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[LPF] Rodents of Unusual Size, pt 3


OOC: Jonas [MENTION=29558]Mowgli[/MENTION] and Hawk [MENTION=11456]Tailspinner[/MENTION] are left to act. I'll be updating tomorrow, so if either of you have a chance, you'll want to take an action before then.

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Maidhc O Casain

Na Bith Mo Riocht Tá!

The burly half-orc shakes his head in frustration, and a look of determination settles on his face. He whirls the flail head once more, and this time the blow he delivers is more . . . satisfying.


Combat Map



Jonas and Dunkel both delve into the fray, upping the power of their blows and striking home, sending chunks of hair flying this way and that. Although a valiant effort, neither chair falls, but instead continues to battle on. Meanwhile, Hawk utters a ferocious roar and slashes viciously at the same chair Dunkel's axe took an armrest from. Landing a brutal blow, she almost rips the back of the chair clean away... but the mindless drone continues on.

Holding her position, Mystie tilts back her head and begins a triumphant song, spurring your team towards victory. The entire team feels her energy run through them, guiding blows and strengthening resolve. Bubba just can't help himself, and he tilts his head back and yowls , as if to assist his mistress.

Undaunted, the chairs continue their merciless assault. Both chairs on Hawk's side of the table beat her up, landing several solid blows with wooden legs. The little homunculus holds his ground, casting his next spell defensively so as to not have to move away from the elemental creature to do so. Upon completion, a small, disembodied and mostly transparent hand appears next to him. "Hahaha, I will be your DOOM," he crows, "and rain DOOM down on you pathetic DOOMED groundlings!"

[sblock=Combat Stuff]Hawk: Raging/RA/Power Attack/Bulls Strength/Bless ChairA and hits for 24 damage (19 after hardness)
Mystie: Begins Bard Song: +1 attack/+1 weapon damage. Starting next round everyone can use it.
Bubba: Doesn't sabotage Bard Song. Not for lack of trying to help.

Chair A attacks Hawk twice, hits twice for 11
Chair B attacks Hawk twice, hits once for 8
Chair C attacks Jonas Twice, hits once for 6
Chair D attacks Jonas twice, only to be disrupted by Ill Omen once, and missing with the other attack (Ill Omen depleted)
Homunculus concentrates/casts defensively, casts Spectral Hand

Map: http://beta.ditzie.com/79736/55caf21002f75

Notes: Tailspinner may be out a while, I'm moving Hawk until TS's return. May as well rage.

Combat Actors
Jonas AC17 -- 12 dam(49) / Bless, Bard Song
Hawk AC16 -- 28 dam(62) / Bull's Strength, Bless, Raging, Reckless Abandon, Bard Song
Crue AC17 -- 0 dam(42) / Bless, Bard Song
Wahyu AC16 -- 0 dam(37) / Bless, Bard Song
Dunkel AC18 -- 0 dam(34) / Bless, Bard Song
Mystie AC14 -- 0 dam(45) / Bless, Bard Song
Homunclulus AC17 / CMD15 / Touch 17 -- 7 Dam / 28' altitude, Mirror Image(2 images)
ChairA AC14 / CMD15 / Touch12 -- 24 Dam / no effects
ChairB AC14 / CMD15 / Touch12 -- 0 Dam / no effects
ChairC AC14 / CMD15 / Touch12 -- 11 Dam / no effects
ChairD AC14 / CMD15 / Touch12 -- 0 Dam / no effects

Beginning of round 3, EVERYONE IS UP.[/sblock]

Maidhc O Casain

Na Bith Mo Riocht Tá!

Jonas once more shakes his head, this time in frustration. "Tough buggers. Must be hardwood . . ." His flail once again smashes into the chair.


