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Looking for a Greek-style rpg system (or an equivalent universal system)


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Thanks jdrakeh, I'll have a look at the supplement. I had been pondering what kind of diet was usual for Greeks, and this one had an answer, so it was definitely of use, especially as it seems a tad richer on cultural aspects than some books. Of course there are a lot of books on Greek culture outside of roleplaying, but I find that roleplaying books usually are more paraphrased and tell the things that are useful for roleplaying (well, obviously).

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First Post
Thanks Lanefan. I'm going to run a very home-brewn version myself (the place is not even called Greece or Hellas anymore, and I've pretty much changed the pantheon for my own... someone might ask why even call it Greek anymore, but aside from those factors, it's going to be very Greek).

I've got minotaurs and whatnot on my monster manual, yes, and they can serve as guidelines for my game, as I probably dare not go with a d20 system, as I know the players will be more energetic to try out a new system than have me sit them around a table and tell them that this game will play almost like those other games you've got going on, except no one has any magic. Although I do trust enough in the world and the plot that they might stay interested. But inevitably I would get criticism about the fights :D


First Post
I've had a bit closer look on Basic Roleplaying, and it seems fine except for the fact that they claim to have quick and deadly fights, with the first one to land a blow to be the winner quite often. This is exactly the thing that most of us think is closest to a flaw in our current GURPS game - the fights just don't feel cinematic enough. Though one could say who do we play GURPS if we want cinematic fights :D and he'd be right, so no complaints there.

I would have a similar trouble if I chose to use HERO, but I came up with a house rule to fix it, so I think I could go round it in BR too.


Front Range Warlock
I've had a bit closer look on Basic Roleplaying, and it seems fine except for the fact that they claim to have quick and deadly fights, with the first one to land a blow to be the winner quite often.

That's not my experience with BRP at all, except as it appears in CoC. :-S Elric! (and Stormbringer) as well as the older editions of Runequest both have fairly heroic (if detailed) combat. That said, they may have changed things with the new BRP core book, but all of the reviews that I've read say that it contains options for cinematic combat. I have no experience with the new BRP core book, however, so I'm not sure how accurate the reviews are on that point.
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First Post
That's not my experience with BRP at all, except as it appears in CoC. :-S Elric! (and Stormbringer) as well as the older editions of Runequest both have fairly heroic combat.

If that is the case I trust your opinion a lot more than I trust my hastily acquired first impressions from reviews and market slogans. I'll have to take a peek at the actual book in a store and then decide what to do. That was the only thing that did bother me from what I saw, so I'm kind of on the fence with BRP, HERO and Riddle of Steel, which I'll have to read when I get a copy from a friend.

EDIT: I have to say, I especially like to looks of disable, maim, and damage modifier rules for BRP, it's the kind of thing I thought of would spice up things in this kind of setting. And I don't mind detailed combat at all.

PS: ...Not that I know if you can be on the fence with three things. It would have to be a fairly odd fence.
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First Post
Yeah, I'm reading the quickstart PDF now. I checked and my local gaming store actually has the book, which is almost phenomenal, since they hardly order rpg books on the shelves anymore. Frankly it's a disgrace, they only have a single shelf in the corner. Rest is miniatures and manga. Nothing against those of course, but it's supposed to be roleplaying store, so I consider myself lucky, especially when they have another supplement book, 'Rome: Life and Death of a Republic' there, which is for the BRP. So with the Warlords PDF and those two, I might dare say there could be a winner.

Not that I'm in a hurry. Only one of the players has come up a character idea for the game, so I can rest easy.


First Post
Hunh. I have the Basic RP book, and I've been generally unable to understand it. It's just so big and there are so many "if the GM is using THIS optional rule" that it's impossible to put two and two together. Still, maybe I'll give it an honest chance ONE of these days.

Mazes and Minotaurs gets my vote, as does SKR's PDF (which is AWESOME).


First Post
I've yet to preview the Mazes and Minotaurs, as there's quite a lot of reading to do (thanks to everyone for that). The BRP seems to do some things quite good, but I haven't seen too much of different manoeuvres to do in combat, not sure about how it will play with long campaign either - there's a skill progression system but I didn't notice one for stats or much else. I could have been careless, I don't know. I'm also not sure if it allows a wide enough range for skills, I don't know if I can make a villain that seems almost insurmountably tough, have them overcome that, have another tough villain after that, and another after that. It's going to be a long campaign :)

I'll try to explore every possibility. I continue to value your opinions.

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