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Looking for Feat Advice for Mysterious Elven Hermit Character Concept


Edit: Forgot to mention, Alignment planned to be NG

The idea for this concept is, well, a mysterious elven hermit wise in the ways of the natural morld and magic for in a magical world magic is not only natural but a part of nature, and this individual desires to be part of them both.

In terms of personality I see him as akin to Gandalf, Elrond, Galadriel, Fangorn, and so forth extremely intelligent and wise, learned in wood lore, herbalism, and healing, not given to being "too Hasty" - though more hasty than Fangorn generally at any rate.

This character would serve as *the* caster in a three person party with a warrior and a stealthy scout.

The basic advancement plan is thus:
Level Class
1st Druid
2nd Wizard
3rd Druid
4th Wizard
5th Druid
6th Wizard
7th Mystic Theurge (Druid, Wizard)
8th Mystic Theurge (Druid, Wizard)
9th Arcane Hierophant (Druid Wizard)
10th Arcane Hierophant (Druid Wizard)
11th Arcane Hierophant (Druid Wizard)
12th Arcane Hierophant (Druid Wizard)
13th Arcane Hierophant (Druid Wizard)
14th Arcane Hierophant (Druid Wizard)
15th Arcane Hierophant (Druid Wizard)
16th Arcane Hierophant (Druid Wizard)
17th Arcane Hierophant (Druid Wizard)
18th Arcane Hierophant (Druid Wizard)
19th Mystic Theurge (Druid, Wizard)
20th Mystic Theurge (Druid, Wizard)

This is in order to maximize his spellcasting which is his primary funtion.

I'm looking for feat advice as the title of the thread states. I know I like the Magic of the Land feat from Races of the Wild, and it certainly fits with the concept. I was also thinking of taking Arcane Disciple for the Healing Domain as I will be functioning as the caster, as primary healer as well and that would fill the gaps in the Druid's healing repetoire. Augment Healing (CD) would help in that regard as well and for a Druid Augment Summoning would be useful, and Battle Caster (RoW) would also likely come in handy. Practised Spellcaster would also be certainly useful. The problem is not thinking of useful feats, it's selecting which of the myriad useful feats would (a) be of most utility and (b) best fit the concept. Advice?
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Thank you for your reply and aid Forsaken One, but I think that won't fit what I want quite as well as Druid/Wizard - a Druid/Sorcerer is likely to be Wise and Charismatic and well spoken rather than wise and intelligent and learned in much lore. The slight edge of grumpiness I feel this character might have on the rare occassion would also go contrary to one as silver toungued as such a sorcerer is likely to be.

Eschew Material Components is indeed a feat that seems well in line for a character of this sort, but I loathe spending two feats on other metamagic feats just to be able to take it as I believe the prerequisite requires.

And I should like to avoid the Vow of Poverty because it can get to be a sticky wicket and the moment it is mentioned eyebrows tend to be raised warily and justifiably so. Unless I have a character who is that dedicated to a lack of possessions I desire to stay away from that. This character I see being a hermit more because people annoy him when they act immorally or illogically to his view of things and so prefers to spend his time associating with the animals of the wild rather being a hermit because he eschews material possessions.

If I were to use Exalted feats I think thinks like Nymphs Kiss and the Nimbus of Light feats would be more in keeping with the concept as I see it.


Maybe this is why the Character Concept appealed to me... lol

So I just took one of those quiz things here to tell me what sort of D&D character I am... and here's what it had to say. Maybe this is why this Char Concept appealed to me? lol

You Are A:

Chaotic Good Elf Mage Druid

Chaotic Good characters are independent types with a strong belief in the value of goodness. They have little use for governments and other forces of order, and will generally do their own things, without heed to such groups.

Elves are the eldest of all races, although they are generally a bit smaller than humans. They are generally well-cultured, artistic, easy-going, and because of their long lives, unconcerned with day-to-day activities that other races frequently concern themselves with. Elves are, effectively, immortal, although they can be killed. After a thousand years or so, they simply pass on to the next plane of existence.

Primary Class:
Mages harness the magical energies for their own use. Spells, spell books, and long hours in the library are their loves. While often not physically strong, their mental talents can make up for this.

Secondary Class:
Druids are a special variety of Cleric who serves the Earth, and can call upon the power in the earth to accomplish their goals. They tend to be somewhat fanatical about defending natural settings.

