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D&D 5E Love the Halfling art

Atlatl Jones

Sorry but I can't agree. I hate the tiny feet. I can live with the ruddy faces and big heads. It makes them different. But the feet look so ridiculously tiny like they are about to topple over. I generally liked the art in the book, but hated most of the halfling art.
I have to agree with this. It's the skinny legs and tiny feet that annoy me. With more normal feet and legs the larger heads would look proportionate.

I'm incredibly glad they did away with 3e's "skinny human hit with a shrink-ray" look though! That seriously hurt my verisimilitude.

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Best example of the art (naturally it's been posted online... ah, the internet).

I'm thinking that the designers wanted to go waaaaaay back to the older editions. Some of the material, like the gnome and the elf, are back to periods in D&D I'm not a fan of. The 4e issues for me did not include many of the concepts, especially the new take on some of the races. Gnomes and Elves/Eladrin were great in 4e, for me. I'll be houseruling them, if I must. Now they're very much back to 2e which, as fun as my childhood games were, I'm glad we moved past.

That said, it overall looks like D&D. I will be getting my hardcover hopefully tomorrow, and trying to find a GM asap (as I've GM'd for years on end without playing)


First Post
I appreciate where you're going with this, but to me, this image will forever represent halfings...


Best Halfling art ever, I agree. And the female looks so cute! Her docility is endearing. I wouldn't change a thing.


First Post
Yeah, I'm ambivalent about the head size, but I definitely think the tiny feet were a...

Wait for it...


That said, the attitude, clothes, etc. are right on. Every halfling in the PHB looks cheerful and cocky, which I love.


I'm glad someone does.

For me, it's not the thing I dislike most about 5e art (that would be the dearth of masculine figures doing heroic things), but it's up there.

When they pitched these halflings a year or so ago, I threatened to pitch the book across the room if they used these halflings. I haven't done that, but I would maim to get an art free pdf I could open up in illustrator and substitute more satisfying art.


First Post
I wouldn't say that I love the design, but I do like it. The art itself I am more conflicted about. Something about the art on the Halfling's race page just seems off to me, but I think that the piece on page 176 (under "Using Ability Scores") is brilliant.


D&D Playtester for WoTC since 2012
It's one thing i'm not too fond of; 5E Halfling art. I think they're too cartoonish with huge head and tiny feet. I like my halflings chubby with hairy feet like B/X style!


I too love the new halfling art. One problem that I had with the way halflings were depicted in 3rd and 4th editions was the fact that they were essentially miniature humans. Without some other race standing next to them to give a sense of scale, you couldn't tell that they were halflings.

I like the art too. BUT....the female halfling strumming a lyre or whatever is an odd looking picture.

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