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Pathfinder 1E [LPF] Perception is Reality


First Post
There was no fiery explosion.... no sudden plummeting into a spiked pit... just a messy room. So much for the magic on the door Maui thought to himself as the Auroch looked back at him from the doorstep. He emitted another low mooing noise punctuated by a grunt and a final 'ooom' (a mackwards moo essentially) as he ordered the Auroch to carefully walk in past the eave of the door and then simply walk out.

As Maui waits for the result of this... hoping the Auroch would set off some kind of trap that the group would then no longer have to worry about, the jungle warrior takes out his healing stick and taps himself with it until his wounds are completely healed.

If nothing else strange happens, Maui orders the Auroch to stand guard at the gate and moo if anyone tries to get past him. He orders Taniwha to do the same, only he doesn't expect Taniwha to moo... And then Maui walks into the house through the open door to take a look around.

[sblock=Actions] Order Auroch to walk into the house just past the door, and then walk out backwards.

Meanwhile Maui takes out Wand of CLW, uses 7 charges to heal himself 7d8+7=37 hps taking him back up to exactly full.

Stow away wand of CLW [/sblock]

[sblock=Lvl 11 Stats]
[http://livingpf.wikia.com/wiki/Maui_(jbear1979) Maui]
Initiative: +4
AC: 23 (Touch 16 ; FFt 19)
HP: 123 Current: 86+37=123
CMB: +15 (+17 Grapple) CMD: 29 (30 escape grapple) Fort: +13 Reflex: +11 Will: +14

Buffs: Resinous Skin (100 mins- time in tavern): DR5/piercing, +2 Grapple/-2 to escape my grapple, Weapons that hit become stuck (REF save DC 18); Speak with Animals (1 min);

In Hand:
Cold Iron MW Scimitar: +15/+10; 1d6+7 (Crit 18-20:x2)
and Heavy Shield

Spells: Orisons: Detect Magic, Guidance, Light, Detect Poison
1st: CLW; Longstrider, Entangle, Aspect of the Falcon:USED, Faerie Fire: USED
2nd: Bull's Strength, Bark Skin 2/2, Restoration Lesser, Resist Energy
3rd: Greater Magic Fang 2/2, Resinous Skin: USED, Delay Poison Communal, Empty Slot: USED to Summon Auroch
4th: Thorn Body 2/2, Airwalk, Strong Jaw
5th: Animal Growth:USED , Stone SKin
6th: Empty Slot
Wild Shape: 3/5 uses left per day

[sblock=Leopard Shape]
Medium animal; Senses: low-light vision, scent;
AC 18 , touch 18 , flat-footed 14
Speed 30 ft., climb 20 ft.
Melee:Bite +15; 1d8+8; 2 Claws: +15; 1d4 +8 dmg
Special: Trip


[sblock=Lizard Bird Shape]
Medium animal; Senses: low-light vision, scent;
AC 18, touch 18 , flat-footed 14
Speed 60 ft.
Melee:Bite +15; 1d6+8; 2 Talons: +15; 1d8+8 dmg; Foreclaws: +9; 1d4+5
Special: Pounce


[sblock=Dire Tiger Shape III]
Dire Tiger
Large Animal; Senses: low-light vision, scent;
AC 19, touch 17, flat-footed 16
Speed 40 ft.
Melee:Bite +16; 2d6+9 (+Grab); 2 Claws: +16; 2d4+9 dmg (+Grab)
Special: Pounce, Rake

Wand of CLW Uses: 33/40
Wand of Magic Fang: 44/50
Wand of Speak with Animals: 45/50
Wand of Mage Armor: 46/50
Rod of Lesser Extend: 3/3
Flasks: Holy Water 2/2
Sling Bullets: 19/20

Initiative: +8
AC: 23
HP: 83 Current: 82
CMB: Trip/Disarm +11 CMD: 29 (33 vs Trip) Fort: +8 Reflex: +12 Will: +6 (+10 vs enchant)


Bite (silvered;magic): +13; 1d6+5 dmg; special: Trip
2x Claws (silvered;magic): +13 ; 1d3+5 dmg
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Barlo Hawkins, Human Bard


Barlo kept examining the scene through his mage sight with magical auras. He commented, “Mayhap the room is outside of time... or in the stream of time while we are outside of it? Dunno...”

He waited to see if something happened to the summoned beast and moved closer to the bashed in door to get a better look at the interior and any auras visible within.

