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Looking for Stories


Fatora Dawn Silverwing


Fatora steps upto the cork, and tacks a note

I've never offered anyone the truth of my story, I do not know how many would be interested, or how many would care in the story of Fatora. But as I need a release from the burdens that consume me, I feel having them upon parchment for rememberance might bring me resolve, be well, I shall check back.

There is so much to tell......so much indeed, I have forgotten a good share of what it is to be me, I dare not forget anymore......

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Lord Tarran

A large grey wolf runs into the room, two scrolls in its mouth, as well as this note:

Dear Lady D'win,
These were written by me, and I was curious if you would share them with our friends.

Thank you,

On the scrolls there is this mystical spell: Narratus Lunae et Umbra



Taking notice that a note had been left for her at the bar, D'win appered to take a look. Seeing that a gentleman had left her a scroll to record, D'win picked it up and wrote it down. Then as she got up to leave she left a note for the gentleman.

Dear Sir,
Thank you for the wonderful story. I am sure that many in the future will take notice of it. I am honored that you left me this note. Once agian, thank you for the pleasure of recording you story for my books, tomes, and libraries.

Fighting for All,
Keeper of the Book of Fallen Angels and the Book of Mortals,



After several days absence Silxa returns to the tavern quietly entering at about dusk on a sunny evening and moving gracefully across the room she sets down at the table that a few nights ago had been occupied by many a being. Lech is with her this time and, gliding up into the rafters and taking roost above where Silxa seats herself, lets out the softest, smallest squack possible, just to let everyone know that he has returned to his woman's service as Silxa leans her staff against the table and slides herself out of the sash of her bag.

"Sush!" Silxa waves her hand up at the bird as she relaxes in the chair, and finally folds both hands across her abdomen awaiting company.



"Nope, I geuss not."
D'win then slides into the seat next to Silxa. "Are you waiting for someone my old friend?"



A figure, cloaked in shadows and a deep, concealing hood, sits at a corner table, in a deep reverie of thought. Her head rises sleightly as she regards the woman finding her way despite lack of sight. The woman inquires about others joining her, and yet none answer her call. She watches still, as another woman, of perhaps mysterious descent, joins the first.
She stands, then, collecting her drink of fine elven wine, and walks over to join the other two women. Her steps are careful, measured, and she makes no sound as she approaches them. She speaks in a soft, almost mystical tone, a tone more suited for holy men, perhaps.
"Ever spoken, never broken,
Such is the life of a wanderer.
Walking in darkness, walking in light,
Ever followed by the world's blight.
Tales have I, of pain, glory, and life,
Ever preceded by life's bane of death."

"Such is the life of an outcast, wandering forever,
Wandering forever for the world's end.
Have ye a free seat to offer,
For one such as I to sit a spell?"

In the light, as both women turn, they can see inside the hood of a female elf, a drow. Her ebony face is expressionless, and yet her eyes speak of sadness and pain and glory, all rolled into one's life.



"Not really I was just hoping for a few people to sit meet and take from there but now I see that there are people and so I will be on my way."


Agudo Archmage


A rather dashing long blond haired mage walks in to the tavern His Blue and White robes sparkling clean as they sway behind him.
He walks up to the barkeep and mumbles a few words to her.
She nods her head and points to a wall near by, with a few advertisements near the door.

The obvious looking wizard, walks over to it and pins the following parchment up.

NEW…. See the wonderful land of Amn by reading my book.

See below for an excerpt,

(Agudo Travel Guide To The Realms #3)

I now take you, my loyal book readers and intrepid adventures, to the land of Amn.
Just do south of Baldurs Gate and north of Calmshan on the Sword Coast.

This prosperous country of commerce, is a bastion of anti magic in its worst form.
We wizards are outlawed, chased after by glorified government hunters.

Those who practice the Arts, are considerd deviant and dangerous.
The lucky few who still dare to cast a spell, are either Cowel Wizards.
They being the only legal Wizard organization in Amn.
Or the caster has paid an absurd amount of coin, to get a magic licenses from the government.

Yet if you are brave enough or just greedy!
You can make a pretty coin or two, in this bastion of a trader’s paradise.

And with that ringing endorsement, lets go to the heart of this barters Mecca.
That being the capitol city Athkatla.
Here you will be indoctrinated in the finer points of making the Deal.

Everything in Athkatla is for sale, and if you have need to shop, one of my personal favorite spots is…

((Waukeens Promenade))

Talk about a Coliseum!
Yet this place is not full of gladiators, battling each other to death.
But of merchandise.
Let me just name you a few, of their varied products.
Such as exotic foodstuffs from all over the Realms.
Fruits like the famous passion melons from the Black Jungles.
Spicy Garlic Nuts from the Isle of Quelthir.
Lets not forget the Healing Blue Plums of Durpar and their high prices that go with it.