Combat Map

[sblock=Actions/Rolls]Power Attack (1d20+8=24) for Damage (1d8+11=15)[/sblock]
[sblock=Mini Stats]
Jonas Psalter

Initiative: +04
AC: 17 (12 Touch, 15 Flat-Footed)
HP: 49/49
Senses: DarkVision (60’) Perception: +12
CMB: +07 CMD: 19 (+9/21 vs. Trip)
Fort: +07 Reflex: +03 Will: +05


The chair reels from Jonas' powerful swing, but continues to flail back at him with two of its legs, forcing the big man to use caution against this mindless foe.

[sblock=Who's up]Cruendithas, Wahyu and Dunkel are still up. Hawk too, if her player returns, otherwise she gets another DM action after the present players have moved.[/sblock]

Deuce Traveler

Dunkel continues chopping away, while keeping an eye out for the injured, "If we keep hacking away, something good's bound to happen. Hawk, how ye holdin' up?"

Attack Chair A

HP: 33/34
AC: 18, AC Touch: 11, AC Flatfooted: 17
INIT: +3 = [DEX (1) + Trait (2)]
BAB: +3, CMB: +5, CMD: 16
Fortitude: +7, Reflex: +3, Will: +8
Speed: 20 ft
Masterwork Battleaxe: Attack: +5, Damage: 1d8+2, Crit: 20/x3, Special: S
Sling: Attack: +3, Damage: 1d4+2, Crit: 20/x2, Range: 50 ft
Channel Positive Energy: 3/4
Spells Prepared:
Level 0 (4) Detect Magic, Guidance, Light, Purify Food and Drink
Level 1 (4+1) Protection from Evil, Magic Weapon, Remove Fear
Level 2 (3+1) Remove Paralysis

- Resistant Touch (Sp): As a standard action, you can touch an ally to grant him your resistance bonus for 1 minute. When you use this ability, you lose your resistance bonus granted by the Protection domain for 1 minute. You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Wisdom modifier. (6/6 times)

- Strength Surge (Sp): As a standard action, you can touch a creature to give it great strength. For 1 round, the target gains an enhancement bonus equal to 1/2 your cleric level (+2) to melee attacks, combat maneuver checks that rely on Strength, Strength-based skills, and Strength checks. You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Wisdom modifier (6/6 times).

Spells Used
Level 1 (4+1) Bless, Enlarge Person
Level 2 (3+1) Bull's Strength, Remove Paralysis, Shatter


First Post
The chairs continued their battering assault as Wahyu's shade continued its own, yet his allies were still taking more of a beating than the construct. There must be something more he could do to help, before, "Ah!" remembering with a start the wand he had purchased yet had yet to use, as he reached into his pack. However, the spirits, constantly demanding, were a mischevous bunch, and did not feel the need to let him simply reach into his pack and grab it. Wrenching it free from their grasp, he turned back to Jonah, ready to use it when the moment revealed itself.

[sblock]Spiritual Weapon Attack (1d20+9=12) I really, really hate invisible castle. It always seems to know just what I need to roll for, so it can go under it. Every single time. Still, I guess another image gets destroyed, thanks to the power of buffs... :<

Anyway, due to the haunted curse, he takes a standard action to pull the wand of CLW from his inventory, and does not take a move action.[/sblock]


First Post
Crue draws magic from within this time, determination driving him and his spell he releases 3 magical bolts that fly true and hit the Homunculus above as his summoned air elemental slams into a image destroying the decoy. Minor damage from the spell but Crue is determined to bring the creature down. A quick look around and he realizes his friends are not faring as well as he had hoped against the lively furniture.

air elemental attack 1D20+6 = [6]+6 = 12
magic missile1D4+1 = [1]+1 = 2
1D4+1 = [1]+1 = 2 1D4+1 = [1]+1 = 2 total 6 damage


[sblock=mini stats]
Initiative +1
AC: 17 (with shield/ Flat:16, Touch: 12)
HP: 42 current: 42
CMB: +2 / CMD: 13 Fort: +2 / Ref: +5 / Will: +5
Resistence: 0
Current Weapon in Hand: Buckler in off hand, wand MM in main hand

