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[LPF] Kaedyn's Quest


First Post

"Shhh!" Tyrion motions with his hands. Grabbing his falchion, thankful he put his armor before getting his ioun torch ready, Tyrion prepares for whatever seems to be coming their way.

Also, not sick any more, so my posting rate will go up.

However, work has blocked ditzie, so put Tyrion closer to the edge of the clearing with his falchion ready.
[sblock=mini stats]
Tyrion Thankirk
AC: 20(Touch 12, Flatfooted 18)
HP: 46/46

Initiative: +2
Perception: +6 Sense Motive: +2
CMB: +8 CMD: 20 Fort: +7 Reflex: +4 Will: +6

Conditional Attack mods: Power Attack (-2/+6), Furious Focus (Ignore first PA Penalty), Overhead Chop (+2 to damage rolls w/ 1 attack)

Conditions: Ioun Torch (in darkness)

In Hand: Falchion of DOOM! +10 / 2d4+17 (PA/FF/OHC)

CLW Wand: 2 charges used.
Enlarge Person Potion
Protection from Evil Potion


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First Post

Updated Map

Amien raises an eyebrow in curiosity while poking about in front of the simmering campfire. In lieu of everybody becoming alert, he reaches into his bag and pulls out a sunrod, slipping it into his belt for later use, and brings out his flail.

He props himself on his knees, ready to stand and move at a moment's notice.

[sblock=Perception]Draw heavy flail, take sunrod from haversack, become standing
Perception check (1d20+3=5)[/sblock]

Tilting his head about, he whispers over, "Anyone see anything?"

[sblock=Mini-Stats]Character Sheet Page

Weapon in Hand: Heavy Flail +1
HP: 54/54
AC: 15
AC Touch: 12
AC Flatfooted: 13
Initiative: +2
Fort: +6
Reflex: +3
Will: +0
CMB: +7
CMD: 19

Glaive Attack: +7; Damage: 1d10+4 (+9, 1d10+7 under Strength Rage); Crit: 20/x3, Slashing, Special: Reach
H. Flail +1: Attack: +8; Damage: 1d10+4+1 (+10, 1d10+8 under Strength Rage); Crit: 19/x2, Bludgeoning, Special: Disarm, Trip
Sling Attack: +5, Sling Damage: 1d4+3
- Sling Bullets (06)

Handy Haversack (Consumable items)
- Rations (18 days left)
- Medium Tent (in use)
- Wand of CLW x1
- Potion of CMW x3
- Sunrod x3 (one in belt)[/sblock]



Updated Map

Thuvian is starting to prepare for sleep as the ruckus starts. Stopping to listen, he turns his attention to the noise from beyond the camp, ready to react should it prove to be necessary.

Perception (1d20+6=26)

[sblock=Ministats]Thuvian Darklight
AC: 14 (Touch 13, Flatfooted 11)
HP: 27/27 Initiative: +3
Perception : +6 Sense Motive: +1
CMB: +2 CMD: 15
Fort: +2 Reflex: +4 Will: +5
Current Weapon in Hand:
Current Conditions in Place:

CL 5; +9 Concentration (+13 Casting Defensively); SR +5
Extended Illusion (2 round beyond concentration)
1st level Sapphire of Power - unused
+4 to Spellcraft DC to identify spells cast by him

Darkness 1/1

Cantrips - Acid Splash, Detect Magic, Ghost Sound, Prestidigitation
1st - Color Spray, Mage Armor, Ray of Enfeeblement, Silent Image, Vanish
2nd - Acid Arrow x2, Minor Image, Mirror Image
3rd - Fly, Major Image x2[/sblock]

[sblock=ooc]I placed Tyrion for you. Hopefully my posting rate will be able to return to a higher rate soon as well. We are slowly getting people hired at work, so I may almost be done with 50+ hour weeks after almost a month of them.[/sblock]


~ Day 11: 22:00 In the Darkwood ~

You hear the noise approaching. It sounds like heavy footfalls approaching in the dim forest, the sounds of cracking branches and leaves being sweep accompanying them. The source of which becomes quickly evident as a 15-foot tall giant with ruddy brown skin and black hair stumbles into view. This burley giant is the color of bark and cultivates small branches that grow from its limbs. He has a tree trunk stripped of branches that he carries lto be used as a huge greatclub.


He leans heavily on a sapling that bends and cracks, nearly causing him to fall flat with the lack of anticipated support. He catches himself by taking a knee and he swipes at the ground at his feet. The small rocks, leaves, twigs, and chucks of earth fly to either side.

Groaning angrily he straightens back to his feet, one hand clutching his head. He grumbles, "Ohh, badsie ogres... war da fook is it?"

With the light shining in your secluded campsite and his height, he can see over much of the undergrowth. The very tall figure looks over and his voice rumbles, "Shiny? Maybe it be ova der?"

"Eh!? Smallsies!"
He has spotted you.

[sblock=Combat Information]Party Status:
Amien:     54/54 HP remaining; 
Ru:        30/30 HP remaining; 
Damaris:   27/27 HP remaining;
Lai Tai:   30/30 HP remaining;
Thuvian:   22/22 HP remaining;
Nora:      11/11 HP remaining;
Tyrion:    46/46 HP remaining; 

Spells Cast: 
Abilities Used: 
Conditions in effect:
[/sblock]Updated Map



Damaris clears her throat "let me try something first, stay on your toes"

She steps just a little closer and waves at the big figure.

