[LPF] Kostry Kopec


First Post
Anaerion, already ready with the paperwork in hand, hands over the necessary paperwork without comment. He made sure to keep the details for the deal with the Mayor in a separate pouch in his backpack before he set out this morning.

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Satin Knights

First Post
Kalgor and Gragnor stand quietly. They are playing the ranger and panther today, so Kalgor has on his wool cap and horned helm to hide his summoner's rune. Gragnor has several black cloth bandages on. One wrapping his twin tails into one, one on a forelimb, and one on his head to cover his own rune. He looks a little beat up and faked a bit of a limp as he walked up to the guard station.


Kanli joins the group wearing a fine dusky silk outfit. Designed for a courtier guard, enough space for a suit of armor to discreetly fit beneath. Around his neck is a gorgeous garnet scarab amulet.

Kanli's eyes glaze over for a moment before they refocus on the young guard before them. "Why, work for House Boraga, of course! When I awoke this morning, I had this sudden premonition that this would be the perfect day to start work for House Boraga. It was written!"

A moment goes by, then he adds, "Ah, yes. Someone tells me--er, I mean, something tells me you wish for proof that it was written. There are papers... Aha! Here they are! Yes, gaze upon scripture, good man, see our motives are just... and pure."


Tyrien, Half-elven Archeress

Since the half-elven girl wasn't talking to Finia per se, she still goes clothes shopping regardless after the meeting breaks up. Leaving her fancy clothes in her apartment, Tyrien purchases a hot weather outfit to take up the space in her backpack instead.

Dressed in her rugged outdoors exploring outfit, mithral shirt underneath, Tyrien meets the others the next day.

Not wanting to be rude and unsociable, she begins identifying herself and the others in her usual chatter-box tone. "I am Tyrien e'Adrianne. That one is Kanli, the silent one is Ausk. The other silent one is ranger Kal and Kitty. The one with our papers is Anaerion."

"I think we are expected, so are you going to get out of the way? What's your name? Oh, that's a ordinary looking rapier you got there. I got one too, you want to see it? It is very nice, excellent craftsmanship."

"Nice place you are guarding. It must be expensive to run."

[sblock=Mini Stats]Initiative: +7 Perception: +11 (low-light vision)
AC: 20 (15 flat-footed, 15 Touch)
HP: 40 Current: 40
CMB: +6 CMD: 21(16ff) Fort: +5 Reflex: +9 Will: +4
+2 Will vs. Enchantments
Special: Immune to Magical Sleep
Current Conditions in Effect: PBS, Precise Shot, Arcane Strike (+1 Dmg), Resistance, Ioun Stone illumination, Deadly Aim (-2Att/+4dmg)
Current Weapon in Hand: Longbow
Chakrams: 10/10 Remaining

Bardic Performance:
5/5 Rounds Remaining
Spells Remaining: Cantrips: (Message, Resistance, Mending, Prestidigitation)
1st Level 2/2 (Cure Light Wounds, Timely Inspiration)[/sblock]___________________________________________

Tyrien e'Adrianne


First Post
[sblock=ooc]Sorry, guys. Both my posting windows the last few days fell during the DB maintenance. :([/sblock]

The guard takes the papers with a nod, and begins reading them over with the studious intensity of someone following the rules to the letter. He stumbles as Kanli speaks.

"I ... scripture? But these look like assignment papers?" he says, confused.

He's barely managed to decide that Kanli's joking, and returned, brow furrowed, to examining the papers, when Tyrien sallies forth with her own verbal barrage.

"Well, miss I have to do my duty to ... er, name? I'm Private Hensfield and ... well, the rapier is standard issue, I couldn't afford one of ... have one? See? ... oh, my, you're not challenging me to a duel, are you?"

The prospect clearly frightens the young man, whose hand quavers over the hilt of his weapon. His eyes furiously dart between the clearly-seasoned mercenaries before him and his lower lip begins to quiver.

Thankfully, a woman's voice breaks what might have been an immensely embarrassing moment for the green guard.

"As you were, Hensfield. These must be my late hires."

Hensfield lets out a small squeak as he spins around, saluting and hitting attention.

An tall, athletic, dark-skinned woman crosses to the gate guard. Her black hair is pulled tight into a bun at the back of her head. She wears studded leather armor which, while unassuming in its design, is still clearly well-made. The nicks, stains, and wear marks also show it's been just as well-used. The pair of short swords on her hips, if their scabbards are any indication, are probably a match for the armor.

