• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

LOST 5/4/05 Spoilers, of course!


The_lurkeR said:
The raft just seems like such a joke, I can't see why anyone would want to take that chance. I'm curious to see how it's handled in the upcoming episodes. They can't really afford to lose 4 characters to the open sea, so what will happen?

I have four words for you: "Lord of the Flies". :D

Seriously, desperate people mean desperate actions. Assuming they don't encounter majorly severe tropical storms and remember to grab some life-preserver vests, their greatest danger is dehydration or starvation. Their biggest problem is a lack of experience, more than anything else. Polynesian colonists travels hundreds and thousands of miles on small canoes through the same region, and Rosseau pretty much confirmed that there are other islands in a relatively short distance from this one. Michael's assumption is probably that the island is simply too hostile and it's a question of when, not if, the others or the monster or something else comes to kill them.

The real problem will come when they decide to leave...some of the other survivors may not be happy to realize that they can't get a slot on the raft. Personally, I think the monster may come to destroy it.

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Hand of Evil

The_lurkeR said:
The raft just seems like such a joke, I can't see why anyone would want to take that chance. I'm curious to see how it's handled in the upcoming episodes. They can't really afford to lose 4 characters to the open sea, so what will happen?

My feelings is this will be the cliffhanger of the season, off on the raft they go...a couple of shows next season with them on the raft, shark attack, storm, hunger...then land on the other side of the island! Yep, the same island but they just don't know it, because have you seen how freaking big that island is! There is a city on it, I just know it, it may be empty and glow at night but there is a city on that island! ;)


First Post
Hand of Evil said:
My feelings is this will be the cliffhanger of the season, off on the raft they go...a couple of shows next season with them on the raft, shark attack, storm, hunger...then land on the other side of the island! Yep, the same island but they just don't know it, because have you seen how freaking big that island is!
:lol: That's pretty much exactly what I was thinking!


First Post
LightPhoenix said:
I didn't count the crash memorial, as those people weren't really part of the group.

I don't recall the service for... Scott, was it? I'll have to go back and watch the episode again... oh sad days... :p

I remembered the episode because they pretty much use the memorial service as a vehicle to introduce everyone's mistrust of Claire. At that point Claire hadn't been told what had happened to her after she came back and she goes to Shannon asking why everyone was staring at her. I'm not trying to say your observation is wrong- I agree that the deaths seem to be hand-waved a bit. But they did have one other service (after the initial burial of those that did not survive the crash). I believe Hurley did the eulogy too.


Liquid Awesome
All in all I enjoyed it but one thing jumped out at me as incongruous this time around: Sayid's backstory has showed his tremendous feelings for Nadia (I think that's her name) and he was travelling the world trying to escape her memory when he suddenly finds out she is alive. He is so haunted by the possibility of her coming to harm AND the fact that he might not see her again, he helps talk an old friend into a planned and then (in a completely unexpected manner) executed suicide. But in the end he wins through, honors his friend with a proper burial and his next stop is California where he can be reunited with Nadia.

And so naturally...

In less than a month he hooks up with a blonde, american, rich chick with nice abs and a great ass. :confused:

For a man who seems so self possessed, that seems a bit off.

Regarding the raft, I wouldn't be surprised to see the above predictions come true. One thing I ponder is Michael's involvement. He seems dead set on bringing Walt along. As a father I have a tough time with that one.

It seems like an unnecessary danger to expose a child to and Walt, while a smart kid, is hardly likely to be of a lot of use on an ocean voyage. I think that were I in that same situation I'd be inclined to:

1) Leave him behind on the island with the notion that I'll get help and direct the rescue effort to the island to pick him up later. If I die trying then at least I didn't take my child to the grave with me.


2) Give up my spot on the raft to someone I felt would maximize the chances of success.

Anyhow, still loving the show and I enjoy the discussion here too.

Silver Moon

Rel said:
And so naturally...In less than a month he hooks up with a blonde, american, rich chick with nice abs and a great ass.
You're right, he should have made a play for Hurley instead. :D

And why is everyone knocking the boat idea? For decades the running Gilligan's Island joke has been "If the Professor was so smart why didn't he know how to build a boat?" Given the monster, bears, boars, voices in the woods and homicidal people living somewhere else on the island I think I'd be inclinded to leave too.


First Post
Rel said:
As a father I have a tough time with that one.

And that's exactly why he does. Michael isn't a father, in every way except the literal. He doesn't have experience being a father. Walt's mother took him away, and the reason Michael is in Sydney is to pick up Walt after his butthole step-dad doesn't want to deal with him.


Rel said:
In less than a month he hooks up with a blonde, american, rich chick with nice abs and a great ass. :confused:

For a man who seems so self possessed, that seems a bit off.

Two things occur to me, though I agree. One is that Sayid's relationship with Nadia is not really terribly dynamic, as much as he idolizes her. It's not really a balanced, mature relationship and I suspect it would end badly if allowed to come to fruition. Two is that Sayid may be practicing that old adage: "If you can't be with the on you love, honey, love the one you're with." He went on to add "Do do do do doot doot de doot."

And for the record, she's not rich and probably dyes her hair. ;)


First Post
WizarDru said:
Two things occur to me, though I agree. One is that Sayid's relationship with Nadia is not really terribly dynamic, as much as he idolizes her. It's not really a balanced, mature relationship and I suspect it would end badly if allowed to come to fruition. Two is that Sayid may be practicing that old adage: "If you can't be with the on you love, honey, love the one you're with." He went on to add "Do do do do doot doot de doot."

And for the record, she's not rich and probably dyes her hair. ;)
Carpe Shannon!


First Post
The only thing I'm wondering about is how did Shannon know about the gun case?

I thought only a select few knew about that, from when they went after Ethan. I don't think Shannon was part of that group. Unless word spread around that Jack's got guns. Then that would mean someone from that little "hunting" party had to have told.

Voidrunner's Codex

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