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Lobo's RttToEE game


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Leigh Valendor, Cleric 4, Hp: 36/36; Saves: +5/+2/+6

Notice check (1d20+4=7)

"I'm on it!," Leigh says as she heads towards the burning wagons.

She attempts to get close to the wagons and look for any survivors still trapped inside the burning wreckage. If she does see helpless people that she can save (with the use of her divine granted increased strength), she will, venturing into the fire and harming herself to do so.

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Lobo Lurker

First Post
Taking note of the second Minotaur, Vaeryn darts back the way he came and looses another arrow, which buries itself in the muscled abdomen of the shaggy white minotaur. DM Note - Vaeryn only:[sblock]based on the background noises he's hearing, Vaeryn gets the idea that there might be more of these creatures around.[/sblock]

Karna is taken aback by the appearance of a second bull-man and stays in place, rooted in fear.

Through the red haze of rage and sweat and hormones and musk Ranulf, self-proclaimed Eater or Hearts dimly realizes that he forgot to post his character sheet to the Rogue's Gallery senses a new threat to his kill. Screaming and howling he makes his way to the 2nd minotaur, barely noticing the flashinggreataxe of the beast as it misses not once, but two times. Ranulf's attack goes wide as he carelessly bats the heavy steel of the creature's heavy axe aside.

Unity swaggers and prances, in manner most un-Warforged-like and eventually dances his way to the great beasts side and plunges his shortsword deeply into its leg; the minotaur howls in anger.

The massive monster takes a step back and swings its axe heavilyat Unity, though the dancing warforged manages to step nimbly out of the way, laughing all the while. Heavy footfalls can be heard, rapidly approaching the melee and Unity's laughter soon turns to a howl of pain as his body is lifted up in the air; a THIRD minotaur appears beneath the flailing warforged, impaled on it's horns. The great beast contemptuously tosses its head. Unity manages to dance to his feet, despite his damage and ruptured plating.

Lost in his raging hormones, Ranulf feels the lightest of caresses (6 STR Damage); followed immediately by a feeling of intense weakness. Where once stood no one, a withered and aged old crone with hair the color of seaweed and skin the color of saw grass fades into view, cackling manically. He quickly shakes off the feeling though, grinning at the thought of another kill.

Leigh searches for survivors amongst the burning wagons, but finds none. The child's body is impaled hideously on a broken plank of wood... there's no surviving that. There are plenty of bodies but they're quite obviously butchered. A group of robed ocher-robed travelers is valiantly praying for deliverance amidst the burning wreckage of the remaining wagon.

Pick stands as still as a statue.

DM Note: 1st AOO is mislabeled, should have been a readied action.
Unity takes 23 damage, before any damage resistance.
Ranulf resists the touch of weakness with a natural 20; +1 to all rolls for you next round!
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First Post
VaerynVaeryn, 36 HP, 17AC (-->18 after move), F+2/R+9/W+1

'Ware the 'caster! I'll try to take her out. There might be others close by, too, so don't get separated. Vaeryn shouts as he moves to get a better angle on a shot against the newly-revealed crone. As soon as he is convinced that he has moved enough to bypass her defenses he lets loose with his next arrow. All the while he keeps a bit of his attention focused on the nearest minotaur.
[sblock=ooc] Vaeryn moves at least 10', and up to 30', until he is within 30' of the hag, then shoots at her.
Attack role 16. If it hits, damage 3 .
Wow, that was horrible rolling. At least I should do better next round. If we make it.
He will also designate the nearest minotaur that he sees for his Dodge feat, upping his AC to 19 against that one opponent.


First Post
Leigh Valendor, Cleric 4, Hp: 36/36; AC:19; Saves: +5/+2/+6

Leigh is horrified by the sight of the senseless waste of human life. Her heart broken, she steels her resolve and fights back a few tears as she grips her morningstar ever more tightly.

She quickly casts a glance at the old crone that appeared, trying to get a feel for what the thing might be -- she searches her mind for any clue.

Seeing her companions involved in a serious battle, she turns towards them and says a quick prayer to the Host, which is quickly answered by a sheathe of flashing light descending upon her, leaving her looking somewhat distorted from afar.

OOC: Move 20' feet toward the center of combat and cast Shield of Faith (increasing her AC to 19)

Knowledge check (Arcana, Religion, Planes) to see if she knows anything about this creature. (+5/+6/+5)

Spells duration:
Shield of Faith: 40 rounds
Bulls Strength: 79 rounds

Anyone in need of healing yet?

Also, I think Pick has been lost to us.


First Post
Ranulf; HP 60 (68) of 60; AC 17 (15); F+10 (+12)/R+3/W+4 (+6)

Ranulf snarled fiercely at the greenish woman-thing, but the weakening effect of her touch had passed almost too quickly for his rage-fired mind to realize it so she seemed to be but a little threat. Sweeping the heavy ax around in his hands, he turned to the more obvious foes.

OOC: [sblock]We'll see if I can get it to work this time. Rage round 3 of 9, Attacking the wounded minotaur (#2 of 3, so far) with long ax, Power attack for -4/+8. Works out to be +8 attack, 1d12+18 damage (including the temporary +1). I'll spend an action point (Yeah for Eberron!) on the attack roll. Roll is 22 (19 initial +3 AP; http://invisiblecastle.com/find.py?id=1250297 ), if that hits, damage is 28 (10 base +9 STR +8 Power attack, +1 bonus) ( http://invisiblecastle.com/find.py?id=1250304 ) [/sblock]


First Post
Unity: 27/48 hp, AC 20, Fort +8, Ref +4, Will +7

Unity snaps his sword back, and pauses for a second, before lauging again and moving in a most unusual way. His sword snaps forward again, back at the same minotaur. Then, he twirls around and steps forward, lashing out at the other, before finally skipping toward the new enemy and driving the blade down at her in a wide arc over his head.

