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Lost S04e10 01 May 08 - Something Nice Back Home


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OK episode.

Jack visiting Hurley, and then seeing his dad - that all felt very much like Ebenezer Scrooge and A Christmas Carol. Hurley as Jacob Marley, and his dad as one of the ghosts. :D

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Fast Learner

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It was unusually slow, for me. I just didn't feel all that caught up in it. Maybe because it doesn't feel like we really learned anything. Did we?

I have a request for the writers of Lost.

Could you stop making Kate suck?

Remember back in the beginning of the first season when she was competent at things -- sure, a little easy to spook, a little flaky, but then again, all the characters back then had issues (except Sayid, who has always been a bad-ass). Kate could control a situation, either by taking charge or by manipulating others. People looked to her for help, and she even would volunteer for missions that would help the castaways potentially get off the island.

In one of her flashbacks she shot a guy.

Then she fell in love with Jack and Sawyer, and the entirety of her personality could be boiled down to two topics:

1. I did something bad before I got on the island, and I'm afraid people will find out.

2. I don't know if I love Sawyer or Jack, so I'm going to cry instead of making a decision.

Plus she has grown increasingly incompetent as the seasons went on. It started with her running around frantically when she thought she had highly volatile dynamite in her backpack. Then in season 2 she gets herself captured by a) a drunk Scotsman, b) a dude wearing a fake beard, and c) the same dude with the same fake beard. In season 3, after crying when she's supposed to be escaping, she manages to get away thanks to the help of Sawyer and a 16 year old girl. Then she does lots of nothing for a while, then gets captured by a black woman who is ultimately irrelevant to the show, gets captured by the Others when she starts crying to Jack when she should be rescuing him, and then gets tricked and then saved by Juliet.

Finally we're to the 4th season, and Kate now is so stupid that when she comes across two suspicious people sneaking away from camp, she bends over with her back to them as if to ask them, "Would you please render me unconscious with a sharp blow to my skull?"

Dammit writers, every other major character on the show either started as competent or became competent. Charlie was a heroin addict who became a hero. Sawyer was a swindler and murderer who became a hero. Sayid and Jack started as heroes. Locke wavered a bit, but he's back to hero status. Hurley is the most consistently heroic character on the show.

Why the hell can't you let Kate get over herself, grow the **** up, and stop crying every other episode?!


Fast Learner said:
It was unusually slow, for me. I just didn't feel all that caught up in it. Maybe because it doesn't feel like we really learned anything. Did we?
Well, other than learning that the french woman is really dead and Keamy is really alive, we did learn that Kate has some sort of way of communicating with Sawyer. Plus, Jack's dad isn't alive (he mentioned him in the bearded Jack flash-forward as if you could see how drunk he was). We also learned that Jack chose to leave the island and Sawyer chose to stay.

That's something. Other than that, majorly sucky episode. Worst of the season thus far.

I suppose this episode was okay, but I was rather annoyed with it... I really want to know what's going on with Ben and Jacob at the shack, and what the hell's going on at the boat, not all that interested in the rest of them at the moment...

I was a bit surprised to see that so many of those soldiers survived... ol' Smokey seems to be losing his touch...


First Post
RangerWickett said:
Why the hell can't you let Kate get over herself, grow the **** up, and stop crying every other episode?!

Because then they'd have to kill her off, like they kill off everyone who manages to complete their story arcs. :p

Sucks that Rousseau is really dead. Dang.

Other than that, yeah- a so-so episode. Couldn't figure out why Charlotte was smiling as Jin walked away. Was that just some kind of weird acting choice on her part, or was it because she felt like she'd come away with the better end of the deal (in taking Sun and child on the helicopter)?

Cor Azer

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Cthulhudrew said:
Couldn't figure out why Charlotte was smiling as Jin walked away. Was that just some kind of weird acting choice on her part, or was it because she felt like she'd come away with the better end of the deal (in taking Sun and child on the helicopter)?

I figured it had something to do with her getting a "better deal" - specifically, if Jin wants her to take Sun and child on the helicopter, then he's likely going to help her later if she needs to stop the rest of the Losties from preventing her and Daniel from returning to the freighter.

I'm a bit more curious about Miles; he obviously came with Keamy and Co on the freighter, but wants nothing to do with them - I wonder if he meant Keamy and his men specifically, or is he referring to the freighter crew in all?

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