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[LPF] Escort Service


Cythera e'Kiernan, Bronze Dragon Disciple

Cythera stands with her hands clasped behind her, shrugging politely. She feels no need to even reply to the insufferable woman's barb.

She replies, "I do not think that is possible, milady. Very well, we shall trouble you no more."

Turning away, she puts a hand on Ben's shoulder to guide him around and she remarks aside, "It turns out she was not as interesting as I thought. Let us move around and get some refreshments."

OOC: I was hoping to get an idea of her CR, sort of like rolling Knowledge to reveal special qualities of a monster. But, that's okay, we can move along. I am having fun. :)
[sblock=Mini Stats]Initiative: +4
AC: 22 (19 flat-footed, 14 Touch)
HP: 54 Current: 54
CMB: +8 CMD: 22 (23 vs. Sundering) Fort: +5 Reflex: +6 Will: +5 (+1 with Resistance)
Conditions in Effect: Arcane Strike (+1 dmg), Power Attack (-2 Att/+6 dmg), Furious Focus (no penalty for 1st PA), Overhand Chop

Current Weapon in Hand: Ben
Chakram: 8/8 Claws: 4/5 rounds remaining

Battle Dance: 8/8 Rounds Remaining
Spells Remaining: Cantrips: (Read Magic, Detect Magic, Resistance, Light, Prestidigitation)
1st Level 3/3 (Cure Light Wounds, Timely Inspiration, Grease(DC13))[/sblock]___________________________

Cythera e'Kiernan

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First Post
Ben grimaces but manages to say, "It's been a pleasure, my lady." As soon as he is out of earshot of Cicci he snarls, "That is the most vile creature I have ever met." He looks as though he wants to spit on the floor, but restrains himself.

He takes a deep breath. "I apologize for losing my composure. I will try not to let it happen again. Where to now?"

[sblock=ooc]First things first: Please make a DC 12 Sense Motive check. If successful, Cythera will notice a slightly out of shape, middle-aged male noble trying to discretely gesture for a private conversation. Or at least an out-of-the-way conversation. It's impossible to determine any more than that, however. If you miss him or don't choose to take him up, you can try to engage Emi or Furros, or you can mingle and see what comes up. There are male and female, merchants and nobles. The rolls you made initially cover who you recognize, so you've got all the information you're going to get for the moment.

In regards to special abilities, Knowledge gets pretty fuzzy, RAW. As I read it, K:Local only tells you she's a human -- might be wrong on this, though. I also dislike giving out this kind of information for Perception, as I think Perception is already way too powerful. However, going off the initial K:Noble roll, you would probably put Cicci at a CR 3-4 in a straight-up fight. Given that she's a rapier specialist, she would be slightly more challenging in a formal duel.[/sblock]


...... Benevolent Seeker ...



Cythera e'Kiernan, Bronze Dragon Disciple

Nodding in response to Ben's appraisal, Cythera only says, "Not to worry, Ben. She is not worthy of your ire, nor up to my level of expertise. Put her out of your mind."

Cythera fails to notice the older gentleman trying to catch their attention. Steering Ben through the crowd of merchants and other nobles, she engages in some meaningless conversation and exchanges of pleasantries for about 15 minutes as they make a circuit of the guests.

They pay no attention to Furros, preferring that he stew as Cythera assumes an attitude that he doesn't even exist and is not worthy of their time.

Finally, she and Ben are standing near Emi, a mostly untouched goblet of wine in her hand.

Catching the Dame's eye, she remarks, "Well, milady, this is quite the party you have going here."

First things first: Please make a DC 12 Sense Motive check.

In regards to special abilities, Knowledge gets pretty fuzzy, RAW. As I read it, K:Local only tells you she's a human -- might be wrong on this, though. I also dislike giving out this kind of information for Perception, as I think Perception is already way too powerful. However, going off the initial K:Noble roll, you would probably put Cicci at a CR 3-4 in a straight-up fight. Given that she's a rapier specialist, she would be slightly more challenging in a formal duel.
Sense Motive (1d20+6=9) - Oops. Though noticing something would appear to be Perception, Sensing Motives is to determine truthfulness and counter Bluff. But either way, the roll fails since her Perception is +5. Too bad, I was interested in finding what that was all about. :hmm:

K: Local can be used to determine special abilities of humanoids, probably based on that initial roll. Meta-game wise, the CR was what I was trying to get a sense of and probably would have gotten it based on her reputation.