[sblock=OoC]Unity uses his Dance of Death to attack all three enemies, preferably doing so with only a five-foot step to avoid provoking AoOs, if possible.
Attack first minotaur (1d20+6=24, 1d6+2=8)
Attack second minotaur (1d20+6=20, 1d6+2=5)
Attack witch (1d20+6=26, 1d6+2=8)
Crit confirm and extra damage (1d20+6=18, 1d6+2=5)[/sblock]
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Lobo Lurker

First Post
Vaeryn sprints past the melee, looking for an opening and loosing a hasty arrow and the old crone; he knows its a miss before the arrow has traveled more than a foot away and curses himself for being too hasty.

Karna is overcome by the carnage and falls to her knees, weeping. Wispy purple-yellow flames begin to dance around her weeping form while Pick's eyes begin to burn with a black light, if that were even possible, ice and hoarfrost begins to creep its way up his extremities.

Ranulf, who is thoroughly enjoying himself far too much to notice any of the above snarls joyously as he lops the head and left shoulder off of the minotaur he has been fighting; red-black blood drenches both he and Unity as the minotaur's body falls to the ground, steaming in the afternoon sun.

Unity begins his dance with death itself, nimbly stepping forward to drive his shortsword deep into the black minotaur's side, his darkwood and leather joints popping and straining, yet holding together despite his previous damage. Yanking the sword dramatically out of the screaming minotaur, Unity raises his hands and spins away, towards the old woman bobbing his head to a song only he can hear. The soul music distracts him, however; he hears Paimon laughing in his ears; the minotaur brings its massive greataxe down deeply into the warforged's back; were he a mere flesh and blood creature, he would be dead (another 16 damage). Belying his apparent damage, Unity steps closing to the old crone and neatly slides his shortsword into her leg, eliciting a howl of pain, before withdrawing it and bowing mockingly to her.

Leigh, offers herself to the Soverign Host, pleading for more strength and receives it as she casts her spell. Moving toward the melee, she notes that Unity has taken some rather heavy damage. The green woman, given the presence of minotaurs and the proximity to the Droaam/Breland border, must be a hag of some kind.

And speaking of hags, the green crone takes advantage of Ranulf's distraction and gouges him with her long fingernails, ripping fleshy chunks from his backside (14 damage). The lone remaining minotaur lifts its axe out of Unity and slams it into Ranulf, taking the big barbarian by surprise (22 damage).


First Post
VaerynVaeryn, 36 HP, 17AC (-->18 after move), F+2/R+9/W+1

Vaeryn sizes up the situation and sees that his best strategy is to continue attacking the crone, as her subtle threats will likely keep his more physically-focused teammates from paying her much attention.
His course of action determined, he continues to circle around her, finding a good angle to shoot from that minimized her cover from Ranulf's blood-covered form.
[sblock=ooc] move 10-30' for a clean shot, staying within 30' of her, and fire another arrow at the hag. Hits, with a threat on a 29 , confirmation roll is a 17 , so no confirmation, but still a hit dealing 9 damage.[/sblock]


First Post
Ranulf; HP 24 (32) of 60; AC 17 (15); F+10 (+12)/R+3/W+4 (+6)

The force of the minotaur's blow spun Ranulf halfway around, and despite the sustaining strength of his fury he shook his head for a heartbeat or two, long enough to regain some focus. He glared at the horn-headed beast and drew a quick sequence of breaths- the rough rasps sounded almost like he was laughing off wounds which would have killed the heartiest soldier...

OOC: so that was 36 total hp, right? I can stand another round of that- almost. It looks like we've already lost two- at least the sorceror managed one IC post.

[sblock] Ranulf will go for broke- attacking the remaining minotaur with full Power Attack. Attack at +7, damage at +17; attack roll is 2+7=9 ( http://invisiblecastle.com/find.py?id=1262483 )- I don't think even another action point can help that kind of roll, but given our situation, I'll try it anyway (AP adds 2 http://invisiblecastle.com/find.py?id=1262583 ) [/sblock]
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First Post
Leigh Valendor, Cleric 4, Hp: 36/36; AC:19; Saves: +5/+2/+6

Seeing the carnage being inflicted against her companions, she attempts to move closer to Ranulf.

Seeing as how the old crone and the minotaur stand between her and Ranulf, she moves into melee range of the crone, as she thinks she can move next to Ranulf the next round and begin infusing him with some of the Hosts healing power.

Tightening her grip on her morningstar, she is determined to put her divine given strength to use.


Move into melee range of the hag. Will 5' step Ranulf next round for healing.

This round, melee attack (morningstar) on the hag. +7 to hit, 1d8+4 damage

Attack on the hag (1d20+7=12, 1d8+4=12)

Bah, my roll was cursed.

So, if I count correctly, 3 minotaurs and a Hag??? Yikes.

Spells Active:
Bulls Strength (Extended)
Shield of Faith

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Voidrunner's Codex

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