Lost Tomb of the Sphinx Queen - IC Thread


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Isfenidyar responds, "It waits for those who would do what they were unable to accomplish."

He then looks around to see if others would rather begin making the journey as opposed to small talk. "If it is preferred, we can begin making preparations and be off. Although night is the preferred time to travel, I cannot see well without light. The desert does not have the same trappings as the lowland forests along the river so i can make out shapes in the dim light as long as the moon is high in the sky. If we prefer to travel without striking a torch, I will either need one of you to stay close to guide me or we should depart soon and make use of what light there is."

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"Wait for tonight, travel now? I care not what decision we make. I'm equally comfortable either way although, if it is an overcast night, I, like Isfenidyar, will need some sort of light to guide my steps" Arriana says as she reaches for another date and takes a long pull of the sweet wine she cradles in her hand.


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"Pah," Kuma grumbles. "Light is no object. A torch, a magic flame...any of these would serve us fine. I myself would like a chance to rest a little before going on. Eat, drink. Exchange rumors, maybe. The Sphinx has waited this long...it can wait a few hours yet."


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Shayuri said:
"Pah," Kuma grumbles. "Light is no object. A torch, a magic flame...any of these would serve us fine. I myself would like a chance to rest a little before going on. Eat, drink. Exchange rumors, maybe. The Sphinx has waited this long...it can wait a few hours yet."

Isfendiyar smiles, "I am heartened to hear you say so Master Kuma. Tell us of the Great Mountain Uthgardt, I am interested in hearing of your tribe and your background. It is not often one encounters such as yourself."


Aethor shrugged. "I be taking a seat then. My old bones be not as young as they used to be." He sat down and rested his back against one of the near tent posts. Aethor was comfortable with the fact that his beard was slowly greying - he'd accomplished a lot in his life. While still as strong and lithe as in his youth, he could feel the approaching middle age in his bones. He'd seen many generations of humans in his life. "It be no different to me. My dwarven eyes can see at night. I be resting then, until we depart. Perhaps the tale of Kuma of Uthgardt can stir the spirit of a dwarf."


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Kuma looks surprised by the attention, then nods gravely and sits down crosslegged.

"I will tell you the story of my people, that if I should die in the trials to come, the story may live on," he begins.

"In the frozen tundra of the far north, my people live. We once numbered ourselves among the traveling tribes of Uthgardt...following the herds of elk and moose, and doing battle with the goblins and orcs that tried to steal the food that was ours. But then we were called. We were Chosen. A great warrior and hunter named Cho'garth saw a mountain while hunting. A mountain alone on the steppes, where none had been just a year before. Smoke curled from its tip. Cho'garth trekked to the mountain, and found it cavernous and hot...actually hot! inside. Being fearless, he entered the caves, and it was not long before he stumbled upon the great god that had created the mountain.

Yet to his shock, the god did not burn him, or consume him, or rend him to bits. Instead it spoke to him, and the discussed many things. In the end, he agreed to bring his people to the mountain...to worship the god-spirit that dwelled within and to protect the caves from any who tried to enter them. They would offer tithes of gold and food, and in return it would suffer their presence in the outer chambers. There they would find warmth to keep the fiercest winter away, fires to cook their meat, and safety in the shelter of the mountain."

Though not all followed Cho'garth back to the mountain, many did...and they became a new tribe. The tribe of the great mountain. In the passing seasons many tribes of men, gnolls, orcs, and worse came to the mountain seeking its warmth, or the spirit's treasures. Each time, the Great Mountain Uthgardt fought like the great fanged cats of the steppes, driving them back. Thus they earned great favor from their god, who honored them by walking among them in the shape of a man. It even came to pass that honored three women of the tribe, and sired three royal lines from them. The get of the royal lines were men, yet more, for they had been blessed with some of the power of their god. In time, the chiefs of this tribe were chosen of one of these three lines each time, depending on who was strongest, and who gained the favor of their god."

