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Long Live the Queen (all groups) [Boddynock judging] Completed


Voda Vosa said:
"Ah' think we should explore the mine, and determine where this ant queen is... Then we can coordinate an attack from various flanks, the most unprotected. Wha' ya think?" the dwarf suggests.
Jamilee ponders the question and previous comments for a moment, expressionless. Then starts grating out words. "First the plan was to go in as three teams, mh. For efficiency. Then two, for more safety. And now we'll move as one again, so we can.. coordinate a joint attack."

She lets it hang in the air for a moment, unable to stop herself from rolling her eyes.

"Fine. Right down the main shaft, then. First team goes in first, second team follows. If you get plugged up in a corridor, or can't punch your way into a chamber so we can all, hrn, effectively engage, second team peels off and tries to find a different route to the same spot, post-haste. Sound like a plan?"

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First Post
Nura seems amused by the turn of event. Nothing has changed since we entered unless some here has underestimated the ants. I said one group before we entered and I still thinks that is the best idea. So I tink that it is a fine plan. of couse it means that we are to split all reward from the killed ants.


First Post
Ximix looks around at the large group cramped into the tunnel, trying to decide on the best course of action. The air is heavy, the darkness oppressive even with his keen sight. The sweat and heat of so many bodies in one small space makes him glad to be at the rear of his group as he steps backwards a step just to get some room to breathe.
Casting his eyes about the various speakers, the look on the face of the Elf is clear, 'lets just move... please...'


First Post
"Since we're going to be in such a large group, there is no need for stealth. Let's just move. Maybe we should start here..." Dorrin indicates a spot on the map.

ooc: I think Jamilee's idea is best, travel and fight in our groups if possible. However, we could stand around talking forever, and that's just not Dorrin. So unless someone objects...

|| and = : tunnel with tracks
| and -  : tunnel
E        : entrance
a        : ant corspe      
P        : your current position              
                           [COLOR=DarkOrange]  ||
         		     ||              ===============
                             ||             /  |  |  |  |  |
                   #         ||            /   |  |  |                       
                   +         ||           /    |     |                                   
                   |         ||          /     |     |
                   | ----    ||     --P--      |  |--|--|  |
                   |a|  |----||   //           |  |  |  |  |     
                   | ----    ||  //               |  a  |  |   ||
               [ ]-|         || //             |  |  |  |  |   ||
                   |         ||//              ----------------||
                   |         ||                                ||
               [ ]-|         ||                                ||
                   |         ||                                ||
                   -------   ||                                ||
                          \  ||                                ||
                           \ ||                                EE


The two groups move deeper into the mine.
They find many tunnels, each as desolate as the previous.
The tunnels also start to slope more and more downward.

Many tunnels are collapsed, blocking parts of the mine.
While the groups follow the only route that remains, the mine seems to connect to a natural cave system.
The air feels warmer and harder to breath.
A dwarf can tell you that that you are at least 100 feet deeper than where you entered the mine.
After a few feet the tunnel widens and is now about 20 feet wide. Another 40 feet further it widens even more, into a large cavern. Across the cavern are two other tunnels. From one of them an ant walks into the cavern, clicking it's manibles loudly . It seems to be coming straight for you!
This specimen looks slightly larger then the one you previously encountered. It's mandibles look more dangerous, made for fighting, not working.

ooc: roll initative!
Team 1
s Saithnar
q Quintaine
j Jallembo
d Dorrin 
x Ximix

Team 2
k Krindorf
m Munchin
l Landers Silver
n Nura Emzotel
p Possum
a Jamilee

1 ant (bigger one)

1    __| 1|_
2   /       \
3   |        \
4   |         |
5  /          \_ 
6 |             \__
7 |              
8 |              __
9  \__    ______/
10   | jq |
11   | ds |
12   |  x |
13   |    |
14   | ka |
15   | ln |
16   | pm |
17   |    |
18    \  /


First Post
Saithnar- M Elan, Psion(Telepath) 2 (AC:15, HP: 11/11, PP: 9/11)

Saithnar sees the large ant and calculates the spaces around them before speaking. "Quickly, those of you well suited for fighting form a line just inside the chamber, while those who can attack better from range form up a line behind them. Anyone especially in danger can stay or retreat into the tunnel we just emerged from. When it comes near, collapse the line around it to flank it from the sides as well. Healers, stay in the middle of the second line to reach the most other people." Following his own advice, Saithnar will move just beyond the tunnel entrance to stand within the chamber (as long as somebody else has moved first to be in front of him, otherwise he'll stay put till someone moves forward some.

OOC: Move to 9J once someone else is in front of him. Saithnar offers his tactical advice then decides to make a ranged energy ray attack as soon as the creature comes within range (30'). Unfortunately, his ranged touch attack probably isn't good enough to touch the creature.

Initiative (1d20+1=17)

(Cold) Energy Ray at Ant (1d20+2=9, 1d6+1=5)
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Voidrunner's Codex

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