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Lost: Season 3 02/07/07


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Demmero said:
Just saw a small article on AOL that said that viewership for the first Lost episode of 2007 was down about 2 million viewers (14.7 million vs. an average of 16.7 million for the first part of season 3). My quick math says that's about 1 out of every 8 old viewers.


Then again, maybe a couple million people just forgot that the show started up again this week from its long hiatus ;)

That's actually probably the case. Not having the show on for so long probably hurt interest in the show. It was definitely a mistake to break the season up this way.

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Krampus ate my d20s

Sawyer and Kate should not have killed the Others in the cage. What good is a corpse? You check him and move on. No, they should have knee capped 'em. Tough to leave a buddy who's screaming. How's that for sub-human?

I think the Others would have truly stayed 'other' if we had no back story about them. We are heading for another tail section storyline here. A bunch of new characters to sympathize with, who will be killed off by the end of the season.


First Post
I found the backstory of Juliet to be rather interesting myself. We saw a fractured, discombobulated, unethical fertility researcher willing to take personal risks....transform into a calculating, cold, Other willing to kill people, manipulate others, and put others lives at risk.

The whole time, Juliet has been playing beelzebub with Jack, I have gotten the sense she might be worse than Ben. Ben has some integrity, it seems, at least a personal code of conduct that limits his behavior, not so sure about Juliet.

As for killing the Others at any opportunity... you still have to consider the very likely possibility, that those that are missing are being held by the Others. There are no more 'Face' characters from the other half of the plane, and no more 'Face' parent characters with children missing...but there have to still be some with the Lostaways.

Also, given that the Others seem at least somewhat comprised of the abducted, a sort of Lost Boy scenario from Peter Pan, should any sympathy be extended to those brainwashed?

Ben, if he truly has never been off the Island is probably an abducted child. The young guard that Ranger Wicket is advocating killing is probably an abducted child.


Cthulhudrew said:
Between their presence there, the fact that they knew about Juliet and the notion that Ben was going to let her go, seems to imply that there is a way off the island and that Ben can make it happen. We know that they had at least one boat of their own (though just a small one), and now they have two (with Desmond's).

IIRC, didn't Ben say that he'd never been off the island himself? If so, and if he wasn't lying, that implies that the Others have connections off island as well. Plus, Juliet's files on Jack from episode 1 of this season also seem to indicate that they have connections on the mainland.

All in all, then, I'd say it's safe to assume that at least some of the Others are going back and forth.

As to Ben's methods of coercion? Well, he could hold the threat of violence against loved ones as a means (like he does with Juliet), although that probably wouldn't be possible to do against everyone (after all, he needs someone to enforce those threats). Whatever hold he had over people like Ethan, then, is likely something else. Maybe he's just a very charismatic cult-like figure like seemed to be the case prior to this episode?

What I'd like to know is if it's so damn easy to get off the island, either to recruit people or send them home, then why did Ben have to put all of his hopes for survival in the hands of a hostile surgeon operating in a substandard O.R.? Why didn't Ben leave to have the surgery done in a real hospital? With the kind of money the Others (or their patron) must have, they surely could have arranged it. (Easier than arranging for a bus to run someone over anyway...)



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I dont think that Ben can leave the island... something is up with that because if he could he would had the surgry done by someone else.

I knew the second Juliet said 'hit by a bus' he would be hit by a bus... not a suprise, but i dont think it was supposed to be.

I dont buy just letting Kate and Sawyer off the island. THere is more to it, which we wont know til much later i am sure.

I dont think Desmond can see the future, but it think it would be interesting if he is some how living some moments over and over again.... like "groundhogs day"

I dont think the original others are 'bad guys' and i definintely do not think they are the only 'others'. I think there is another group somwhere on the original island that is much more ferral and barbaric. I think thats why the 'civilized' group is on a different island, why they were trying to get the kids off the main island and why they were making a list of 'good' people.

My only problem with the show that i really am confused about plot direction and concepts is that there are way too many freaking commercials.. i think we had almost as much advertisments as show. It made me actually angry! The show itself is made to keep you hanging and not tell you and lead astray ect ect... i like it because its entertaining. I want the show to make sense and hit all the main plot threads i like, but i also didnt want Echo to die...

Good show. Bad commercials.. :)

Fast Learner

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ASH said:
My only problem with the show that i really am confused about plot direction and concepts is that there are way too many freaking commercials.. i think we had almost as much advertisments as show. It made me actually angry!
It was the same 42 minutes of actual show as there is every single week, and as there has been.


First Post
Ben, if he truly has never been off the Island is probably an abducted child

I'm curious about the Alex - Ben - Danielle thing. Danielle (the crazy French lady) says that her daughter's name was Alex and she was stolen as a baby. Then we meet Alex who is in the clutches of the Others, but is apparently Ben's daughter. Why not change her name, if she were abducted as a baby? Danielle says that the father of her baby died, but I think that Ben really is her father; if he were actually her father, he'd be more likely to keep the same name that she was given at birth. I'm not sure how it all works but I'm interested to see Alex get off of her island finally and encounter Danielle.

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