Detailed Results:

Lawful Good ----- XXXX (4)
Neutral Good ---- XXXX (4)
Chaotic Good ---- XXXXX (5)
Lawful Neutral -- X (1)
True Neutral ---- X (1)
Chaotic Neutral - (-2)
Lawful Evil ----- (-2)
Neutral Evil ---- (-3)
Chaotic Evil ---- XX (2)

Human ---- (-7)
Half-Elf - XX (2)
Halfling - (-1)
Dwarf ---- (-2)
Half-Orc - (-5)
Gnome ---- X (1)

Fighter - (-9)
Ranger -- XXXXX (5)
Paladin - (-3)
Cleric -- XXXXXXX (7)
Mage ---- XXXXXXXXX (9)
Druid --- XXXXXXXXX (9)
Thief --- (-9)
Bard ---- XXXXX (5)
Monk ---- XXXXX (5)

Anyway, I've been thinking about this a good deal more and I've been thinking about using the Magic Staff wizard option from Dragon #338 because I thought it was cool and I feel that I could design a staff that very nicely fits the character. I'm going to talk with the other folks playing - not sure which of us will be DMing it yet - and see about making a "Staff feat" like Practiced Spellcaster, but as a staff modification, so as long as he holds his staff he recieves the benefit of the Practiced Spellcaster feat, so once he takes the feat and pays to have the staff enhanced twice as long as he possesses the staff he casts spells more powerfully. I like the idea that he has invested himself in his staff and that part of his power and ability is in the staff and while he is still capable without it, he is not quite as capable as he is with it.

Try this:

Signature Staff

The wizard may choose to select a signature staff instead of a familiar. The signature staff serves as a focus for the wizard's magic, and enables the wizard to cast certain spells for which the wizard is renowned ... signature spells.

At first level, the wizard's staff is a masterwork quarterstaff to which the wizard is attuned (this process takes 24 hours and 100gp worth of oils, incense, and other materials for the tuning ceremony). With the staff in hand, the wizard casts all spells as if she possessed the Eschew Materials feat. In addition, the wizard may use the staff to "lose" a prepared spell slot and spontaneously cast a "signature spell" the level of that spell slot or below. This casting is a standard action which draws attacks of opportunity. A specialist wizard may use a school spell slot to cast a signature spell, but that spell must be of the school in which the wizard specializes.

Signature spell: At 1st level, choose one spell the wizard knows. With signature staff in hand, the wizard is able to spontaneously convert prepared spells of the level of the sacrificed spell slot or below into the signature spell. The wizard gains an additional signature spell from spells known at every odd level.

Example: Mialee chooses to focus on fire spells. At first level, she selects burning hands as her signature spell. At any time she has her staff in hand, she may choose to sacrifice one of her prepared first level spell slots to cast burning hands as a standard action. At 3rd level, she selects pyrotechnics as her next signature spell. She may then spontaneously convert any 2d-level prepared spell slot into pyrotechnics or burning hands, or any 1st level spell slot into burning hands.

In addition to the signature spell ability, the signature staff also increases in utility as the wizard increases in level:

At 5th level, and every 5 levels thereafter, it gains a +1 enhancement bonus -- it is a +1 quarterstaff at 5th level, a +2 quarterstaff at 10th level, etc. At 5th level, the wizard may also further enhance the staff with additional weapon enhancements starting at 5th level, provided the wizard has the craft arms and armor feat (costs as per the feat). At 12th level, the wizard may imbue additional spell abilities into the signature staff as charges, provided the wizard has the craft staff feat (this mechanic functions exactly as the craft staff feat, except that when all charges in the staff are expended, the staff returns to its role as a signature staff. It may then be further charged with different spells should the wizard choose by repeating the crafting process). Only levels in classes which grant the familiar special feature may be counted toward signature staff levels.

The wizard knows the direction and distance to the signature staff so long as the staff is on the same plane and within 1 mile.

If the signature staff is destroyed, the magical energies associated it detonate, causing 5 points of force damage per wizard level to all within 20' of the staff (to include the wielder, if the wizard has it in hand)(Reflex save DC10 + staff level for half damage). The wizard must make a Fortitude save (DC15) or lose 200 XP per wizard level (or half that if the saving throw is made). The wizard may then attune a new signature staff, but doing so requires not only the 24 hours and 100gp for the ceremony, but a gold piece and XP expenditure equivalent to crafting a magical quarterstaff of the same enhancement as the signature staff. The wizard may select new signature spells for each appropriate level when crafting a new signature staff.

A wizard who has a signature staff, who does not have it in hand, may not employ the Eschew Materials feat, nor spontaneously convert spell slots to signature spells. A wizard who is without the attuned signature staff for a period of more than 24 hours becomes fatigued until the staff is recovered (this does not apply if the attuned staff has been destroyed; see below).

The wizard may voluntarily choose to sacrifice the staff by breaking it, but risks the damage from the arcane detonation and suffers the XP loss as per normal. The wizard may then craft a new signature staff.

A signature staff is strengthened by the arcane energies which attune it to its wizard; it possesses hardness 10, and 20 hit points, or hit points equal to the wizards (whichever is greater).


Oooh I do like that a lot!! I'll have to dig out Dragon 338 and read through that again and look at this again and do some real thinking!!

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