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Homebrew Level Up Roll20 Character Sheet is live!


Ok the sheet is working correctly. The expertise dice section of the skill sheet is for expertise dice you have on that skill as a whole. Not the dice you get from the specialty.

So for instance you have 1d4 expertise dice on Stealth and a specialty of Urban stealth. You should put in Urban in the Specialty section and 1d4 in the expertise section. When you roll with specialty the dice roller will automatically upgrade the expertise dice to 1d6, when you roll without it will use the 1d4
I have to get back to you after I double check but that's not how specialties work. If you have a specialty that applies you get to add an expertise die which starts at 1d4 that grows in size per source that provides that check with expertise. So for it to upgrade to a 1d6, you need 2 sources that give the check an expertise die.

Would it be possible to have spells be formated like the base roll20 5e sheets? With sections for spell slot counts, prepared spell markers, and clickable spell card read outs. Another feature from the original sheet I'd like to see is being able to add trackers for things like feature uses as well as the individual sections for each feature. As it stands now it's just a wall of text players have to scroll through and manually edit something somewhere for their feature/spell slot uses

Edit: here's the text for specialties
"When a character makes an ability check to whic
their skill specialty applies, they gain an expertis
die for that ability check. The Narrator determine
whether the skill specialty applies"
So using your example if you have specialty in urban stealth and have a feature that gives you expertise 1d4 on stealth in urban environments, you would now roll a 1d6 for expertise otherwise you would only ever roll a 1d4 for just a specialty and nothing else. I don't think there is ever a case where a skill check will ALWAYS have an expertise die. Feature bonuses will always have some extra stipulation to grant the expertise in specific situations at least all the ones I have seen. Also initiative also seems to auto roll expertise die too
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I don't think there is ever a case where a skill check will ALWAYS have an expertise die. Feature bonuses will always have some extra stipulation to grant the expertise in specific situations at least all the ones I have seen
I may be misunderstanding what you mean but there are many places that just grant expertise without condition. Bard and rogue Knacks are the ones of the top of my mind. Many other classes grant them in specific skills. Artificer gets them on engineering checks, for example.


@paulvenner I know a little while back you mentioned you were going through a list of feature improvements and bug fixes. If you have the time, would you be willing to share any upcoming updates? Thanks!


Yes of course, I'm currently looking into to the archtype dropdown, i have a few ideas on how to get that working better

also working on adding a notes section as well as notes for spells and equipment, more stuff to follow. I had a little break round the holiday season, but I'm back on it now


First Post
Hi @paulvenner, do you know if there will be a compendium at some point? That would greatly aid in my ability to create new maps and adventures in roll20 with creatures and items from A5E. It's not fully relevant to the character sheet discussion I realize, so please feel free to point me to another thread.


I've been trying to add some monsters to my A5E game on roll20. I am using the NPC character sheet but all the attributes (str dex etc) keep reverting to -5 for all the attributes and -5 for the modifiers. I've corrected it multiple times but it is not saving. It also requires me to add the modifiers manually (unless that is part of the same not updating bug).

Anyone else experiencing the same issue?


I've been trying to add some monsters to my A5E game on roll20. I am using the NPC character sheet but all the attributes (str dex etc) keep reverting to -5 for all the attributes and -5 for the modifiers. I've corrected it multiple times but it is not saving. It also requires me to add the modifiers manually (unless that is part of the same not updating bug).

Anyone else experiencing the same issue?
It's working for me, but here's 2 things that I discovered while using it (screen shot included for clarity)
(disclaimer, I'm just another player, not a dev)
1) If you type in the parenthesis (underlined in blue) it will revert back like how you were describing. Where you want to type the ability score is where I highlighted in yellow.
2) If you type the ability score and then quickly tab or click out of it, the script doesn't have time to calculate and it will reset back to 0. I found it's best to type the value you want, then push the Enter key. If it doesn't seem to change, try adjusting the value, usually that does the trick for me.

Hope this helps!


Another question, when rolling checks or saves from an NPC character sheet, it defaults to a roll everyone can see, is there a toggle to change this to GM rolls only?

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