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[London, UK -- LFP -- NWOD] Looking to start London (UK) New World of Darkness group


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I am looking to start a NWOD London Group. Check out the details below and I look forward to your response.

UPDATE: I have received multiple emails in the last couple of weeks about the group from people on other sites. It's becoming more and more likely that this group may have its first session after the Christmas holiday but we still need more players and interest to confirm. Please do contact me using the methods given below or at london(dot)nwod(at)gmail(dot)com as soon as possible if you want to take part in this.

UPDATE 2: I am running an online Promethean: The Created game in the meantime (yes, I even run Promethean!). You can email us at london(dot)nwod(at)gmail(dot)com (ENWorld does not allow new accounts linkage privileges)

Name: PrometheanVigil

City/Region: London, UK

Location: Anywhere within the London area (incl. Central, West, East, South, North). For clarity, anywhere along the Tube and DLR lines is best as well as along the Thames River.

Frequency and availability for games: Weekly (potentially more frequently as my schedule permits)

Contact Me: E-mail at london(dot)nwod(at)gmail(dot)com and PM me (under username PrometheanVigil) at RPGNet, White Wolf Forums, Nearby Gamers and Pen and Paper Games.

Age-range: Players MUST be 18+ (safety and security reasons). Players 18-30yrs preferred, though older players are welcome (older players MUST be prepared to play with younger players and vice versa)

My games: All official templates in the New World of Darkness series. I have a passing interest in the OWOD and Scion series. When running games, I always strive to accommodate all gaming tastes, from mystery and investigation to action and adventure, intrigue and even crafting/construction.

Spec: I am looking to start a new New World of Darkness group that can meet in the London area and can, optimally, play weekly or more. I am looking to host a max of 8-10 players in a game with a min of 2-3 players (both caps excl. GM). My group will play any and all official NWOD templates currently available, including future games (Mummy, Demon etc...), with preference given to the group's most popular template choices.

I am willing and interested in joining other groups which play WOD games, with preference to NWOD.

My rules: I do NOT prohibit most styles of gaming (incl. power gaming, combat-focused, convo-focused and Sim-RP/Bluebooking). However, gaming styles such as the aforementioned may be penalized with increasing severity as is appropriate in the interests of the game and of the players involved in the game. I DO prohibit any style of gaming which is adult in nature or potentially dangerous (incl. Kink, Erotic and Real-Weapons).

I have ZERO tolerance for any kind of racist, sexist, homophobic, pedophilic, xenophobic or any other kind of discriminatory, illegal or socially inappropriate behaviour or comments made by players in my games. Any players engaging in or found doing so will be expelled from the game promptly and will be banned from future sessions. An exception can be made for character role-playing purposes when it is appropriate but even then, I have minimal tolerance for such behaviour and will ban any players using role-playing as a chance to circumvent this rule. I encourage and welcome players from all walks of life and am happy to host and play with each and every one so long as they are considerate and respectful of other players in the session -- no-one should be made to feel uncomfortable or hurt by the bigotry and ignorance of another.

From my own experience of hosting games in the past and accommodating for different players and schedules and in the interests of all players attending my game, each and every player is expected to arrive promptly when attending a game session. Players are asked to confirm what sessions they are able to join with reasonable notice and to also give reasonable notice if at all possible if they cannot make a session. Historically, I provide around 15 mins of waiting time (grace period) for players to arrive after the session is supposed to start, after which I usually start the game unless I have been contacted ahead of time by players who have said that they will be late. Players are welcome to join in after that time but will have to wait until the current scene has been completed to join in and may be given an increasingly severe EXP penalty for each time they arrive unreasonably late for a session (new players are given an exemption for their first session, in the interest of fairness).

Finally, I have in the past had a player arrive to a session who looked like they'd woken up on the wrong side of the bed. In the interests of the players, I ask all attending players to my games to be somewhat clean and presentable when attending, if not for yourselves then for the comfort of all players within the group.

About me: I am a GM who places the enjoyment, satisfaction, comfort and safety of my players as a priority in all of my games. I always strive to provide an entertaining and somewhat thoughtful game session for my players. I always make sure to accommodate for players who are unfamiliar with the NWOD or are new to P'n'P games in general. In the last few sessions I have hosted, my players (some new, others experienced) unanimously expressed that they really enjoyed my sessions and, to paraphrase a more experienced player, "This is the best character creation ever!" and from a new player, "I wonder what happened to that GPS tag that got sucked into that portal in the pub bathroom? I can't wait to find out!". From start to finish, my players are always my priority for each and every session.

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