and roleplaying and do something in the City where he has to uncover plots or find out mysteries where there's no combat.


Alternatively, since it is a solo campaign, and balance between characters is no issue, you could treat his as a 1st or 2nd level character, rather than using the full +3 Level Adjustment.

This. Just disregard the LA and you should be fine. Adjusting CRs for solo play is hard enough anyways. This way he will also level faster.

Also since he's a Rogue try more complex scenarios not just straight up fights. Take him prisoner, dish out subdual, pick some ambush scenarios, skill-challenges, roleplaying challenges, recon missions, intrigue, etc.

Find a balance between just winging it and letting the dice fall where they may. In the event he dies you can still have someone raise him and the he's got a mission for him ;-)

Of and get rid of the DMPC support party. If it's solo play it's solo play. A Rogue is very good for interesting solo play, so what if he gets a free power up.

PS: Did you guys figure out how come that he's a half dragon? Where's his dragon parent ? Was it a bronze or a blue dragon? Is it perhaps a force in the background steering the PX, supporting him at times and bailing him out of the toughest spots. But for what ulterior agenda? I once let a PC make a bronze halfdragon ftr/rog and planned to play the 2e solo module Thief's Challenge II: Beacon Point. It is a rpg heavy solo adventure where the PC is washed up on the shore of a pirate island. I always wanted to work the bronze dragon parent into this somehow as bronze dragons are aquatic and are noted to fight vs pirates in their 2E ecology. there even is a dragon on the cover of the module...
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