"Back to your post, little one," she says, taking the papers from him. Hensfield scurries back to the guard house, as the newcomer takes the papers from him. She glances at them barely a moment before her severe look melts to a smile.

"You'd be the folk my good friend 'Effie' vouched for, then?" she says with a raised eyebrow. She doesn't wait for acknowledgement that you've understood her code-name for Finia, apparently secure in her ability to get her point across.

"Name's Katenaya. Lieutenant Torengu to the scrubs. Let's get you in and oriented for the trip."

The Leiutenant turns on heel and walks toward the gate. Whether well-oiled timing, luck, or simply force of will, the gate opens just in time for her to enter without breaking stride, and is wide enough for the full party by the time you catch up with here.

The expanse of Palazzo Boraga more than lives up to the hinted extravagance of the walls. Gardens practically glow with vibrant colors from the exotic blooms throughout. Sculptures of marble, bronze, and immaculatley-trimmed flora depict figures and tableus of power and seduction.

All of the buildings match and exceed the general aesthetic of Roses di Sanguigno, made of exquisite marbles, gilded and festooned elaborately, none so conspicuously as the central house. "House" might be an understatemnt, as the building that anchors the Palazzo seems as of it might challenge the Venza Opera House in terms of its sheer size and presence.

Katenaya passes through it all without appearing to notice any of it, her eyes on her path, which leads to a small throng of people near the western half of the estate, all gathered near a heavily-guarded archway. Bronze columns rise up to the swirling, elaborate top piece, creating and archway large enough to accomodate several large wagons riding side by side, and just as tall. Whether by happenstance or through some tranformative magic, House Boraga's gate is just as impressive in size and decoration as anything else in the compound.

Katenaya hands your papers back to Anaerion and points to a clump of armored and armed individuals near the right hand side of the gate.

"New security hires are over there," she says. "We like to keep them clear of the new contractors," here she nods to a clump of men and women who in normal work attire with uniformed House Boraga guard attending them. "Just in case our vetting process missed a connection or two."

[sblock=Perception DC 15]While not all of them are, you notice at least a few of those Katenaya called 'contractors' are actually sporting prisoner's chains. These individuals, as well, tend to be where the House guard have concentrated their numbers.[/sblock]

Satin Knights

First Post
Kalgor nods to the lieutenant and then goes to stand in the security line. He keeps his eyes focused ahead on the path and his expected job. Meanwhile, the panther's head sways as it walks, following its master, checking out everything as it passes by.


Tyrien, Half-elven Archeress

Tyrien smiles disarmingly at the young man and shakes her head, "Dueling? No I would not challenge you to a duel with a rapier. I am an archer, we settle our contests of arms with other means. We can put apples on our heads and shoot them off at 50 paces."

Entering the compound, the half-elven girl is doing a decent impression of a tourist gawking at the sights. Of course, the impression is really of herself and pretty accurate.

Looking over the other security professionals and contractors, Tyrien asks Kate, "What are the contractors for? Labor, building, sweeping... ? Ooo, we are joining with those people. Should we ask them their names?"

Perception (1d20+11=23)

[sblock=Mini Stats]Initiative: +7 Perception: +11 (low-light vision)
AC: 20 (15 flat-footed, 15 Touch)
HP: 40 Current: 40
CMB: +6 CMD: 21(16ff) Fort: +5 Reflex: +9 Will: +4
+2 Will vs. Enchantments
Special: Immune to Magical Sleep
Current Conditions in Effect: PBS, Precise Shot, Arcane Strike (+1 Dmg), Resistance, Ioun Stone illumination, Deadly Aim (-2Att/+4dmg)
Current Weapon in Hand: Longbow
Chakrams: 10/10 Remaining

Bardic Performance:
5/5 Rounds Remaining
Spells Remaining: Cantrips: (Message, Resistance, Mending, Prestidigitation)
1st Level 2/2 (Cure Light Wounds, Timely Inspiration)[/sblock]___________________________________________

Tyrien e'Adrianne
Last edited:


First Post
"Labor, definitely," Katenaya responds to Tyrien's first question.

"As to asking names, you're welcome to make whatever friends you like," she says, then lowers her voice to add, "but given the circumstances, I think you might do better by giving as few Boraga employees as possible a reason to remember your names and faces?"

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