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Low Magic D&D

Low Magic D&D

The rules for a low magic, Grim ‘n Gritty, version of D&D have been kicked around quite a bit, and I decided to write them up, these area based on ideas I’ve heard other people on the boards say, and I apologize if I’ve stolen your idea.

The basic premise: You cannot start out as a spellcasting class, but must earn this ability. Because of the relative lack of spellcasters in a low-magic world, there are fewer magic items, and almost no items of incredible power. In order to have some semblance of power balance, you should use Ken Hood’s Grim ‘n Gritty Hitpoint rules to give spellcasters enough punch at high levels.

Starting a character at 1st level.
At first level, you can choose from the following classes presented in the PHB and DMG. Aristocrat, Barbarian, Commoner, Expert, Fighter, Ranger, Rogue, and Warrior. This class is your Primary class, and follows standard multi-classing rules with other primary classes. These classes are as presented in the Core Rules with the following exceptions.

1)Experts, if one of their class skills is Search, can search for and Disable traps and secret doors as if they were rogues, experts also have a cap of level+4 ranks in skills, instead of the standard level+3.

2)Ranger’s do not automatically gain spells at 4th level, they must complete their perquisites for spellcasting first (see below).

3)Rogue’s lose the following class skill:Use Magic Device.

4) Decipher Script cannot be used to learn arcane tomes or magic scripts, only codes or otherwise unknown languages. (Edit)

Becoming a spellcaster: As soon as the character fulfills all of the requirements necessary to gain levels in a spellcasting class, they can take that class for their next level, much as they would a Prestige Class. This class is a Secondary class, and multiclassing rules apply among Secondary classes independently of their Primary class and any Prestige classes the character might have. For instance, Tordek is a dwarf Fighter5/Cleric3. If he were to take a level in Expert, he would suffer no experience penalties because Fighter is a dwarf’s favored class, and Expert, a Primary class, does not interact with Cleric, a secondary class. However, if next level he were to use the knowledge he used as an Expert to gain a level in Wizard, he would suffer a 20% experience penalty as discribed on page 56 of the PHB because both Wizard and Cleric are Secondary classes and neither is a favored class for dwarves.

The Secondary classes are Adept, Bard, Cleric, Druid, Monk, Paladin, Psion, Psychic Warrior, Ranger (spellcasting), Sorcerer, and Wizard. These class are as presented in the Core Rules except they require the list prequisites.

Knowledge Arcana, Nature, or Religion: Any one, 6 ranks; Spellcraft: 3 ranks.
Adepts are hapazard magicians, throwbacks to the earliest days of magic when it was all one disicpline. Because of this, Adepts often lack for power later on, but the simply nature of an Adept’s magic make it easy for almost anyone to pick it up, and Adpet often provides a boost to a more powerful secondary class. The Knowledge skill represents the Adept’s link to either arcane power, nature, or the divine. This link must be chosen when the class is taken, and cannot be lost through any means short of level loss or ability score drain.
Adepts can learn spells from Tomes or by the Discovery method (see below)

Perform: 6 ranks. Must speak at least three languages not gained through race. BAB 2. Alignment Any Non-Lawful.
Bards gain their powers through constant wanderings, always exploring the world around them. Some claim that they have a mystical link to the power of Luck, but this is hard to verify.
Bards can learn spells from Tomes or by Discovery (see below)

Concentration: 4 ranks, Knowledge Religion: 8 ranks, Spellcraft: 1 rank. BAB 4.
Must have been specifically picked by their god through great acts of piety, and have their god’s alignment. Some example of an act of piety would be depending on the god’s domain, healing hundreds of the sick, fighting a massive battle against the forces of evil, a week-long vigil in a church, or sacrificing an entire town in cold blood to the god. A cleric’s powers are given to it by it’s god, and only discrete concrete divine or infernal entities can grant such powers. There is no such thing as a cleric of an alignment, as such a thing cannot grant spells. Clerics must live by their god’s word, as they are physical manifestations of a god’s will in this world. Both DM and player must understand that anything that deviates from a cleric’s code of ethics and values is an alignment restriction, and such things should be dealt with much more harshly than standard. However, a kind DM may choose to give an early warning (“Are you sure Pelor would like you to slaughter all those orc babies?”) to avoid constant loss of spellcasting powers. Spells and supernatural abilities can be regained by atoning for your actions, either through an Atonement spell or completing a difficult task that advances the interests of the god.
Clerics gain spells by Discovering them (see below)

