[LL] The Port town of Orisa

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I really like your map. Your site is quite nice. But I was very confused by your write-up of Orisa, because you have no Overview. YOU know Orisa is the capital, and the overall feel of the town, and it's place in society, but your reader doesn't. Before plunging into a description of the worst neighborhood in the city - tell me about the WHOLE city!


First Post
Orisa isn't the capital city of Altalissia, its a small port town in the far south. You're right in the fact that I didn't write up an overview first. I'll work on that. Thank for the crit. :cool:


First Post
Lots of work here! - Good Job

Really like all the detail you've collected. Mind If I yoink it into my game world?


I assume the graphics are 'collected' from all over the web :)


First Post
Really like all the detail you've collected. Mind If I yoink it into my game world?


I assume the graphics are 'collected' from all over the web :)

Just give credit and a link back to my website or blog. The graphics currently used are part of the common licence. I working on getting original art to take their place. :cool:


First Post
I finished a "beta" map of this city yesterday. It was created with MS paint, and all its limitations. Next, I'll draw it in Paint Shop Pro to give it my standard look. Crits and comments welcome.


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