[LPF]Kobold's Keep


Zelena returns with the others, taking a few of the tools to help out as she can. Once closer to the farmer's home, "If we wish to rest here for the evening,' The gnome yawns, "Excuse me. Perhaps we should quietly sleep in the barn as not to startle the farmer anymore than we need to. And bring him the good news come daylight?"

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Thy wounds are healed!
[sblock=OOC] Will give SelcSilverhand another 24 hours to post up if he wishes then I will put this little baby to rest. So either way tommorrow night will be the last day and I will figure everything out and get you all back to the Dunn Wright. [/sblock]


First Post
Tahn takes a few moments to search the Kobolds in the room as well as poking through the nooks and crannies. He's curious as to whether or not all the creatures slept in this room as well.

Once satisfied he has gleaned all he can from them, he picks up his share of the tools and supplies to help carry them back to the farmer.


Thy wounds are healed!
Nearly exhausted from traveling and dealing with the menace of the kobolds, the party is relieved to return to Farmer Jezz's barn. Finding a spot to lay out a bedroll soon they are all asleep will Mordjn stands watch.

Everyone takes a turn keeping an eye out in case any kobolds who fled the topsy-turvy keep return. But the night is quiet and except for the sounds of the animals in their pen and that of their companions sleeping nothing else threats them this night.

In the morning Fury (who took last watch) watches Farmer Jezz come across the yard to the barn. Waking the others, they all stand and watch as the old farmer comes into the barn and goes right to his recovered equipment. Delighted beyond words (tears shining in his eyes), the farmer clasps each members hand in a warm shake of thank you. And then realizes he has a better way to thank all of you.

Taking you back to his home Farmer Jezz breaks out a bottle of apple brandy and listens as the group tells the tale of the abandoned keep, their fight with giant glowing bugs and of ghosts on the ceiling. Listening intently while his wife prepares them all a hearty breakfast, he seems to be taking in everything about the story in the hopes of one day retelling it himself no doubt.

The send off meal laid out at the long wooden table is typical of what you might expect for a farmstead. Usually cooking for her husband and all the other farm hands, the lady of the house knows how to make sure no belly leaves her table empty. There are piles of flapjacks with honey or maple syrup to start. Bacon and ham served beside fried eggs and potatoes smothered in onions after that. And while the group ate and drank the goodwife baked of a batch of sweet cinnamon buns that she coated extra thickly with a white sugar glaze for dessert. All washed down with cold milk, warm cider, and hot coffee.

Nearly to full to move, Tagaiwi most of all, the group reluctantly pushes back from the table and follows Farmer Jezz out to where their horses lie in wait to be taken back to the stable they were loaned from. It is sobering the work of saddling and then preparing to leave, sobering after a night of fighting for their lives and not knowing what lay beyond the next archway. Bidding the farmer's wife goodbye the group including Farmer Jezz set out to return to Venza.

The city is alive with the daily activity and hussel and bussel of people's everyday lives. You return the mounts and head to the offices of the L.O.C.G. and once there Farmer Jezz recounts what he witnessed of your defeat of the kobolds and return of his equipment. Fallson cogradulates you and gives you the other half of the agreed upon service fee, and bids you all a good day.

With the treasure from the keep still in your packs and the money earned from the guild in your pockets you turn towards the doors of the Dunn Wright. Setting out to find a quiet place to divide up your loot and perhaps put your feet up for a spell.

[sblock=OOC] Taverns pretty quiet and dividing up the treasure shouldn't take to long perhaps we could do it there. [/sblock]

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