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Long Live the Queen (all groups) [Boddynock judging] Completed


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"Eh, any guesses on them teams? I think me,Nura, Dorrin and I cant remember the last guys name"
After pausing a moment and recollecting his thoughts
"Oh yeah Saithnar,he's really quiet for a person were supposed to rely on"
Eh Dorrin,you think we can really do this, I mean 12 people against a BAGILLION ants, I mean we could be slightly screwed..."

Sitting at one of the tables near the group,just shuffling and messing with a deck of cards to pass the time.

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"The small-folk has the right of it," Jamilee observes. And actually smiles, or at least attempts to, as she rasps out, "I do not know how large or how powerful these gigantic ants are, but if they're just that -- ants, only larger -- we should be able to outsmart them, use the terrain against them, hnh. Fight many to one or one to many, as the situation requires. Mines should be.. close to ideal, for that sort of fighting."


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wow female wisdom at its best.. hum, they don't seem to have a clue! let's stick with
Ximix.. he knows his stuff
Jallembo thinks as he hears the various comments to his question.

"Hum, not sure the terrain will be in our favour.. and I think these ants must be seriously
hard to kill.. I mean their exoskeleton must be hard as stone.. Maybe the use of fire would be
good.. and they're animals so that should scare them.. A few flasks of oil may be worthwhile."

Voda Vosa

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Krindorf remain appart from the general talking, he walks in the inn floor, lost in his own mind, until he see the monk. "YE! Ye were the one that spill booze all over me!" he shouted


Inside the inn Hans invites everybody to a large table where a large meal is served.
After everydy has finished eating he stands up and asks everybody's attention.
"Ok people. I have formed the teams. I was hoping on a little more brave souls because we really need three teams to cover the three main entrances. We don't want any ants comign out the back door while we flush them out through the front door, now do we? Anyway... so the teams are a bit smaller than i hoped but i think you will manage.

The first team consists of Saithnar, Quitaine, Jallembo and Dorrin. The second team consists of Krindorf, Munchin and Ximix and the third team consists of Landers, Nura, Possum and Jamilee.

I suggest you get to know the rest of your team a bit. I suspect we will be traveling for about eight more days untill we reach the mine. Get a good night's rest. We depart at dawn tomorrow moring and there will be breakfast served here an hour before dawn.

With that said Hans sits down again and orders some wine and chats with the people sitting near him.


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Upon the teams announcement Jallembo is slightly disappointed. He would have prefered
to be with his pal but that was not to be. He looks around trying to spot his team mates.

He says: "Guys, can we group by team? My name is Jallembo? Who is my team?"

Jallembo is a human in his mid-twenties. His green eyes contrast sharply with his hazel hair.
He wears a dark blue vest with dark red collar and cuffs, and black loose trousers held
by a pair of black leather mid-height boots. A dark grey cape made of a heavy fabric covers
his shoulders.
A fine ornamental rapier can be seen hanging on his side accompanied by a dagger on the
other hip. A dark brown leather belt carries this weaponry.
On his back rests a rather full backpack and a shortbow and quiver.

[sblock=OOC all]Might be good we all give a description of our characters. For one, I don't even know what a Elan is. cheers.[/sblock]


First Post
Hey I was mostly right,nice.
well i cant remember if I introduced myself, like i said mates im quint,master of traps and locks.
so Dorrin wadda i beat we squish 30 ants, the minesmen will love us!
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"Jallembo, is it? I am Saithnar, a member of your team." Says the man nearby. He is around 6' tall with short cut red hair and a well trimmed goatee and an overall medium build to his body. He dresses in well cared for clothes that stradle the line between fasionable and conservative while remaining functional. He most often wears his cloak with the hood up, its red color and golden trim matching that of his clothes. He walks with and leans upon a staff, but does not seem to limp enough to really need a walking stick. During the trip you have frequently seen him smoking his large pipe and producing clouds of sweet smelling smoke. At his side hangs a small crossbow and a batch of quarrels for it. "Well met, and may our team and the others find success."

[sblock=OOC]Elan is a race from the Psionics Handbook that looks human but has some extra Psi powers. Should be in the SRD. I'd post more, but I gotta run.[/sblock]
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"And I'm Dorrin." says a human male as he moves down and sits near the end of the table with Jallembo and Saithnar. He's slightly taller than 5 foot 6, with brown eyes and silver hair. He does look older, but not old enough to justify silver hair. He's wearing traveling clothes at this time, but you would be able to see a silver holy symbol around his neck of six linked dice. He has a shield and longsword on his back with a crossbow hanging from his hip. "Aye, I hope Grendath smiles upon us and all of the souls brave enough to attempt this."


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Landers goes over to introduce himself to each of his new group mates.

Hello Possum, was it? I am Landers Silver, a devout priest of the Goddess Halina, she who provides for us all. The half-elf reaches out to shake the small one's hand. I see that you also practice the divine arts. Landers says in an open, friendly manner.

And good day to you as well, Nura. A spellcaster did you say? Landers asks. Well I'm sure your skills will be very useful on our quest.

Noticing the rapier hanging at her belt, Landers remarks, And you must be skilled with a blade....I believe the name was Jamilee. I too look forward to working with you as you no doubtedly carve up those dreadful ants before us.

[sblock=Sheet & Description]Landers Silver[/sblock]

Voidrunner's Codex

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