[Living Pathfinder] Little Rock of Horrors

Maidhc O Casain

Na Bith Mo Riocht Tá!
Pari will take the CLW potions and the Tanglefoot bags as part of his share. If no one else wants the goodberries he'll take them as well.

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Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure
green colored tourch light from a stone circling your head. leaves hand free 75 gp.

if no claimers, Heinrich will claim that too.


Garnet looks distrustfully at the assorted berries, and seems relieved when the gnome takes possession of them.

OOC: Garnet will pass on the berries for RP reasons. None of the other treasure appeals.


Thanks for the quick replies. You'll need to edit the amount of gold received since I added the full value in your Adventure Logs. I have it down as the bracers and ioun torch for Heinrich, 2 CLW potions, 3 goodberry potions, & 3 tanglefoot bags for Pari, and everything else to the Pearl. Got it. And again, thanks. :)

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