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List of monsters confirmed in Mordenkainen's Tome of Foes

Interesting - that's the third archdevil confirmed to get a stat block in the book, and so far none of them are among the current roster of ruling Archdukes from the MM and DMG (and thus presumably the official roster for this edition). Moreover, with all the "B" monsters listed, including individuals such as Bael and Baphomet, that means Belial and Baalzebul won't be given stat blocks in this book. The thought had occurred to me before, but I am beginning to seriously wonder if we will only get non-ruling archdevils in this book, and they are saving the ruling Archdukes for a later book...

Yeah I just realized that as well. Which is a shame as Baalzebul was the one I was most looking forward to.

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So, question; who is Bael anyway? I don't remember him every showing up before.
He's a vassal of Mammon in Minauros, the third Hell:

"Bael - Bael is served by 66 companies of barbed devils. Each company includes 333 soldiers. Bael was first detailed in Gary Gygax's article "From the Sorcerer's Scroll: New Denizens of Devildom," in Dragon #75 (TSR, 1983).[9] He also appeared in the original Monster Manual II (1983).[10] Bael was briefly detailed in Fiendish Codex II: Tyrants of the Nine Hells (2006).[11]Bael was detailed in the online version of Dragon, in issue #360 (October 2007) in the "Infernal Aristocracy" feature.[12] He also appears under the "devil" heading in the Tome of Horrors (2002) from Necromancer Games.[13]"



Something that was pointed out on Reddit, all of the monsters revealed so far are generic (Greyhawk, Mystarra, Nentir Vale or Planescape), not much in the way of setting specific representation.


First Post
Something that was pointed out on Reddit, all of the monsters revealed so far are generic (Greyhawk, Mystarra, Nentir Vale or Planescape), not much in the way of setting specific representation.

I believe further upthread it was mentioned we're getting the Giff? Those are fire-arm obsessed mercenary hippo-folk who originated from Spelljammer, so that's something.

1e Bael from the MM 2

3e Bael form Dragon


Interesting side note by the Abishai entry; it states that Tiamat is a being of Chaos on a plane of Law, and questions whether the Abishais are her servants or jailers. Could WOTC have just gone with the typo in Tiamat's stat block and changed Tiamat from LE to CE???

Also, I suspect not everything In those screen shots is actually from MTOF, for instance the Tortule.

Actually it was hinted at in Erin M Evans novel The Devil You Know that Tiamat's true nature is Chsotic and that what we think of as Tiamat is a corruption.

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