Looking for information on New Waterdeep


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Raflar said:
DUH! I knew I saw them somewhere, thanks. I just downloaded them now, but before I start searching through them all, does anyone knew specifically which book (or section) "NEW WATERDEEP" is mentioned or described in?

The campaign arc will not be immersed in Maztican culture too much, at least outside of New Waterdeep. The story will start in New Waterdeep and then involve more exploration into the northern (unknown lands). We play exclusively in the Realms and this is my way of introducing my homebrew world. So I'm using the 'unknown' lands north of Maztica. My players like to interact with things they have read in stories and someone in playing a young noble of Waterdeep with trading ties to New Waterdeep (the noble house name escapes me at the moment) and I thought this would be a great way to bring them into MY world that I have been working on....

Anyway, I babble on. Off to search for New Waterdeep..

There is a Maztica book that deals with the lands north of those in the boxed set. It's something like Valley of Gold, or Lands of Gold, or something like that. I think it mainly deals with their equivalant to Mexico, and the southern U.S. with Anasazi etc. It makes mention of there being elves and thri-kreen in the north, if I remember correctly.

Does anyone remember which Dragon magazine had Jaguar Knight and Eagle Knight prestige classes?


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