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Looking for help building a low level archer bard


I’ve been looking at advice on building a bard using archery on the internet. However I found that a lot of theorycrafting is done for high-level characters. My bard will start at level 4, and the campaign might end before he reaches level 10. So some of the great advice I read (e.g. using the level 10 bard magical secrets to get access to level 17 ranger spells) isn’t all that relevant for me.

So, I am trying to build a level 4 character. He should be a bard because of the story of the campaign he is in. He should be an archer, because I want to have another, better damage option in combat than Vicious Mockery when my spells run out or I save spell slots for healing, and I don’t really want to be a front line tank. He should have expertise in opening locks and disarming traps, because there isn’t a rogue in the party.

My first problem appears to be getting proficiency with a long bow. I could get that from making a wood elf, or maybe better a half-elf with wood elf ancestry. If not from race, I could get longbow proficiency from the college of valor. Or I could get longbow proficiency from first making a level 1 fighter, getting archery fighting style, but having 1 level less in bard. What would you advise?

I have a sneaking suspicion that the multi-classing beloved by theory-crafters is in fact a bit of a burden at lower levels. For example most classes get a big boost to damage output at level 5. A bard of valor gets his second attack only at level 6, and if he took 1 level of fighter, only at level 7. That is 2 levels of underperforming compared to the rest of the party, so I’m not sure it is a good idea.

I think I would like to avoid going college of valor, because I don’t think that college is very good. But if I get longbow proficiency from race or multi-classing, I could totally abuse the college of swords flourishes, because they say they apply to “weapon attacks”, and aren’t limited to melee weapons. What do you think?

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There is an optimization subforum.

That said, you are overthinking things. Valor is plenty good and is just the sort of character you want. You won't be using the shield, but medium armour is still great to have. You get a 2nd attack, and the combat inspiration is good for protection as it can add to AC.

The second attack at level 6 that a valour bard gets would be very useful for an archer, and since you get martial weapons, means you can be any race you like.

Another option to archery if you want a more caster-focused bard is to play a variant human, pick up the Magic Initiate Feat (warlock) Eldritch Blast, Hex, + 1 other warlock cantrip (e.g. Toll the Dead).

Final suggestion: variant human valour bard, choose Crossbow Expert feat.


The fighter dip gives you +2 to hit via a fighting style and proficency in contact saves.

At level 6 just focus more on being a caster than an Archer. Level 7 up you are golden.


This sounds pretty easy actually. First thing I'd do is stop worrying about a Longbow. Short bows are only 1D lower, average 1pt less per hit which really isn't all that big a deal in the grand scheme of things.

Second, yes Valor, no brainer there if the archery aspect is going to be a central feature.

Third, with a decent Dex and the Sharpshooter Feat, you're all set. Manage to finagle yourself some Bracers of Archery your doing just fine and pretty much there. Sharpshooter will give you normal hit rolls out to plenty of range(320ft), and there are few things in the game more satisfying than making that head shot from 300ft away when they are in cover. One of the players in my campaign has this setup on his bard, and it's frankly so useful we all keep referring to his Bard as the party Ranger, and actually are surprised when he does something bardish. I think you'll do just fine.


Who else is in your group? What classes?

In general a Valor Bard gets you want you want. Half elf are always good Bards, Wood Elf is good also. Human variant gets you a feat, Warcaster solves the problem of casting with things in hands. Mobile wouldn’t be bad either, you can get out of dodge easier by attacking someone and moving away and you get a speed bonus.

Lore doesn’t get you more spell slots, you need armor and weapons more.

Honestly, I would reconsider the idea of playing an archer bard. You're either going to end up as a poor bard, or a poor archer. Possibly both.

For a game that starts at level 4 and won't make it to level 10, waiting an entire level without having an Extra Attack can be pretty harsh. Even worse, you have to struggle through being -2 on all attack rolls, since you can't get the fighting style you need. If you primarily consider yourself to be an archer, then you might feel bad that you aren't contributing much.

(Alternatively, of course, don't worry about it. Just make a half-elf valor bard, and be moderately okay at almost everything. With a good Dex, even one arrow per round is more than a wizard can throw out at-will. It's only a problem if you worry about it.)


I have a hard time understanding why everybody here prefers College of Valor over College of Swords. College of Swords gives:
- Medium armor just like valor
- The ability to use your weapon as a spell focus, solving the problem how to cast weapon in hand. (Valor doesn’t have this)
- Extra attack at level 6 just like valor
- Blade flourishes at level 3 which to me seem to be far superior compared to valor’s combat inspiration
So to me swords seems to be superior to valor in pretty much every way.

On the question of “what else does the party need”, the answer is always the same: A healbot. Nobody wants to play a healbot. I don’t want to play a healbot. But by making a bard who by default uses weapons rather than spells, I end up with unused spell slots which I can use to at the very least revive a fallen comrade with a healing word as a bonus action.

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