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Looking for RPG Shops in Boise, idaho



I am from Europe, but in a couple of weeks will have to go to the US for a training for 2 weeks.

Can someone recommend me some shops to visit in Boise, Idaho?

Thank you!

PS: I also craft terrain for my D&D game, any recommendations in that area are also welcome.

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Phoenix Fire Games (it shows up when googled, and has a facebook page if you are into that kind of thing) is my go-to FLGS in the Boise area. It's technically in Meridian, but the two cities might as well be one because they are right up against each other (the shop is only like 2 city blocks outside of Boise).

The one thing that can be confusing about getting to the place is if you are using a GPS and don't correctly enter that you are looking for an address on East Fairview in Meridian, rather than in Boise, because Meridian is west of Boise and both cities decided to use the east/west split, putting two streets called East Fairview on the map with a long stretch of West Fairview in the middle of them.


5ever, or until 2024
Boise is not a big place. Not at all. But there are several game stores, for whatever reason. These include a local chain called All About Games that has multiple locations, including one downtown. Like most game stores these days, its a lot of euro and family games with a smaller rpg section.

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