Looking for NYC Pathfinder/3.5 group ...


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Title says it all. :)

Preferably any Paizo Golarion based AP, Shackled City, Age of Worms, Savage Tide, or Castle Whiterock.

Also interested in any PbP of the above.

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Are you interested in playing via Maptools? The weekly Pathfinder game I play in is looking to fill a couple slots.

We usually meet Wed and Thurs night, 8 to 11 or so. And if you don't know Maptool, you can check it out here: www (dot) rptools (dot) net. Its free.

Good luck finding a game!


First Post
I have maptools from awhile back, but not sure 2 back to back days would work for my other half.

How far into the Pathfinder game are you, and is it an AP or homebrew?


We're a little over halfway through Runelords, and the campaign also includes quite a bit of DM-written material.

After we finish Runelords, we're going to create new characters and move on to another Paizo AP.

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