Then it came to pass one day that the god left the mountain. Its treasures vanished, and in the passing of a night, it departed...leaving the Great Mountain tribe to watch over its home, guarding it against the day it returned. Seasons passed, and the three royal lines eventually became two...then one. Finally, the last chieftain to bear the godmarks passed to the earth, and only men were left to rule. To test them, without the wisdom of the mountain spirit to decide, it was decreed that anyone wishing to be chief must be of the royal blood, and must complete a great task away from the Mountain, and return with proof. And so it was."

Here Kuma pauses, then says, "Now I add my own chapter to the tale, and it is the chapter that unmakes what has come before. Alone of my kin, I have learned secrets that make our histories so much wishful thinking. The 'god' of the mountain was nothing more than a dragon. Old and powerful and steeped in magic, but not a god. We were its slaves. Why it left, I do not know...but I have sworn this as my chieftain's quest." He looks up at the uncompromising blue sky and clenches a fist.

"I will find a great dragon, crimson as flame, and take its head. Then I will trek the long miles back and show my tribesmen this token...so they will know that they were decieved, and so they will never be the slaves of a false god again."


Arriana listens rapped to Kuma's story "You tell a good tale" she says as he finishes his story "I wish you every success in your quest, though I know not whether I want to be there when you complete it" she purrs with a giggle.


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Isfendiyar nods as Kuma’s storyis told, and a minute has passed, Isfendiyar begins his own story. He stis up and leans forward, “We have a small saying we teach to our congregation. It originally referred to Apep and his legion but the story became corrupted and is applied to the foes of light and their unending hunger to destroy us all.” He stops for a second then continues, “They raved for food with increasing frenzy, being always ahungered and never abating the gluttony of their terrible maw; for what food shall be sufficient to fill the void of their belly or enough to satisfy and give respite to their insatiable jaws.”

He takes a drink then continues, “I tell you this Kuma because Apep, is also known by another name, Apophis or the Chaos Dragon. He is the force that threatens all of creation. Where Ra represents life and light, Apep is darkness and death. He is a great and evil dragon, a serpent that can be only temporarily defeated as he exists outside the normal world in the Uncreated. His every defeat is but a setback for he rises again in the Uncreated where he is trying to swallow up everything and everyone into the void of non-existence.”

His voice becomes measured, “I stood next to my lord and fought against Apep’s legions. All darkness and despair, no end in sight in that realm. Although his army was greater in size than ours, our lord gave us strength to steel our resolve. Our lord and Apep fought, and the landscape broke. Fire reigned down from the heavens and burst forth from the earth. Lightning, broke from the skies and the clouds formed funnels of such great magnitude that great beasts were swallowed and thrown into the heavens. The ground gave way to oceans and the oceans gave way to mountains. Then all went quiet when Apep was cast down and defeated. A withered husk of death, who could not abide in the light and life which is our lord.” He shakes his head as if awakening, takes a breath then continues, “I apologize, it is my hope that you are successful in casting down your own chaos dragon. As we defeat the foes of light the darkness loses its depth and we soon find it is little more than a puddle but we must be ever vigilent as even puddles grow.”


Aethor shifted as he listened, a grin appearing on his face as each tale progressed. "Ah, those be the tellings of good tales. To be told again, that be for sure." He shifted one more time to grab hold of a date and plonked it into his mouth before mumbling again, "Though, I be sure I do not want to be fighting any of these dragons you be talking about. Dragons be powerful beasts and not be taken lightly - even for the sake of prophecy or history."

With a casual hand he removed the makeshift set of clothing around his head, revealing a runed band of cloth that encircled his hairy head. The runes lookes strange, though it was difficult to say what they meant. "There be in the dwarven enclaves those that can tell a tall to stun the hearts of dwarves. Sadly neither Master Gundarak's forge, nor the pleasure of the Planak halflings were able to witness such an event. I be young still, though, with many years left in my bones. I be listening to those tales before I be going."


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Kuma nods at Isfendiyar, clearly enjoying the description of the battle. He sniffs experimentally at a date, takes a little bite, then makes a horrible face and grinds it into the sand.

"Pfagh. I'll need meat to still my hunger today." He stands up again and looks around. "They must sell good roasts here somewhere..."

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