When staying in the city of Athkatla, the Waukeens Promenade, offers the…

“Mithrest Inn.”
A noble women’s dream of fine dining, and comfortable sleeping accommodations.
It’s also an excellent place, for the latest ear full, on upper class intrigue.
Pugny the Barkeep and Rebecca the Barmaid, have a superb reputation, for good service to us traveling folks.
They will help give you directions, to where ever you need to go in the city.
Couple of the regulars there are Lorgo and Lady Lasella.
Lorgo is plump but jolly fellow, who likes to tell of his humble beginnings, and his climb to riches.
He is the first to tell anyone near by…. “Don’t let the rich folks push you around.”
Of course Lady Lasella may disagree with that last statement.
Yet she is friendly enough to get the latest goings on.
For example, she happen to tell me the last time I was in town.
A well-known Cleric, by the name of Aya, had disappeared, under strange circumstances.
The Church of Lathender was in a tizzy over her abduction.
It nearly made Lady Lasella miss her tailor appointment!
Imagine the social ramification, if that would of happen.

“Seven Vales”
If your in need of some entertainment then, I highly recommend the stand up comedian; and one of the better Bards of the land … Alata De Bonito!
He can be found the “Seven Vales three nights a week”
Bonito is a part time accountant and mage, as well.
For those needing help with keeping track of their coin he your man.

This tavern located on the upper levels of the Promenade.
But I must worn any men who enter… that the owner by the name of Patricia has this dislike to men.
My feeling is that her ex-husband is the reason for that!
Yet it is the kind of place to meet over some drinks, and enjoy the many talents of Bardic troops, that may be playing that night.

*Adventure Mart*

Located in the middle upper side of Waukeen’s Promenade.
You will find a boisterous young Gnome, by the name of Howker.
Bellowing the finer attributes of the Adventure Mart.
He will practically highbrow you inside the cavernous shoppers paradise.

Once inside you find everything from used armor, to the latest in magic wands.
The owner a rather well known former adventure himself, is Ribald Barterman.
Slick talking, capable of charming you into buying your shoes, salesmen if their ever was one.

His favorite saying when he greets his customers are…

“My Adventure Mart is the finest shopping in all of Faerrun.
Widest selection, lowest prices… and nary a fancy illustration!
Just the goods bare and plain.

Or his more shaper reply to a new customer is…

“A customer is born ever minute, and a Rube soon after!”

Ribald is a charismatic fellow, who has collected, bought, and some would say; acquired shady merchandise, from less than respectable people.

As a wizard, I have found his place to be one of the best stores, to buy Magical items from.
Especially being that its so illegal to have magic in this bigoted city.
But what’s a mage to do?
Your forced to buy at higher prices and questionable people.
Such as one of the independent sales women there, who calls herself Merchant Deidre.
A noble women of some class, who sees her wears as important as her.
How she got Balduran’s Amor and Butter Knife?
From the northern city named after him, I will never know.

Yet I am sure that it was stolen from the Baldur Gate city Museum.
Maybe I should ask Aurora, on my next visit there to Baldurs Gate.
She a lovable Gnome, but has a penchant for sticky fingers.

Those of us enjoy picking up a new magical scroll or two.
Then I recommend Lady Yuth.
She has paid the city guards to turn a blind eye, when inspecting the Adventuring Mart.
And has a very large selection of illegal magical scrolls, to be had by those with coin.

Near by is Ribald guard Lucy. A medium size Wyvern. It seems to look for those who would give them self’s a five-finger discount.

About some of the locals who hand out at the Adventure Mart are…

Gereth a long time if an oddly loyal customer to this establishment.
He doesn’t trust Ribald ever since he tried charging him three coppers for salamander dust.
Also a friend of Ribald who seems to have nothing better to do that hang out at the desk.
Is a talkative Dwarf calling himself Brelm the Brave.
His big fish stories are legendary, and Ribald is more than happy to Verbally cut the Dwarfs Ego down… even lower than normal for a Dwarf.

*The Circus*

When in the Promenade of Waukeens check out the Circus.
The acrobatic performances are astounding and the clown Gnomes are so comical.
Yet I must say the last time I was in town, the circus was temporary closed.
Apparently one of the Gnomish illusionist went nuts and tried to polymorph ever one into bugs and slime.
So that he could be the ruler of his own little world.

{Well Agudo your traveling guide to the Realms, will next be adding further areas of the city of Athkatla such as….

The Bridge District
Temple District.
Government District
And the fallen heroes district, The Graveyard memorials

Just stay tuned and get ready for more exciting places to travel.

Published by Agudo!


The Immortal Swordsman

A return....

The tired looking Elf strides slowly into the tavern, almost seeming to drag himself. His clothing is battered and tattered, and seems to be covered in dried blood, most of it from unbound and unstitched wounds that seem to cover his body. His appearance, which had been youthful last time he had been seen in these parts, seems to have aged somewhat in such a short time.

The sheath on his hip, which once carried the cursed demon sword that had once brought him so much woe now rides empty, and a peculiar little smile is on his face. His skin seems burned, as though he has been standing to close to some heat source for too long.

The elf makes his way over to an empty seat, literally collapsing into a chair, and motions one of the serving people over with a negligent wave of his hand.

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