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Looking for input on a few spells


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Hey all. Okay, scenario is: I'm the DM, I'm in the process of designing a badguy and I'd like to pick the collective ENWorld brain for ideas and implementation on how to pull this guy off.

The villain in question is a human half-vampire (as per the template from Libris Mortis). Going to have him with a few introductory levels in a warrior class, several in sorcerer and then on into eldritch knight. The idea with his sorcerer spells being to replicate the general abilities possessed by a true vampire. Awakening and developing his inner vampire-ness, as it were. So he won't be tossing around fireballs, but he will be turning into mist (Gaseous Form), charming or dominating people with his gaze (occular spell worth considering?), summoning bats and wolves, and so on.

Two salient questions I'd like to ask are first, while I've got a basic idea of spells that'd be appropriate, are there any you can think of that'd fit? The second question is that while some spells seem quite appropriate, such as enervation, certain aspects don't fit, so the version of the spell he knows would need to be adjusted. I'd like some feedback on that, if possible. Using the enervation example, the kinda-energy drain is a perfect fit... but for the range. His version should be a touch spell. Should the spell gain any particular benefit in exchange for losing its range advantage? That sort of thing.

The list of appropriate spells I've come up with so far are as follows. Side note - I have no problem adapting spells from other class lists if they're thematically appropriate. Spells listed are PHB only (only book on hand atm), but spells from other sources are perfectly fine. I've only gotten up to lvl 5 spells mapped, but spells of higher level are equally welcome. Spells with a (*) note some variation from the base spell being appropriate.

0th: Resistance, Touch of Fatigue

1st: Obscuring Mist, Summon Monster 1, Charm Person, Hypnotism, Mage Armor(*). Sleep, Cause Fear, and Ray of Enfeeblement(*) also seem in the general ballpark.

2nd: Summon Monster 2, Summon Swarm, False Life, Darkvision, Bull's Strength, Cat's Grace, Bear's Endurance, Eagle's Splendor, Spider Climb. Possibly also Resist Energy(*) - cold and elec only?

3rd: Summon Monster 3, Suggestion, Ray of Exhaustion(*), Vampiric Touch, Gaseous Form, Haste, Water Breathing.

4th: Summon Monster 4, Charm Monster, Enervation(*), Stoneskin(*), Polymorph(*).

5th: Summon Monster 5, Dominate Person.

For the most part, his spells would be for use exclusivly on himself, if they're beneficial in nature. He shouldn't be able to replicate a vampire's DR via stoneskin on someone else. Summon Monster would be for bats, wolves, etc. Polymorph would be to turn into the same. The semi-lifeforce draining spells (fatigue, exhaustion, enfeeblement, etc) would ideally be touch spells.

Anyway - thanks for any and all assistance. :D

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Thoughts on modifications:

Mage Armor - Self only. Make it a natural armor bonus instead of an armor bonus? Idea is to recreate some of the vampire's nat. armor / toughness.

Ray of Enfeeblement - Touch range instead of a ray. Along with Touch of Fatigue, this being the first step along recreating the vampire's energy drain via slam.

Resist Energy - Self only. Possibly make it only versus Cold and Electricity. Would it be unbalanced to make it restricted to cold/elec, but being useful against both with only a single casting? Recreating the vampire's native cold/elec resist.

Gaseous Form - Self only.

Haste - Self only. Trying to recreate the vampire's insane reflexes (the dex bonus and most of their bonus feats). Doesn't seem quite right, but sort of a closeish fit.

Water Breathing - Self only. Undead don't breathe. Possible conflict with the vampire's normal vulnerability to running water.

Enervation - Touch range. The penultimate energy drain slam.

Stoneskin - Self only. Change the bypass criteria from /adamantine to /silver and magic?

Polymorph - Self only. Probably limit to vampirey forms such as bats, rats, wolves, etc. Would the newer 'polymorph but only into X' spells be more appropriate, or better to go with a restricted form of the base spell instead? Taking into consideration the issue of limited spells known.

Summon Monster - recreating Children of the Night, basically. Possibly go with a restricted version of Summon Nature's Ally instead? Gets untemplated wolves with the level 1 spell, for example.


First Post
You might want to look at armor of darkness, it's in the divine spells and such section of the SRD.

Perhaps an arcane version of it?

Armor Of Darkness
Abjuration [Darkness]
Level: Darkness 4
Components: V, S , D F
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Touch
Target: Creature touched
Duration: 10 minutes/level
Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless)
Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless)
The spell envelops the warded creature in a shroud of shadows. The shroud can, if the caster desires, conceal the wearer’s features. In any case, it grants the recipient a +3 deflection bonus to Armor Class plus an additional +1 for every four caster levels (maximum bonus +8). The subject can see through the armor as if it did not exist and is also afforded darkvision with a range of 60 feet. Finally, the subject gains a +2 bonus on saving throws against any holy, good, or light spells or effects.Undead creatures that are subjects of armor of darkness also gain +4 turn resistance.

Nonlethal Force

First Post
It looks like you've got a good handle on the spells. What about the feat Cloudy Conjuration from CM? It's require Spell Focus (Conjuration), but the effects could be cool. Depending on how you were building this character it might be a feat-sink or it might be an easy add on....

Iku Rex

Some thoughts

I wouldn't be so hung up on duplicating vampire abilities exactly. By high levels that's clearly not possible. Instead I'd make him a "vampire themed melee mage". After all, all vampires have class levels. (I see you're already doing that to some extent, but you still seem overly concerned with making him a perfect "vampire".)

Some suggestions for non-PHB "vampire spells". Most are easily modified to become more "vampy" in flavor.

Eyes of the Avoreal (lv1, BoED 99): +8 racial bonus on spot checks. (As a vampire.)
Heroics (lv 2, SC 113): Lets you duplicate some of those racial feats.
Shroud of Undeath (lv2, SC 189): Low-level sort-of-make-you-undead spell.
Undulant Innards (lv3, Lords of Madness 213): Crit immunity.
Dragonskin (lv3, SC 73): Bonus on natural armor and resistance to cold or electricity. (Or both, with a second casting.)
Spiderskin (lv3, SC 202): Another natural armor spell, this time with a bonus on hide and poison saves.
Iron Bones (lv4, SC 125): Third natural armor spell. Undead only - must use shroud of undeath or similar. +6, but no additional benefit.
Voice of the Dragon (lv 4, SC 232): Not an exact match (vampires only have racial bonus on bluff), but would work well I think.
Kiss of the Vampire (lv7, SC 128): The most obvious vampire-wannabe spell. Grants vampire like abilities.
Veil of Undeath (lv8, SC 229): Gives you a long list of undead traits.
Primal Hunter/Instinct/Senses/Speed (lv2/3/4/6, Dragon Magic 71): Long-duration spells that grant all sorts of minor "feral" bonuses.

Accelerated Movement (lv1, SC 7), Swift Expeditious Retreat (lv1, SC 85), Swift Fly (lv2, SC 96): Swift spells. They could add some magic to the character's movement without the obvious "the mage casts fly".
Lesser Celerity/Celerity/Greater Celerity (lv2/4/8): Act out of turn. Another way to represent supernatural quickness.

(I have more suggestions, but they're not quite as good fits for your theme.)

Some build suggestions. Get at least one level of monk, and the Ascetic Mage feat (CAdv, Cha-to-AC). Able Learner (Races of Destiny) (if human) for some vampy skills. Spell Thematics (PGtFaerun) to give the spells flavor and make them hard to recognize without actually making them unique to the character. Eschew Materials to avoid the non-scary rummaging around after the material component. Maybe Still and Silent Spell too.

Voidrunner's Codex

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