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Playtest (A5E) Level Up Playtest Document #6: Sorcerer

Welcome to the 6th Level Up playtest document. This playtest contains a candidate for the first 10 levels of game’s sorcerer class. Download the playtest document What this is This is a playtest document. We’d love you to try out the rules presented here, and then answer the follow-up survey in a few days. What this is not This is NOT the final game. It’s OK if you don’t like elements of...

Welcome to the 6th Level Up playtest document. This playtest contains a candidate for the first 10 levels of game’s sorcerer class.


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What this is​

This is a playtest document. We’d love you to try out the rules presented here, and then answer the follow-up survey in a few days.

What this is not​

This is NOT the final game. It’s OK if you don’t like elements of these rules; that’s the purpose of a playtest document. Be sure to participate in the follow-up survey in a few days. All data, positive or negative is useful.

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Your survey responses help form the direction of the game as it goes through the development process.

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Elder Thing
I really like this take on thew Sorcerer. I feel like the core 5e version is seriously lacking in both distinctiveness and versatility, and the Level Up version solves both. Its abilities allow for a core identity but great flexibility within that identity.

I still feel it's redundant with the Wizard, inasmuch as I think the Sorcerer's role overlaps with the Wizard so strongly that the two really should be different flavors of the same class, but unlike the core Sorcerer I would play the version presented here.

Jeff Carpenter

What is the rationale behind limiting weapon choices to specific weapons versus simple weapons?

It seems odd that sorcerers are trained to use a sling, a weapon that requires a ton of practice, but not a club.


I'll do my more in-depth review later on. I think that this classes "patches" some of the most key issues with the core sorc, some things as simple as offering a few more metamagics.

However, and I hate to say this, compared to the wonderful work you did with the fighter class, this class feels "lazy".

Sorceror's are one of the lowest rated classes in the base game, not because of their power per say, but because something in their design is just not resonating with people. The base sorc....just doesn't feel like a character with innate magical powers....there's just something off.

I think if there was one class that deserved a relook, some fundamental changes....it would be the sorc. Instead, we get a little bit of elemental power, a little bit more metamagic, and some class options placed on top. These things are nice to have, but I don't think they solve the fundamentals, because the fundamentals didn't change.

I don't mind that other spellcasters (like the druid) stay close to the original design....because those spellcasters were done pretty well for the most part. The sorc is not one of those, and deserves more special treatment, some real out of the box thinking.


New Publisher
While I really like the original stuff here, and will be using it, I am with Stalker. I was hoping your sorcerer would be even more about innate magic. I really like the manifestations! Similar to what I tried to do with my DMSGUILD product on the living spell sorcerer and how the spell manifests at time, but you did it MUCH better (mine hews to the original too much, now that I've seen this).

Maybe an innate cantrip right away? Maybe limit them a lot more to certain spells (I know 4e and 5e got away from that) for more power? Something that makes them seem like they are born with some power.


I was really hoping for a non-charisma caster. Why not constitution? Don't give me the tired excuse about doubling down on Con, the sorcerer only gets d6 for hit dice.


Initial thoughts...

I like the idea behind the Conduits, but I feel they're limited. While not a Conduit of Life (radiant damage), Death (necrotic), Energy (force), or Mind (psychic)? Also, a suggestion: Blizzard, Inferno, Hurricane, and Venom are all nouns. Caustic is an adjective. Why not use a word like Erosion or Dissolution?

The Latent Powers feel... rather bland. They don't feel magical or like they're at all connected to the Conduit. Examples of such a connection would be useful. I'd suggest something much more concrete: a free associated cantrip, that you inflict extra damage of that type when you attack, that if you take the associated damage, you can channel it in some way or gain temp hp, or something like that.

Since you have Minor and Moderate Metamagics, I'm interested in seeing what the Major Metamagics will be.

Deep Conduit: "you may expend a number of hit dice up to your Charisma modifier to regain some of your magic essence. For each hit dice expended in this way, you take 1d6 damage and regain 2 sorcery points." Unless you're changing the rules, you don't take damage when you expend Hit Dice--assuming you're talking about the Hit Dice you expend to regain hp after short rests.

Patient Aptitude: This just feels weird for some reason. Like, sorcerers and ritual spells don't mix. It could just be me; I dunno.

Prodigious Inventor: "Choose three cantrips from any spell list. These cantrips don’t count toward your cantrips known." This isn't well-phrased: "You gain three cantrips from any spell list. They don't need to be from the same spell list, they count as sorcerer spells for you, and they don't count against your total number of cantrips."

Exploration Knacks: These are nice, but they don't feel at all like knowledge you gained from exploration--they feel like what the Latent Powers should be. This is why I feel that the Knacks should be in one chapter and each one available for one or more classes. There's no reason why a sorcerer couldn't be good at mountain climbing or navigating a city--and I think that more than one class could benefit from an ability to notice when magic is making them lost.

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