However, to talk shop. :)
I think Perception is right on target for what I was role-playing to figure out; an overall assessment of Cicci's abilities in comparison to Cythera. Though I probably did not explain it and I am thinking in terms of RL and then looking at the dice roll to go along with it.

In RL a professional can sense or see their own. Such as good athlete can size up someone by looks and their movement fairly quickly, this is something I have first hand knowledge of. I play volleyball at a collegiate level, and I can tell with about 75-90% accuracy whether someone is in the same ballpark of ability within those first 30 seconds. If that person happens to be a recreational player they will have no idea what it is I am seeing, they cannot even relate since they don't play at that level.

I have met guys that are a level above, playing semi-pro to pro and I can also spot the difference between them and me. It is much harder to tell, but from their point of view I imagine it is easy for them to see downwards in my direction.

I use sports as an example, but I could(and still can) do the same thing in the military. When seeing other guys in their civilian clothes, I could still tell that they were in the military and most of the time if they were an officer or enlisted. After a few moments of conversation, I could even tell if they were Navy, Marine, Army or Air Force if I had not guessed already by just looking at them.

While this is a game, there is some food for thought. :p

However, given what you told me about her CR, role-playing on both sides was right on target. Cicci has got a chip on her shoulder and is a chump with something to prove. Cythera is good and knows it, she doesn't need to prove it to anyone.[/sblock][sblock=Mini Stats]Initiative: +4
AC: 22 (19 flat-footed, 14 Touch)
HP: 54 Current: 54
CMB: +8 CMD: 22 (23 vs. Sundering) Fort: +5 Reflex: +6 Will: +5 (+1 with Resistance)
Conditions in Effect: Arcane Strike (+1 dmg), Power Attack (-2 Att/+6 dmg), Furious Focus (no penalty for 1st PA), Overhand Chop

Current Weapon in Hand: Ben
Chakram: 8/8 Claws: 4/5 rounds remaining

Battle Dance: 8/8 Rounds Remaining
Spells Remaining: Cantrips: (Read Magic, Detect Magic, Resistance, Light, Prestidigitation)
1st Level 3/3 (Cure Light Wounds, Timely Inspiration, Grease(DC13))[/sblock]___________________________

Cythera e'Kiernan


First Post
Cythera and Ben find the dame is in the company of a portly merchant in a red suit. "Cythera, Benevolent, it's good to see you again! I do try to make each evening interesting, you know. You've been enjoying it so far, I trust? I should mention, Signor Franco and I were just discussing you. I hope you don't mind."

"A pleasure to meet you, madam ... and sir," he says with as much of a bow as his girth allows. "Emi did tell me you're interested in building a mission to ... Serrond, was it? You know, I fancy myself a patron of religion. Perhaps we might discuss an endowment some evening?"

"A ... really? I'd be honored, Signor Franco," Ben says, obviously surprised by the man's generosity.

[sblock=OOC]K:Local 18 and Sense Motive 12 and for this one. If you make the K:Local, consider the Sense Motive an automatic success as well.

[sblock=Info for successful rolls]K:Local tells you that Franco is known to ... enjoy the company of young men. Sense Motive tells you that his intentions toward Ben are less than gentlemanly, which is obvious if you were expecting it.

Ben appears to have failed this particular Sense Motive check.[/sblock]

Though noticing something would appear to be Perception, Sensing Motives is to determine truthfulness and counter Bluff.

Sense Motive is also used for detecting secret messages (admittedly, RAW talks about messages you weren't supposed to notice). The noble in question was trying to get Cythera's attention without alerting the rest of the crowd, so Sense Motive seemed slightly more appropriate than Perception. However, in general, if it's a toss-up between Perception and any other skill, I will choose whatever is not Perception. Perception gets used too much.

K: Local can be used to determine special abilities of humanoids, probably based on that initial roll. Meta-game wise, the CR was what I was trying to get a sense of and probably would have gotten it based on her reputation.

I think Perception is right on target for what I was role-playing to figure out; an overall assessment of Cicci's abilities in comparison to Cythera. Though I probably did not explain it and I am thinking in terms of RL and then looking at the dice roll to go along with it.