Handle Animal: 8 ranks, Knowledge Nature:8 ranks, Wilderness Lore: 8 ranks. Must have spent a week alone in the wilderness. Alignment NG. LN, TN, CN, or NE.
Druids are the champions of nature, and gain their powers from it. Before becoming a druid, they must spend an entire week alone in the wilderness, with only the simplest tools and the clothes on their back. At the end of that period they are approached by an elder druid, who inducts them into the mysteries of the druidic circles. Druids must abide by their vow to protect nature, and lose all powers if they harm nature or allow others to harm it with their knowledge of the event. Druids can regain their spells though the Atonement spell, reapplying for the druidic vow (this time with nature against them instead of neutral) or hunting down and killing the ones who harmed nature. Some farming, hunting, fishing and logging are permitted, as long as such activities are only for the survival of the druid and those connected to her. Any attempts to use her powers to harvest nature for more than basic sustenance promptly loses all powers.
Druids gain spells through the Discovery method (see below)

Concentration: 6 ranks, Jump: 6 ranks, Sense Motive: 6 ranks, Tumble: 6 ranks. BAB 2. Improved Unarmed Strike, Deflect Arrows. Alignment Any Lawful
Monks are mystic warriors who have focused their inward ki energy into rapid and deadly unarmed strikes. Monks, while not strictly spellcasters, have enough special powers that it is better to treat them as a Secondary class.

Handle Animal: 6 ranks, Heal: 2 ranks, Knowledge Religion: 2, Ride: 6 ranks. BAB 3, Mounted Combat, Weapon Proficiency: any Sword and any Lance, Weapon Focus: Sword or Lance. Alignment LG.
Paladins are the militant champions of good and order the world over. Wherever evil rears its ugly head, a paladin is there (hopefully) to smack it down. Paladins tend to charge first think later tactics, but that by no means they are not capable of careful tactical decisions and retreats in the face of overwhelming odds. Paladins must first strike a massive blow against the forces of evil, then they must follow all of the restrictions of a LG cleric, with the addition of a paladin’s code. DM are encouraged to be even stricter with alignment and code violations with a paladin than with a cleric. A fallen paladin can be redeemed by the Atonement spell, smiting the forces of evil again in a particularly dramatic and powerful way, or they can lose all faith and become a Blackguard.
Paladins gain spells through the Discovery method (see below)

Concentration: 7 ranks, Knowledge Psionics: 7 ranks, Psicraft 7 ranks.
Psions do not use spells, but instead generate their powers from the mind itself. This requires immense mental discipline, but on the upside a psion cannot lose their powers, as it comes from within.
Psions discover their powers as the table in their section in the PsiHB indicated.

Psychic Warrior:
Concentration: 6 ranks, Knowledge Psionics: 3 ranks, BAB 2, Proficiency in all Martial Weapons.
Psychic warrior do not use spells, but instead generate their powers from the mind itself. This requires immense mental discipline, but on the upside a psychic warrior cannot lose their powers, as it comes from within. Besides psychic might, psychic warriors are also quite capable fighters
Psions discover their powers as the table in their section in the PsiHB indicated.

Ranger (spellcasting)
Ranger level 4th+, Knowledge Religion: 7 ranks.
Ranger’s with spells are not merely warriors trained in military operations, they are the militant wing of the druidic organization. Any ranger who wishes cast spells must become a member of the druids. Once they complete the roleplaying obligations, they unlock Ranger spellcasting at their level. Rangers can use any weapons or armor they wish, but must still protect nature or suffer the consequences as a druid (see druids)
Rangers gain spells through the Discovery method (see below).

Concentration: 8 ranks, Knowledge (Ancestry): 4 ranks. Spellcraft: 4 ranks, must speak at least one of Draconic, Slyvan, Celestial, Infernal, Abyssal, Auran, Aquan, Ignan or Terran.
Sorcerers gain their power through a bloodline tainted with powerful and eldritch creatures. At some point in the past, a mystical creature bread with the character’s ancestors, and this power has exposed itself as the ability to bend the forces of the universe to their will. Sorcerers usually act within the interests or cast spells relating to their bloodline. Before a Sorcerer can use her magical powers, she must research her past and bloodline. Knowledge (Ancestry) is whatever knowledge skill would be applicable, a Sorcerer descended from Celestial or Fiendish creatures might have Knowledge Religion, an Elemental one would have Knowledge Planes, and a Fey or Draconic sorcerer would have Knowledge Arcana. (Edited)
Sorcerers learn spells as on their table in the PHB.

