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Looking for Campaign Starter ideas


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What about throwing the PC's into a decent sized city wherever it would make sense for them to be, then have some high level NPC's epic battle lay waste to the city. By the end of the first section the PC's are all together perhaps in a hospital or near dead in basement beneath a collapsed building.

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Recently I was in a game where we had to provide backstories, with the stipulation that it had to end with you taking a caravan to a particular city...

From there, you can take your campaign however you want.

Daniel D. Fox

I am about to start a new campaign called "Day 1: Kahabro". In Day 1, the player characters are all criminals from a city called Kahabro (http://deismaar.pbwiki.com/Kahabro), who're given reprieve from whatever aggredious sentence they were issued by completing a series of wetwork tasks for a hidden branch of the law in a large city (called the Kargat) over 365 days. The PCs are forbidden to use their real names, but instead use monikers or code names of sorts. The game's story would revolve around the exposition of their backgrounds to one another, as inevitably all of the tasks they're carrying out has something to do with the reasons they were thrown into prison. Think of it in a sense of a purgatory of sorts, where these criminals are forced to face the people they harmed, loved or hurt vis'a'vis the machinations of a Lawful Neutral ruler who is enacting a terrible sense of justice to rehabilitate these men (and women).

What keeps them from fleeing the city you ask? Well, for one they all have magically-locked bracers (Arcane Lock) on their wrists, that in essence identifies them as members of the Kargat. Although these men have nothing to truly lose by leaving the city, they'd potentially incur "retributive" curses for leaving, told to them in a not-so-subtle way by their new employers.

The initial set-up is slightly railroaded, but will blossom into a freescape sort of setting where they begin to choose various tasks given to them by way of the "Black Contract" which arrives to their chosen leader/seneschal weekly.
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The armies of light and darkness have met for the ultimate battle right outside the (good) imperial city. the battle raged for days and just minutes ago Lord Mirrador and the Witch King met in single combat all the close retainers soon joined in and the both arnmires clashed in meer moments the war was over the best (and worst) of both side now lay slain on the batle field. the forces of good have retreated to thw walls of the city and the forces of darkendd linger in the suburbs.Will the forces of evil muster and counter attack, could the forces of light surive if they did? What fate will befall the citiizens of the city when that happens? Are there people still hiding in the suburbs now trapped by what remains of the evil hordes? Can the body of the Wicth King be recovered by the forces of light and bureid away before the forces of evil ressurect him? Can the remains of the Lord Mirrador be located?

PCs- in the army or trapped in the city.

Voidrunner's Codex

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