[sblock=Mini Stats]Character Sheet
Initiative: +4 Perception: +12
AC: 22 (20 flat-footed, 13 Touch)
HP: 72 Current: 72
CMB: +10 CMD: 23(21ff) Fort: +6 Reflex: +11 Will: +9
Current Conditions in Effect: None
Current Weapon in Hand: Shortbow

Bardic Performances (lingering 2 rnds): 24/27 Remaining
Spells Remaining: Cantrips: [Message, Read Magic, Mage Hand, Prestidigitation, Detect Magic, Ghost Sound]
1st Level 6/7 (DC16) [CLW, Feather Fall, Hideous Laughter, Timely Inspiration, Grease, Vanish, Charm Person, Silent Image]
2nd Level 4/5 (DC17) [Sound Burst, Heroism, Glitterdust, Mirror Image, Invisibility, Calm Emotions, Silence, Mirror Image]
3rd Level 3/4 (DC18) [Haste, Slow, Phantom Steed, Confusion, Tiny Hut]
4th Level 2/2 (DC19) [Dimension Door, Dominate Person][/sblock]


[sblock=Template Recovery]To resume, would anyone have a copy of the email notification of my last Barlo Post? I have some of these in my gmail trash folder.
[/sblock][sblock=Aura’s 16 Sep Post] Attachment 79839 (http://www.enworld.org/forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=79839)
. . . . . . Xathan . . . . . .

The two sides come to a halt, no longer approaching, as words and thoughts are exchanged. Xathan casts a magic, although there is no obvious effect, and mentally adds, Your cattish friend certainly wants to make a battle of it. But, perhaps I can be dissuaded. I merely need a little more energy before I can leave this realm and head to mine. Oh, and I have no desire to come back, as this place pains me so. So, if you don't mind, perhaps we can avoid the ugliness. Look there, my minions return...

The demon gestures and, coming through the dead trees, a small troupe of ghouls start to become visible through the trees. They are obviously carrying and dragging human bodies with them as they amble towards the witch hut.

Demon casts a spell (Spell DC 18 +1/10' distance to identify), and uses more telepathy. Ghouls all ready actions.

Combat Actors:
Xathan: 0 damage (AC 29, Touch 17, CMD 31)
Ghoul1: 0 damage (AC 18, Touch 14, CMD 18)
Ghoul2: 0 damage (AC 18, Touch 14, CMD 18)
Ghoul3: 0 damage (AC 18, Touch 14, CMD 18)
Ghoul4: 0 damage (AC 18, Touch 14, CMD 18)
Ghoul5: 0 damage (AC 18, Touch 14, CMD 18)
Ghoul6: 0 damage (AC 18, Touch 14, CMD 18)
Ghoul7: 0 damage (AC 18, Touch 14, CMD 18)
Ghoul8: 0 damage (AC 18, Touch 14, CMD 18)
Ghoul9: 0 damage (AC 18, Touch 14, CMD 18)
Ghoul10: 0 damage (AC 18, Touch 14, CMD 18)

Maui: 0 damage (AC 28, Touch 15, CMD 24)
Taniwha: 0 damage (AC 28, Touch 19, CMD 31)
Vincenzo: 0 damage (AC 28, Touch 21, CMD 29)
Barlo: 0 damage (AC 23, Touch 14, CMD 28)
Ethane: 0 damage (AC 32, Touch 15, CMD 22)

Group Buffs:
Haste: +1 attack, +1 AC (dodge), +30 move, extra attack on full attack; 9 rounds
Inspire Courage: +3 attack (competence), +3 weapon damage (competence), +3 some saves (morale); 1 round

Individual Buffs:
Maui: Greater Magic Fang: natural atks gain +1 enhancement bonus to atk/dmg (magical); Longstrider +10 movement; Barkskin +5 natural armour; Stone Skin: DR10/Adamantium (120 dmg); Strong Jaw: Dmg dice increase (Bite 2d8; Claw 2d6); Mage Armour (+4 armor)
Ethane: Barkskin (+4 nat Armor), Prot. from Evil (+2 deflection AC - improvement of +1), Shield (+4 AC shield bonus)

Map: http://beta.ditzie.com/91541/57d2bd7dc4e97

Terrain: There are tree trunks which basically block movement. On Xathan's end of the map is the Witch's Hut, and just to the left of it a fire pit.

- I guess it's not exactly combat until someone attacks, but we are round by round. Short term buffs are ticking and new things are potentially cast.
- Although the prose was written for the purpose of narrative with the players, it is not meant to imply Xathan's knowledge of the spell cast by Barlo. Xathan might or might not be aware of exactly which spell was cast, as per spellcraft rules. But, what he definitely is aware of is the feeling of a hostile force/tingle, and Barlo is aware of the fact his spell failed. Xathan's vague response is open to interpretation.
- The ghouls to the right are still well off the map and laden with their human cargo, and it does not seem they will arrive very soon, at least in terms of combat rounds.

Left to act: All[/sblock][sblock=Ethane template from 11 Sep] http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net...n/latest/scale-to-width/200?cb=20150423143956 Ethane stares the creature back, trying to decided what to do. "Someone much wiser than I said to me once, it is not words that move people, but actions. If you truly want to escape here without harm Xathan, then I offer this as my action."

