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D&D 4E Lost S04E04 21 Feb 08 Eggtown


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I knew that the baby was gonna be Aaron, but they did a good job of pushing the alternative anyway. :cool:

What happened to Sayid? :uhoh:

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The Grumpy Celt

I’ve got a crazy theory about LOST…

Having just finished the entire Dark Tower series I think that the island may be a manifestation of said Tower and its field of roses, while Dharma and Hanso are variations on the Sombra Company and North Central. I don’t think there are any real Twinners, except possibly Hugo for Eddie and Cuthbert and maybe Jake for Jack. Maybe Mr. Abbadon is Walter O’Dim. 815 is the ka number, rather than 19 or 99. Say thankee.

The only niggling problem with the theory is that it’s not actually written by Stephen King.

Joking aside, I suspect
Claire dies. And given Jack’s reaction he may feel he is culpable for her death. The Oceanic Six refers to the American survivors (eight are mentioned) and the other two would be Jin and Sun, who returned to Korea. If Sun remained on the island then the pregnancy would kill her and if she leaves, then Jim would have no reason to remain. I can’t guess who the other two of the Oceanic Six would be, but I don’t think Ben is one of them.

While Jack’s flash-forwards are probably the most into the future of all of the flash-forwards (Jack, Hugo, Sayid and Kate) I can’t guess where in the time line the other’s. I mean, Kate’s comes before Jack’s (an interesting twist – the “he” she wants to return home to is her little boy, not her lover) but we don’t know where it really falls in relation to Hugo’s or Sayid’s.

There is still an appalling lack
of dance numbers.

Is it just me, or does Jeremy Davies (he plays Faraday) sometimes look like Henry Thomas (of E.T. and Deadbirds)?


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
The time jumps seems to be in reverse chronological order:

1. Kate's
2 (3?) Sayid's
3 (2?) Hugo's
4 Jack's

Jack's is last because he hasn't grown the beard yet in Kate or Hugo's (and states he's going to). That same statement suggests Hugo's is second to last. Sayid's is a bit nebulous in time, but since it seems the Economist was early on the list (since they just discovered he was after them), that would suggest earlier than Hugo's. And I can't imagine them delaying Kate's trial longer than necessary after the "rescue."

I don't think they will keep going closer and closer to the "rescue" as they have a limited time window to do so.

I called Aaron too, though they put in a few doubts (the obvious one and the potential Jack as baby daddy suggestion by the meeting).

So, is baby Aaron one of the 6 or not?


First Post
The Grumpy Celt said:
Joking aside, I suspect
Claire dies. And given Jack’s reaction he may feel he is culpable for her death. The Oceanic Six refers to the American survivors (eight are mentioned) and the other two would be Jin and Sun, who returned to Korea. If Sun remained on the island then the pregnancy would kill her and if she leaves, then Jim would have no reason to remain. I can’t guess who the other two of the Oceanic Six would be, but I don’t think Ben is one of them.
As for the number of survivors. According to Jack's story eight survived the crash and were in the water. Kate was able to save 5 of the others, implying that the other two drown. Conveniently coinciding with the number of survivors that have drowned since landing on the island. (The girl who died on day six and Charlie.)

When telling a lie, stick as close to the truth as possible.


First Post
The Grumpy Celt said:
Joking aside, I suspect
Claire dies. And given Jack’s reaction he may feel he is culpable for her death. The Oceanic Six refers to the American survivors (eight are mentioned) and the other two would be Jin and Sun, who returned to Korea. If Sun remained on the island then the pregnancy would kill her and if she leaves, then Jim would have no reason to remain. I can’t guess who the other two of the Oceanic Six would be, but I don’t think Ben is one of them.

Sayid is Iraqi, so the O6 doesn't refer to only Americans.

My theory is that each of the O6 have some sort of job or task given to them. Jack, of course, is the watcher - he keeps the others in line. We've seen him intercede in both Hurley's and Kate's flashforwards now. I'm guessing something happens to one of them, and that's what causes Jack to lose it.

Sayid had one and possibly failed - hence the line "what those people did to you the last time you thought with your heart" that Ben says to Sayid, referencing the "bad guys." He then goes to work for Ben.

Hand of Evil

Sayid MAY be the guy in the coffin from Jack's flashback.

Why, would seeing Aaron be an issue for Jack? I don't think he is one of the six.

Silver Moon

Mark said:
Maybe Aaron is not one of the 6 since he was not on the manifest.
He was born on the island and to the outside world could have been Kate's, she had been in Aussie for a little while (possibly 9 months after leaving her husband?). Not one of the six therefore since he wasn't among those in the water.

Last night, once she mentioned she had a baby, I and my friend both called "Aaron," but then we thought, that's too obvious. So we started guessing other things. Her son is Walt. Her son is Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaalt. Her son is actually the child of Sawyer. Her son is Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaalt.

Then my friend started getting silly. She's going to go home and we're going to see Charlie in a giant diaper from that commercial flashback. The baby's going to be giant stone person missing a foot. Her son is Ben. Hurley. The smoke monster.

I think perhaps we're not taking Lost seriously. But we're enjoying it.

I'm calling dibs on Claire and Aaron getting off the island by helicopter, but then Claire dies.

Voidrunner's Codex

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