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LOST: The Final Season (Spoilers)

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Remus Lupin

Interesting episode last night. Again, any time you get to see Keemy die, it's good. Also, Sun is now officially in my "sexiest woman on 'Lost'" category.

On the downside -- it's a bit lame at this point in the series to deprive her of her ability to speak English. What purpose does that serve? Also interesting to see Desmond make a reappearance.

You know, I'd be in favor of a spin off series, where every week, somebody kills Keemy. He just so deserves it.


You know, I'd be in favor of a spin off series, where every week, somebody kills Keemy. He just so deserves it.

"Oh my God--they killed Keamy!! You bastards!"

And to quote the little guy from my avatar: "Do it again! Do it again! Do it again!"

Seriously, though...the actor who plays Keamy is so easily hateable. Just that smarmy smile and the evil Vinny Barbarino voice.

It was also nice to see Mikhail again, even though he was so cleaned-up that he was almost unrecognizeable. While watching, I managed to comment to my sister that he had his missing eye back...right before it got shot out. Talk about "course correction"....


On the downside -- it's a bit lame at this point in the series to deprive her of her ability to speak English. What purpose does that serve?

Two levels of irony: when the series began she pretended she couldn't speak English though she could and what brough Richard back and put him back in play was Hurley's bilingual ability while what Sun would have done was potentially thwart what Richard, Hurley and (apparently Jacob) want to do. It keeps Sun's objections between her and Jack for the time being so that Richard, Hurley and whoever is on board with their plan isn't handled before it gets off the ground. It's a hidden complication just as the "good guys" were close to consensus on a plan.


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Two levels of irony: when the series began she pretended she couldn't speak English though she could and what brough Richard back and put him back in play was Hurley's bilingual ability while what Sun would have done was potentially thwart what Richard, Hurley and (apparently Jacob) want to do. It keeps Sun's objections between her and Jack for the time being so that Richard, Hurley and whoever is on board with their plan isn't handled before it gets off the ground. It's a hidden complication just as the "good guys" were close to consensus on a plan.

An interesting and nice set of observations.

I'll expand a bit on one of your implications. You don't really know who to trust. When you wake up you want to be able to operate by knowing what is going on around you, but not disclose what you know to anyone you're not absolutely sure you can trust. (Or don't yet know who you can trust.)

Assuming she finds Jin, and I suspect she thinks she will indeed find Jin, what better way to operate than to be able to converse with Jin in Korean (telling him to say something other than what they are really discussing) to express among themselves exactly what is meant, while telling others whatever you want them to hear. (Sun has already done this with Keamy in the side-ways world.)

This occurred to me as a trick worth using when I first learned that some characters were speaking Latin. However enough people on the island are scientists or doctors that Latin posed a security risk if overheard by the right people. On the island Korean is practically a "closed-circuit language." (Only one other character that I remember spoke Korean.)

It occurred to me long ago that Sun and Jin had an enormous tactical communications advantage anytime they choose to exercise it. I cannot help but wonder now if Sun has finally figured this out as well, and is deliberately playing to effect. She has a good excuse, or at least a seemingly good excuse.

It's what I would have done.
Subterfuge is always best expressed in an unknown language.


First Post
Well I for one hope Sun and Jin find happiness away from her father. But in the end they may have to fake their deaths in order to get away from him.

I think I might possibly know how the island sinks.

If you paid attention, the map Widmore showed Jin had the locations of other pocxkets of energy like at the hatch. In the final episodes of the fifth season, they exploded a nuclear bomb to dissipate that energy. I believe that that is what she meant by "it worked" and was not referring to any changes of the timeline, although the dissipation of that energy could alter their timelines which might result in the flash sideways stories.

So I think that's how they're going to sink the island. Once all that energy is exploded, the water will rush in and bye bye island.

I also think that's how they'll finally destroy the smoke monster.

This is just speculation, however. We'll have to wait and see.

Remus Lupin

Also, Desmond says to Charlie "none of this is real."

Also, it now looks like Desmond is a man on a mission, in two universes.

It occurred to me, that if Daniel knew how easy it was to get Charlotte into bed, he might have introduced himself to her at the museum.


nice to see Desmond back. Okay, getting some hints that the 'sideways no island' timeline is a fake, judging from Eloise (?) comments...

Yeah, judging from those comments is almost as if the flashsideways (at least for desmond, but maybe for all the candidates as well?) are what they desire...
i.e. desmond wanted charles approval, so this was an extension of desmond in a situation where he had gained approval in some form.

looking at the others, sun and jin always hoped for a stronger relationship, and it appears that in their flashsideways they had one. jack was often talking about father-son relationships and in his flashsideways when trying to bond with his son made several comments about how his father would always do it some other way but he's trying to do it right with his son, etc.

though, i'm not sure this theory holds up for all the others (locke seemed to just be as frustrated in his flashsideways, though i suppose if all he wanted was to actually be accepted then he got that by virtue of the fact that his fiance was still willing to marry him -- at least from what i remember that episode weeks ago...)

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