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Looking for a modern setting RPG


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I’ll just put these out here, because they aren’t as popular as other systems but I think they have their own merits, even though they aren’t universal systems.

Pacesetter Titles (Goblinoid Games), Cryptworld, Rotworld, Majus. They all share an old skool d100 roll, skills based chargen and a result table mechanic. It’s simple yet allows for variety. The specific settings rules deal with monsters, zombies and magic respectively, but to me those can be used as bolt ons.

Conspiracy X 2nd ed. Focuses on conspiracies but works well in modern day generic settings. Setting is great. D10 mechanic, medium crunch. Think X Files on steroids. Had a lot of fun being a KGB undercover cigar smoking gun toting maniac. Has some weird stuff because it was conceived when the internet/smartphones weren’t a thing, buts I think it adds to the experience.

Cold Steel Wardens by Blackfall Press. This is meant to simulate Iron Age Comics. In reality it’s a fantastic modern day system with a d10 pool system. Weapon section is great and the combat is gritty. :):):):) hurts! Tone down or remove the powers and you got a great shootout simulator. It has both physical and mental strain so you can’t tank your way out. Wanna play Punisher or Watchmen feeling? This is it.

Covert Ops by DwD Studios. New flavour for old fun. D00Lite System: percent roll target number or lower. Player made organisations and bases. Lots of customisation. Careers/classes instead of skills, involved char creation.

I hope these unusual options help.

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Guide of Modos
What I have planned is a quasi-government agency operating in a world where magic and monsters are real, but hidden. Arcane magic is old and unstable, but is less stressful and more reliable than psionic magic. Psionic magic is newer and more consistent in its effects, but doesn't always work and is heavily taxing on the body. The players may have access to both of these but they should be rather rare. Class wise, I would expect to see specialized roles like sniper, hacker, medic. Mechanically using something similar to 5e in how streamlined it is.

That's pretty specific. I put a link to the perfect game for you in my signature...

Provided you don't mind doing a little tinkering. Me, I'd add a couple rules for arcane magic, and a couple different rules for psionic magic. Not sure how you end up with "unstable" and "reliable," and "consistent" and "doesn't always work," though.

You can set up classes super easily: give each class a pre-set list of skill points to take. Or perks. Or you can get real creative and assign specific hero point uses for each class, like:
Hacker Hero Points: apply when performing any tasks on a computer. Available skills: pilot, scientist, and knowledge (programmer).


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Awesome! Thank you, the site is set up kinda strange but I will take a look later today!
If I don't have detention for overriding the schools internet filters permanently for everyone


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Alright, I checked out modos and it isn't the system for me. Not because the mechanics are wrong or anything is bad about it; I just hate the site and can't find anything. Was it too hard for them to just make a PDF file? Ugh. Thanks though! I will have to just keep digging! I looked into ultramodern5, debating over getting it.
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Was it too hard for them to just make a PDF file?

They did... (Link)

In response to your game description I think GURPS could give you a lot of tools to deliver what you are asking for. One of its strengths is the ability to create different systems of powers. There are five or six fully-fleshed out powers systems available, including psionics, divine blessings and several magic systems. For maximum compatibility I would suggest Psionic Powers and Sorcery as good starting points as both are built using the powers system.


I heard a lot of things about GURPS and very few were positive. Will definitely look at it!

GURPS cops a lot of flak. It’s fairly old-skool in it’s roots and so expansive that people can find something to ridicule if they want to. But it also has a lot of good stuff in it that can help support a lot of different styles / flavours of games (its prime directive, really, given the ‘Generic Universal’ bit of its name).

Digesting GURPS can be a bit like eating a cow - don’t try to go with all of it at once. Choose a prime cut and start there.

Happy to help with any questions you might have...


First Post
I have settled on ultramodern5, the system is fantastic and I didn't even pay for it! I just got the OGL content and am feeling satisfied with the rules. I actually just finished giving the demon lords a few minor tweaks, like giving baphomet a plasma minigun instead of a glaive. Because there is no such thing as overkill for a demon lord. Also, we won't run GURPS because one of my players had most of his collection destroyed by the corgi puppies he was babysitting.

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