Looking for dinosaur settings and jungle settings

Twizz Stonefist

First Post
Like anything White Wolf with jungles. Or 7th sea set in the new world like Mayan or Aztec like civilizations. Maybe a savage worlds jungle. Anything you can point me to with interesting factions, encounters, environments and ruins. Thanks in advance.

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Twizz Stonefist

First Post
Since it seems pirates and jungles go hand in hand. Discovered a game called Pirates on DriveThruRPG.com from a company called New Dimension Games had 14 modules at $3.00 each. Very easy to adapt and add onto. If you just want to try it had 6 - 2 page adventures for free called Pirates: Downloads Pack One--free mini-adventures .

Water Bob

Again, I don't know if it suits your target, but the Conan RPG also has Tales of the Black Kingdoms. This is a series of linked adventures and mini-sourcebook. If you're not familiar with Conan's Hyborian Age, the Black Kingdoms are where Africa is today, but back in the pre-historical era of Conan's time (called "The Hyborian Age").

So, these adventures are set in thick, African-type jungles with tribes of savages as the bad guys. Here's a fair playtest review of the book.


A couple of things about the Hyborian Age: This Map shows the African continent back during Conan's day. You can see that the world has changed a lot in the modern age. Turan will become Turkey and its environs. Stygia will become Egypt. And, you can see the Black Kingdoms with some of the bigger, longer lasting kingdoms like Darfar and Kush labeled along the Black Coast.

Another thing to know is that dinosaurs are encountered in the Black Kingdoms as well as in other non-civilized regions of the world during the Hyborian Age. Here is one of Robert E. Howard's original Conan tales, set in the Black Kingdoms, that features an early fight with dinosaurs (although he doesn't call it that--that word hasn't yet been invented!). Howard's Conan tales are now in the public domain, so it's legal to download and read these. After Conan fights the dinosaur, he encounters an ancient city of green stone that is Aztec-esque. That story should be right up your alley!

And, another thing to know is that there are jungled areas in other parts of the world during the Hyborian Age. For example, far north of the Black Kingdoms, but also on the western coast, is the Pictish Wilderness. The Picts are white savages, with a more early American Indian feel (think the east coast of the US during colonial times--Indian savages and forests).

If you are interested in the Conan RPG, check out THIS THREAD.

Darfai people of the Black Kingdom of Darfar...

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Water Bob

Also, Green Ronin put out a series of historically based (semi-historically based) supplements that they call Mythic Vistas. Many of them are out of print, now, but I'm sure you can find them--at least a pdf. One you might be interested in is called Mythic Vistas: Skull & Bones. Think Pirates of the Carribbean, and you'll be in the right frame of mind for it. Pirates. Jungles. Dark sorcery.

Some of the other Mythic Vistas books may interest you. Look around.

FMQ1: City of Gold is an adventure for the Maztica set you just bought. You know that there's a trilogy of novels set in Maztica, right?

FMA1: Fires of Zatal is another Maztica adventure.
FMA 2: Endless Armies is its sequel.

Avalanche Press published a supplement for d20 3E called Aztecs: Empire of the Dying Sun.

GURPS has an Aztecs book. GURPS also has a highly regarded Dinosaurs book. Plus, GURPS has an Ice Age book and a lost worlds type supplement called Lands Out of Time.

Lost Prehistorica is a generic d20 supplement. Primal Codex is another generic d20 supplement for playing in primitive settings.

The old Timemaster RPG has a supplement called Temples of Blood.

Empire of the Petal Throne is an RPG with a science-fantasy setting based on ancient South America and ancient India.

Ronin Arts published an Aztec-themed adventure called The Ixiptia.

Heirs to the Lost World is an rpg set during the Spanish exploration of the Americas.

And, check this out: This is an RPG, with a horror slant, set among the Aztecs.

I'm sure that you can find more stuff by just googleing a bit.
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Was going to point out HEX, but Hand of Evil has already mentioned that. Another using the same engine but an earlier time period would be Leagues of Adventure. It's more Victorian and Steampunk, but the world is presented a lot less explored than HEX. It's fairly new so there isn't a lot of source material to worry about picking up and if you like classic stories by Verne or Doyle then it is a good start.

Twizz Stonefist

First Post
Just grabbed a Conan: Hyboria's Fallen: Pirates, Thieves, & Temptresses & Conan: Hyboria's Finest Nobles, Scholars, & Soldiers can never have too many npcs. Conan: Catacombs of Hyboria, Conan: Pirate Isles & CONAN: ARGOS & ZINGARA because they were cheap. Books I will keep an eye out for when they are cheaper Conan: Hyboria's Fiercest-Barbarians, Borderers and nomads, Conan: Tito's Trading post, Conan:Cities of Hyboria, and Conan:Adventures in the Hyborian Age.

Twizz Stonefist

First Post
Also grabbed off ebay Aztecs: Empire of the Dying Sun, Green ronin: skull and bones & Timemaster: Temples of Blood. Ordering the Witch Hunter: Aztec Empire, Cults of Freeport and Pathfinder Adventure Path: The Serpent's Skull Part 1 - Souls For The Smuggler's Shiv thru work.

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