Ethane drops his spear, and keeps his eyes locked on the creature. "Hold friends, and let us hear him out for now. Let us first try and understand him first. Given that we have already helped free him from the prision he was in already, we might be able to help him get out of this world now."

Let me know if I need to make a diplomacy roll, but given everyone else's actions I doubt it will happen.

No changes to the map, but Ethane is not going to fight it right now. If Xathan starts attacking then that is another story.


Ethane Beray
AC: 22 (20 flat-footed, 13 touch) + 3 NA + 4 Shield = 29* (30 vs evil enemies)
HP: 83/83
CMB: +07 CMD: 20
Fort: +10 Reflex: +06 Will: +14
Perception: +11
Initiative: +1
Current Weapon in Hand: Longspear +14 + 3 (IC) /+09 + 3 (IC) 1d8+2 + 3 (IC) 20/x3
Current Conditions in Effect: Barkskin, Protection from Evil, Shield; Inspire Courage +3

Used Items:

Level 0 Spells( 3 ): Light, Purify Food and Drink, Stabilize
Level 1 Spells(5+1): Shield*, Bless, Comprehend Languages, Divine Favor, Divine Favor, Protection from Evil
Level 2 Spells(5+1): Barkskin*, Grace, Resist Energy, Lesser Restoration, Spiritual Weapon, Weapon of Awe
Level 3 Spells(3+1): Protection from Energy*, Invisibility Purge, Magic Vestment, Prayer
Level 4 Spells(2+1): Spell Immunity*, Greater Magic Weapon, Freedom of Movement
Level 5 Spells(1+1): Quickened Shield*, Quickened Divine Favor
* Indicates Domain Spell

Extend Rod: 3/3 per Day
Deflection Aura: 1/1: 20' Aura +2 Deflection AC / CMD. Lasts for 9 rounds
Aura of Protection: 7/9: 30' aura; gain +1 deflection bonus, resistance 5 Fire/Electric/Sonic/Acid/Lightning
Channel: 2/3 5d6 30' burst.[/sblock][sblock=Vincenzo template from 11 Sep] Attachment 78001 (http://www.enworld.org/forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=78001)

" . . . . .And to stay out of this world perhaps?" Asks Vincenzo reluctantly.


skills possibly needed at this moment:

Perception +13 Stealth +6 Bluff +17

AC: 27 (21 flat-footed, 21 touch)
with Combat expertise:
AC: 30 (24 flat-footed, 21 touch)
fighting defensively and combat expertise [+2/+3]
AC: 32, 23 FF,25 Touch
With haste:

*_Ac: haste and Lunge:
26/FF: 19/Touch: 20_*

HP: 132/132

+4 to confirm crit

rapier attack: +22/+17/+12 crit range: 15-20/x2 +2d6 bleed [stacks with self]
dam: 1d6+10
Not updated yet:
CMB: +14 CMD: 27
vs trip
CMB: +17 CMD: 29
vs disarm
CMB: +20 CMD: 32

Fort: +12 Reflex: +8 Will: +6

Perception: +13 Stealth +6
Initiative: +2

Current Weapon in Hand: food skewer with a chunk of lamb and a chunk of potato

longbow +12/+7 damage 1d8+2; additional mods:[+2 att, dam insp corg][+1 att bless][ xtra att, +1 att, +1 dodge a/c and reflex; +30 to move haste]

Temporary/charged items in possession: healing potions, Healing wand

Items depleted: none[/sblock]


First Post
[sblock=OOC]Oh my god! WTF happened? Did we just lose like several pages of our game after the site update? That sucks... [/sblock]

Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure
[sblock=OOC]*tosses red shirt out into the transporter and hits maxixmum distance random direction*

Jbear, It was a software issue that could have happened to anyone's server. It was like an infection that wormed its way through the memory of subsequent back-ups.[/sblock]
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Bridge Post Connecting past to current events

[sblock=The Crash]OK, it appears the game has reverted to an earlier version. I don't have anything but memory go to on, although pm has a few recent posts. Unfortunately, I have nothing in the way of backups, as I didn't know these things could be used. I cleared my browser cache on Sunday, in part because I was wondering of the problem with ENWorld was my machine. And I don't get most email updates because it clogs my email.

If people post what they have found, I will stitch what I can together, bridge it with a descriptive text so it's not quite so abrupt and we'll get back to playing.

PS: I did find a newer version of page 1 that had the experience and gold awards on it, so I updated that.