Concentration: 4 ranks Knowledge Arcana: 8 ranks, any other Knowledge skill: 8 ranks, Spellcraft: 8 ranks,
must speak at least any three of Draconic, Slyvan, Celestial, Infernal, Abyssal, Auran, Aquan, Ignan or Terran.
Wizards are the studied practitioners of magic, gaining their abilities through years of study. Wizards require the use of a spellbook to cast spells, and the main reason for a wizard to adventure is to locate rare tomes of spells to increase their powers.
Wizards must learn spells from tomes.

Learning Spells:
One way to reduce the level of magic in the world is to make knowledge of spells more rare. There are several ways to do this.

Discovery: Adepts, Bards, Clerics, Druids, Paladins and Rangers must learn new spells through disocvering the spells within. Whether through prayer, meditation, or other methods, this characters must spend time in a vigil to gain spells. Discovering spells takes (5*spell level*minimum caster level to cast spell) Experience Points and requires 1 day/spell level of meditation, and must be done in a site dedicated to the source of the character’s power. They must work on the spell at least 8 hours a day, and must not cast spells or engage in combat. In general, discovering a spell requires the same conditions as crafting magic items. There is no maximum number of spells you can know. You can also learn spells ahead of time, so that when you level up you are able to cast the spell without discovering it first. For example, Jozan, a Ftr5/Clr4 prays for a 3rd level spell. He cannot use it at the time, but when he levels up to 5th level, he will be able to cast immeadiately.

Some classes, such as Psions, Psychic Warriors, and Sorcerers automatically gain spells. They do not need to do anything special to gain spells.

Wizards must learn their spells by copying them from other spellbooks or scrolls, or researching them as described in the PHB. Wizards do not automatically gain spells from leveling up, but must locate the spell and then scribe it into their books at PHB cost or carry see original book around with them. See the section on Spellcraft and Wizards for more details.

Magic Items in a Low Magic World:
There are several ways to reduce the number of magic items in a low magic setting, one is simply not have magic items available to anybody. The only way to get magic is by finding someone with what you want and then buying it specifically off them, at anywhere up to triple list price. Or, you could just go find powerful creatures, but anybody killing dragons might just find that they’ve annoyed a lot of people.

You can prevent players from making magic items only allowing them to take item creation feats beyond Scribe Scroll and Brew Potion by discovering the correct process in strange tomes lost in the mists of time.

Remember that magical creatures are significantly harder to combat with these rules, and that any changes of this sort tend to imbalance the game, so be careful, have fun, and try not to TPK.
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First Post
very, very good. I like these rules quite a lot...we should play this sometime (and I'll be Circe, mwahahahahaha!!!)

Thank you, Frostmarrow, and for the rest of you, THIS THREAD SHALL NOT DIE! until I have at least ten responses.

Even if you just want to say that it's too long, or that I have bad personal hygiene, or that I should lay off the crack pipe and proof read my ideas, that would be okay, I just need feedback.

Lily Inverse

First Post
Why remove the Decipher Script skill entirely? I thought that it was also useful for decrypting written codes and figuring out things in languages the character doesn't fully understand. You might want to remove the spellcasting uses for the skill, but taking it away entirely might not be the best idea.


First Post
I wonder how practical it is to require 8 ranks of knowledge skills to become a Wizard? That's 13th level for most classes. (Only 4th for Experts--under this system--though.)

I like the premise, but I'm going to have to disagree with you on the details. (Of course, we probably have different ideas on when it would be appropriate for a character to start a spell-casting class.)

I would at least make it easier to qualify for Sorcerer than it is to qualify for a Wizard. As it's written, it takes a character of the same level (though 8 ranks of Concentration is worse than 8 ranks of Knowledge skills because Concentration has no use outside of spellcasting.

When I finally figure out my own low-magic campaign, I think I'm just going to require a feat to cast spells. But I also want 1st-level spellcasters.

Decipher Script has been edited as Lily Inverse suggested.

Spells level up normally as in the Core Rules.

Most people can enter into the serious arcane classes at 5th, however Experts can enter at 4th. I did this to increase the power of Experts slightly, because otherwise nobody would ever be one.

Keep the response coming.

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