"Well, hello, Bigsie! Dont trip here, you get black charred on it fire. a' you a'right? Me was godsie sleeping and heer you walkin' here. You say you look for dem shiny? what shiny is dat?"

She tries her best to use diplomacy. Hopefully this will give them more time to move about if needed.


Moves to I33

Diplomacy +9 (+1 Charming), Versatile Performance Bluff +9 (+1 charming) vs Giant (1d20+10=13, 1d20+10=19) I rather use the last roll for diplomacy.



First Post

When the moon and the dim clouds are blotted out by a sudden darkness looming above, Amien slowly tilts his gaze up to the thundering voice. When the giant face looks down from the humbling perspective he sits at, Amien's body twitches back. All he can think about now are whatever Orcish curses he can remember and resist the urge to actually say them.

[sblock=OOC]This is not a situation Amien's useful in, obviously awaiting to see what Damaris can do.[/sblock]

[sblock=Mini-Stats]Character Sheet Page

Weapon in Hand: Heavy Flail +1
HP: 54/54
AC: 15
AC Touch: 12
AC Flatfooted: 13
Initiative: +2
Fort: +6
Reflex: +3
Will: +0
CMB: +7
CMD: 19

Glaive Attack: +7; Damage: 1d10+4 (+9, 1d10+7 under Strength Rage); Crit: 20/x3, Slashing, Special: Reach
H. Flail +1: Attack: +8; Damage: 1d10+4+1 (+10, 1d10+8 under Strength Rage); Crit: 19/x2, Bludgeoning, Special: Disarm, Trip
Sling Attack: +5, Sling Damage: 1d4+3
- Sling Bullets (06)

Handy Haversack (Consumable items)
- Rations (18 days left)
- Medium Tent (in use)
- Wand of CLW x1
- Potion of CMW x3
- Sunrod x3 (one in belt)[/sblock]


First Post

Having fought creatures of larger size them him, Tyrion knew that the creature's hit will pack a whallop Seeing Damaris move closer to the creature, he steps in front of her and holds his sword tight, hoping it won't come to attack this creature.

[sblock=mini stats]
Tyrion Thankirk
AC: 20(Touch 12, Flatfooted 18)
HP: 46/46

Initiative: +2
Perception: +6 Sense Motive: +2
CMB: +8 CMD: 20 Fort: +7 Reflex: +4 Will: +6

Conditional Attack mods: Power Attack (-2/+6), Furious Focus (Ignore first PA Penalty), Overhead Chop (+2 to damage rolls w/ 1 attack)

Conditions: Ioun Torch (in darkness)

In Hand: Falchion of DOOM! +10 / 2d4+17 (PA/FF/OHC)

CLW Wand: 2 charges used.
Enlarge Person Potion
Protection from Evil Potion


Updated Map


Thuvian readies himself to cast vanish on himself should the creature attack, but waits to see if his travel companion's words can keep a fight from occurring at all.


First Post
Ru Brike, rangerish human ninja


"No ogres over this way, just us smallsies. But like the lady says, maybe we can help a poor giant find what he's looking for, rather than causing too much ruckus. What do you say, big guy?"

[sblock=ooc]Invisible castle appears to be down again, so I went with Coyote code. This might be *just* enough to add to Damaris' roll:

Diplomacy Aid Damaris: 1D6+6 = [4]+6 = 10


aaaannnnd I rolled the wrong bloody die. Of course, rolling the right die actually turns out worse:

Diplomacy Aid (1d20+6=9)


[sblock=mini stats]

Ru Brike
AC: 18 (Touch 14, Flatfooted 14)
HP: 30/30

Initiative: +4
Perception: +6 (+7 Traps) Sense Motive: +5
CMB: +2 CMD: 16 Fort: +5 Reflex: +10 Will: +2
(conditional: +2 vs. divination effects)

Wakizashi: +7, 1d6
Wakizashi (TWF): +5/+5, 1d6/1d6
Nunchaku: +6, 1d6
Shuriken: +6, 1d2
Conditional Attack mods: +1d6 Sneak Attack (when denied Dex), +1 Dirty Fighter (flank), +2 Attack / dmg vs. Ranger's Focus (1/day)

Conditions: Ioun Torch (in darkness)

In Hand: Wakizashi x2

Ki Pool: 3/3 remaining
Ranger's Focus: 1/1 remaining
Shuriken: 9/10 remaining
CLW Wand charges: 48/50 remaining

Used: 10 days' rations[/sblock]
Last edited:


First Post

Lai Tai awakes to the commotion, and blearily finds his feet. "Is there danger? A youkai? Should I call the stones?"

[sblock=OOC]Mostly back. Traveling today, probably jet lagged tomorrow.[/sblock][sblock=Mini Stats]Lai Tai Liu

AC: 17 (15 flat-footed, 12 touch)
HP: 30/30
CMB: +7 CMD: 19
Fort: +6 Reflex: +4 Will: +5

Perception: +7
Initiative: +4

Arcane Pool: 4/5
Staff Charges: 8/10
Cantrips (DC 12): Detect Magic, Light, Mage Hand, Prestidigitation
1st Level (DC 13): Chill Touch, Corrosive Touch, Enlarge Person, True Strike
2nd Level (DC 14): Frigid Touch, Stone Call

Current Weapon in Hand: Quarterstaff (+8, 1d6+7)
Current Conditions in Effect: Arcane Pool

Used Items:


Voidrunner's Codex

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