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Long Live the Queen (all groups) [Boddynock judging] Completed


Jamilee simply shrugs, looking indifferent. The scratchiness is back in her voice as she speaks. "I've said what I had to say, and know what I want to know. Three has my vote, if it comes down to voting. Two has my peace, hnh. Blood and ashes, I could even live with going in all bunched up, if it'll ease your worries. Me, I'm saddling up."

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Wik said:
OOC: Meta-game, again, but even two groups of six is going to be a lot less fun than three groups of four. And I think it makes sense in-game to follow Hans' idea as well. Also, we're almost done page 3 of the adventure, and we haven't even REACHED THE MINES yet, because of a debate. If we're in large groups, this is going to be what the whole adventure is like. And I shudder at the thought.

Why not just vote on it? In such a case, I vote for three groups.

OOC: Ximix would be less troubled by a group of four, however he is in a group of three. None of which is a primary fighter type.
He himself is literally a 98# weakling cleric with a low AC and no Attack to speak of. He is Not a Battle Cleric, was not designed to fight melee, even fully buffed he's not the equal of a mediocre fighter!
The next PC is a rogue who prefers ranged attacks, and the "tank" is a drunk monk . . .
wanna trade?
Ximix's vote is to be in a group that won't get slaughtered the first time three ants show up at once. Forgive me for being selfish, and I'm not trying to make trouble, however put yourself in my place: my PC is being told to go into combat with no tank and the Certainty of being outflanked and outnumbered.
(Every kid has played with ant-piles. They all share one thing in common: they swarm at the first sign of trouble, and it takes just moments to go from a few wandering ants to a dozen plus.)
Lets say these are less than book value Giant Ants which weigh in at a base of 2d8. We know from being told that they are about the size of wolves. We know from common sense that they will behave much like common ants, ie they will swarm. We know from what we've been told that they will be in tunnels, which means they will be able to attack with up to 2 on ground, 1 on each wall and 2 on the ceiling. Of course that's worst case scenario but my PC has high Wisdom and Elven sense of life - not Human recklessness or Halfling press-my-luck-brashness or Dwarven stubborness. I'm trying to RP my character:
He doesn't want to go into a death-trap.
Last point: Why do you assume Hans knows what he's doing in assigning groups? What evidence do you have that he's familiar with Any of us enough to make these judgements, even if he did have any background in tactics or battle strategies... ?

Voda Vosa

First Post
OOC: He doesn't even know how the mine is, not even a map. Krindorf doesn't trust easily, and won't have his neck on the table if he can avoid it.

The dwarf mutters something and rise his bass voice. "Ah' say... I f we are searchin' to kill tha' ant queen... then, two groups will be fine! Tha' damn bug isn't intelligent enough to scape! If some of them want to flee, great! They 'll save us some work! Ah' say we go in two groups, kill tha' fat bug, an' finish this quick!"


[sblock=OOC]Gotta admit, from a narrowly mechanical point of view, team #2 doesn't seem to have a lot of hitting or staying power. Folding it into #1 and #3 makes sense. Jamilee doesn't share this opinion of mine, though, for the simple reason that she's slightly nuts, and just doesn't care about other people's problems quite as much. :>[/sblock]


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OOC: I don't care either way, though Munchin is a more reliable character than most even tho he is a drunk. If our group gets into a tight spot he wouldn't run away, he'd fight to the best of his ability to protect his group and would probably sacrifice himself to ensure that they got away safely. That being said, he doesn't take to kindly to insults or to those who look down on him because he is already on a mission to win back his honor by becoming stronger and proving his strength to everyone by overcoming all obsticles.

"I have no preference either way we do this, although I feel completely up to the task of our three man group. If you sir feel that I am inadequite then by all means join a different group." Munchin states to the elf, clearly put off by the lack of faith. With that being said, the Monk walks out of the inn and hops quickly into the Wagon and uncorks his clay jug, taking a deep swig, trying to wash away his anger. Suddenly he realizes what he is doing and recorks the clay jug. I need to focus today.


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Robichaud said:
She twists her scarred face into a grin; her ears seem to perk up somewhat, even the one that's barely more than a scrap of skin. "Mh. It sounds so natural I find myself having already agreed with it. I would prefer you in front, though, if you're up for it."

Allright, I guess I could take the point, not much experience it it though, so you better be ready to jump right in!, Landers chuckles as he fingers his mace and checks the sharpness of his sickle.

Hopefully this mail, Landers picks a few kinks out of the chainmail, will be tough enough to stand up to a few rodent bites. And as for how we approach, I think three smaller teams will be the way to go, mobility and not getting in each other's way and all that.

OOC: I agree with the reasons given previously for smaller groups and I trust (gulp!) that the DM would judge the group strength appropriately and provide an appropriate challenge for each group. Just my 2 cents.


First Post
OOC: I'm pretty sure it's not a death trap either. But Ximix... he's got some real concerns.
[sblock=OOC: re: drunk monk]Consider for a moment the impact of your character being staggering drunk during most of my characters interaction. Would YOU feel secure with such a sot as your main Tank? I think not.
I appreciate you staying in character, RP a drunk monk and all that, but do not be offended in RL when such RP in game leads to a lack of trust in your character...
after all, what is a Monk if not a highly disciplined person...
what is a drunk if not a person without self discipline...
therefore a drunk monk is less than worthless... he is in fact a liability. [/sblock]
[sblock=Ximix's last words on the subject] Speaking with a bit of emotion, and still in a loud clear voice as the monk turns to leave.
"Nay, I put this to you Hans so it may not be mistaken. I will not go into battle with this youth as the lead fighter. I came to help and I will do so to the best of my abilities and the blessings of my patron however I will not sell my life so cheaply. My reasoning has yet to be put to any test, there must be at least one if not two able bodied fighters in the lead ranks, to keep from being overwhelmed. If a third person were to fill in as needed and a fourth to heal and bolster then you have a team. Less the third to fill it is weak, yet still teneble, with free flowing divine gifts. I offer this ability if I am placed with those who will not simply soak up the blessings until I am tapped and then die to leave me overwhelmed. Please move me to another group, and I daresay you will have your hands full finding a replacement healer with the group as it stands." turning to Krindorf "No offense ser Dwarf, I am sure you will fulfill your role."[/sblock]
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[sblock=ooc]Not upset :p. I was just showing his personality. By the way he isn't always staggeringly drunk, most of the time he is tipsy, but I completely understand the lack of trust he gives off, he just feels that that barrier shouldn't be there even tho it is completely justified :D[/sblock]

Voda Vosa

First Post
Krindorf frowned, then stands up "Well, then this 'elf' thinks we are not enough ah? Ha! Well ye' know what?... Tha' "Youth" as ye' tell 'im, can break yer face, and If Ah' was 'im, Ah' tell ye', ye'll be looking yer teeth right now fella. An' just to bother ye', Ah' vote for the original three parties. Ha!" he said, and followed Munchin outside.

Voidrunner's Codex

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