The personal examples you described relied less on Perception than Knowledge. The difficulty is not in observing the clues, but in knowing which clues to observe. Otherwise, "ability to identify good volleyball players" would track to "good eyesight" rather than "familiarity with volleyball." However, that does convince me that K:Local would have given you a CR.

However, given what you told me about her CR, role-playing on both sides was right on target. Cicci has got a chip on her shoulder and is a chump with something to prove. Cythera is good and knows it, she doesn't need to prove it to anyone.

Keep in mind that CRs were designed for a party of 4. Cythera is essentially flying solo, so her effective AP is running 1-2 levels lower than her actual level of 6. If Cythera is going to whip out the greatsword, Cicci would drop fairly easily (barring some good but not unreasonable rolls on Cicci's part). In a 1v1 dueling situation, Cicci would not be a pushover.[/sblock]


.. Emiliana Forenicci ..... Benevolent Seeker ..... Signor Franco ........



Cythera e'Kiernan, Bronze Dragon Disciple

Cythera smiles and replies to Emi, "So far it has been interesting."

She nods in acknowledgement of the man, "Good evening, Signor."

"Does the clergy always discuss such things over dinner and wine, after busines hours?"
She asks with an innocent expression, yet knowing that her question is putting the man somewhat on the spot so perhaps Ben will catch on.

[sblock=OOC]Tired today, hard to post IC. :erm:
K: Local & Sense Motive (1d20+6=10, 1d20+6=24)[/sblock][sblock=Mini Stats]Initiative: +4
AC: 22 (19 flat-footed, 14 Touch)
HP: 54 Current: 54
CMB: +8 CMD: 22 (23 vs. Sundering) Fort: +5 Reflex: +6 Will: +5 (+1 with Resistance)
Conditions in Effect: Arcane Strike (+1 dmg), Power Attack (-2 Att/+6 dmg), Furious Focus (no penalty for 1st PA), Overhand Chop

Current Weapon in Hand: Wine goblet
Chakram: 8/8 Claws: 4/5 rounds remaining

Battle Dance: 8/8 Rounds Remaining
Spells Remaining: Cantrips: (Read Magic, Detect Magic, Resistance, Light, Prestidigitation)
1st Level 3/3 (Cure Light Wounds, Timely Inspiration, Grease(DC13))[/sblock]___________________________

Cythera e'Kiernan


First Post
"Oh, they sometimes do," Franco answers unabashedly. "It often depends on how interested they are in an endowment. Sometimes a deal requires working some very late hours."

"Oh ..." Ben says, as the subtext suddenly becomes clear. "Oh! Uh, well, I appreciate your offer, Signor Franco. I will be sure to take it under advisement."

Emi chuckles, obviously amused by the exchange. She pats Cythera on the arm, and gives her a knowing wink. "Now, I suspect you came over because something was on your mind. Do tell me all about it."

[sblock=GM]Ben got it on the reroll, with a little help from aid another.[/sblock]


.. Emiliana Forenicci ..... Benevolent Seeker ..... Signor Franco ........



Cythera e'Kiernan, Bronze Dragon Disciple

Cythera uses a minor cantrip, casually like it is no big deal, and chills her wine. Replying to Emi, "To be honest, Dame. Nothing special is on my mind, only looking out for my charge here to ensure he is not seduced by poofdas or skewered by insecure duelists."

"Though, I am intentionally steering us away from Furros. I don't imagine he is keen on us ignoring his nobleship."

[sblock=Mini Stats]Initiative: +4
AC: 22 (19 flat-footed, 14 Touch)
HP: 54 Current: 54
CMB: +8 CMD: 22 (23 vs. Sundering) Fort: +5 Reflex: +6 Will: +5 (+1 with Resistance)
Conditions in Effect: Arcane Strike (+1 dmg), Power Attack (-2 Att/+6 dmg), Furious Focus (no penalty for 1st PA), Overhand Chop

Current Weapon in Hand: Wine goblet
Chakram: 8/8 Claws: 4/5 rounds remaining

Battle Dance: 8/8 Rounds Remaining
Spells Remaining: Cantrips: (Read Magic, Detect Magic, Resistance, Light, Prestidigitation)
1st Level 3/3 (Cure Light Wounds, Timely Inspiration, Grease(DC13))[/sblock]___________________________

Cythera e'Kiernan

Voidrunner's Codex

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