PPS: I have included a rough story connecting the last existing post to the current situation.[/sblock]

Breaking into the darkened structure that was the Wallace home, the adventurers were greeted with a grisly sight. A living play re-enacted Mindy’s murder of her family, using a combination of knives and poison to ruthlessly execute the entire clan. Vincenzo was rather taken by the entire scene and, for a moment, was so lost in it that he believed it real. Fortunately for all involved, he snapped out of it. Searching the modest abode, it was apparent Mindy was into herbalism, particularly poisons.

However, the spirit of Mindy was apparently not content to lie dormant while they searched through her history. A disembodied voice antagonized the group. Particularly aggressive towards Maui, almost appreciative of Barlo and neutral towards Ethane, Mindy saved her greatest attention for Vincenzo, whom she labeled her ‘boytoy’.

With the child’s home being a bust, the group decided to make for the graveyard, in hopes of finding Mindy’s grave and taking action there. As they approached the site, two things happened. First, it started to become clear that reality was blending in with Mindy’s artificial world, with the graveyard as the apparent nexus point. Secondly, the defeated ogre mage Haron appeared, at a guarded distance, and sought to parlay with the group to band together with them for Mindy’s destruction. And uneasy truce was forged before the group finally marched on the location of Mindy’s grave.

Upon getting within sight of Mindy’s grave, two things became apparent. First, the grave was open. Second, there were four monstrosities assisting Mindy in the upcoming battle. A combination of earth and whirling souls, the earthen containers seemed powered by the spirit realm itself. After a brief ranged exchange, all five enemies disappeared into the ground, only to appear in the midst of the group. Mindy’s strikes, particularly, proved frightfully effective, disrupting Maui with precision strikes and nearly ending his life.

Coming together as a combat team, the group fought Mindy and the swirling masses of soul and earth directly while Barlo magically appeared at Mindy’s grave with the intent of throwing holy water on the vile girl’s remains. Although a guardian was present to protect Mindy’s bones, Barlo succeeded in hitting the corpse with his holy water. Immediately, Mindy started burning and screaming, and the combination of holy water and physical blows finally brought an end to her existence.

Maui pondered if the evil girl was truly dead. Ethane, most knowledgable of the bunch, seemed to think the death seemed genuine—he had heard that was one way that sometimes worked for dealing with ghosts. Meanwhile, a glint of silvery metal caught Barlo’s attention at the graveside, and he located the little monster’s dagger and chain shirt. (Mithral Dagger +2, Agile Weapon and Mithral Chain Shirt +2) Picking them up, he rejoined the group headed back to the temples.

In the temple district, the heroes arrived in time to end an attack on a group of townsfolk holed up in the temple of Ruvalra. With a mighty channeling of positive energy, Ethane broke the ghouls, and the rest of the group and townsfolk finished them off. Well over a hundred people were there, led by mayor Raker. After a short discussion the heroes discovered the townsfolk had fallen back to the temples after discovering that they could not leave Mindy’s accursed realm. The ghouls had already collapsed the defense of the Temple of Amenthia, and the defenders there staged a desperate last ditch effort to hold long enough for the women and children to be evacuated to the Temple of Ruvalra. Meanwhile, a private discussion between Ethane and the last remaining Ruvalran priest discovered the place the upper priests were going before they went missing was the home of Ginni Raker, town witch and daughter of the Mayor, just northwest of town. As this coincided with the unearthly howl that occurred from time to time, the group elected to go there and hopefully end the crisis.

As the group traveled to the witch’s hut, the earth itself seemed to die. By the time they arrived on the scene, nothing was alive, not even the trees, which seemed bare as winter. They spied an demonic being and a number of ghouls forming up for a defense. However, the creature spoke to them, in a soothing yet obviously disturbing mental voice, offering to leave the realm, if only he had more time. Maui bruised for a fight while Ethane remained the diplomat, attempting to negotiate terms. As this happened, more ghouls appeared from Tritower, obviously carrying townsfolk with them, quite possibly alive…
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Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure
[sblock=OOC]I just tried to google cache it and nuttin.[/sblock]
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[sblock=OOC]I assumed we are getting close to the end, yeah?
Aura, from that last post of yours that I had, we should be able to at least commence the encounter right?[/sblock]

Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure
[sblock=OOC]I assumed we are getting close to the end, yeah?
Aura, from that last post of yours that I had, we should be able to at least commence the encounter right?[/sblock]

[sblock=ooc]I was thinking this too. ghouls oun on the edge of the area arriving, the BBEG gloating and trying to make a deal with us in what i thinks is a position of strength, and many of us itching for a fight[/sblock]


First Post
[sblock=ooc]Maui had just moved forward with Taniwha and attacked a ghoul each (seeing the human bodies meant that he is not going to 'chat' with an evil demon any longer, determined to send him back to hell the direct way: tooth and claw). I don't have anything myself sorry. I have just finished totally cleaning up my email account and deleted all of my notices that containsed game updates.[/sblock]
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