Spell Like Abilities: Dancing Lights3/4, Ghost Sound1/1, Prestidigitation1/1, Speak with Animals1/1
Arcane Strike +1/Magic Missile 1/2

0 Lvl Spells:
Acid Splash, Detect Magic, Read Magic, Mage Hand, Message, Light

1st Lvl Spells: 3/5 per day
Cure Light Wounds, Grease, Expeditious Retreat, Identify
2nd Lvl Spells: 2/3 per day
Tongues, Pilfering Hand, Summon Monster II

Archaeologist's Luck (+2) rounds/day: 3/7

Wand CLW 8/10
Wand MM 20/25

Small Air Elemental
AC 17, touch 14, flat-footed 14 (+3 Dex, +3 natural, +1 size)
hp 13/13
Speed fly 100 ft. (perfect)
Melee slam +6 (1d4+1)
Special Attacks whirlwind (DC 12, 10-20 ft.)
rounds 4/5


Round 4: Dinner Room Brawl

Magical bolts from Cruendithas' hand slam into the tiny homunculus, causing it some pause. Looking daggers at his foe, the little monster crows, "If you wish death so badly, so be it!" Meanwhile his summoned elemental and Wahyu's summoned blade grind away, leaving the little nuisance with no more images to protect him.

However, Wahyu and Dunkel don't have quite the level of success. With some difficulty, Wahyu finally retrieves his wand and prepares to do some healing. Fighting from one of the inaminate chairs, Dunkel swings away, but his blow does not appreciably injure the hardwood chair. For a moment, his axe becomes stuck in the chair's wooden seat and Dunkel feverishly works to free it when a second sweep of Hawk's sword shatters the chair into dozens of smaller pieces, incapable of posing a threat to anyone past getting a splinter. Dunkel hefts his axe again and is ready for more combat.

Seeing Jonas injured, Mystie casts a short spell and touches him, helping remove the bruises he's received from his battering from the chairs. "Hawk might be in more trouble than Jonas, now," she quickly explains, then resumes her battle chant inspiring all her friends who can hear hear. Hand on Bubba's scruff, he simultaneously calms the great mastiff down from his previous fretting.

Getting an odd smirk on its face, the homunculus looks at Hawk and casts a spell. The disembodied hand immediately rushes forward to her and touches her, draining life energy from her and then healing itself with the infernal gains. Hawk is starting to look as if she may be in trouble from the beating she is receiving.

[sblock=Combat Stuff]Hawk: Raging/RA/Power Attack/Bulls Strength/Bless ChairA and hits for 24 damage (19 after hardness), destroying it
Mystie: Continues Bard Song: +1 attack/+1 weapon damage. Heals Jonas for 6 points of damage.
Bubba: Settles down.

Chair B attacks Hawk twice, hits once for 9
Chair C attacks Jonas Twice, hits once for 5
Chair D attacks Jonas twice, hits once for 8
Homunculus falls back 5', casts Vampiric Touch, spectral hand hits Hawk doing 8 damage to Hawk and healing the Homumculus for a like amount.

Map: http://beta.ditzie.com/79736/55d5584f23c15

Combat Actors
Jonas AC17 -- 19 dam(49) / Bless, Bard Song
Hawk AC16 -- 45 dam(62) / Bull's Strength, Bless, Raging, Reckless Abandon, Bard Song
Crue AC17 -- 0 dam(42) / Bless, Bard Song
Wahyu AC16 -- 0 dam(37) / Bless, Bard Song
Dunkel AC18 -- 0 dam(34) / Bless, Bard Song
Mystie AC14 -- 0 dam(45) / Bless, Bard Song
Homunclulus AC17 / CMD15 / Touch 17 -- 5 Dam / 28' altitude
ChairA AC14 / CMD15 / Touch12 -- 24 Dam / no effects
ChairB AC14 / CMD15 / Touch12 -- 0 Dam / no effects
ChairC AC14 / CMD15 / Touch12 -- 21 Dam / no effects
ChairD AC14 / CMD15 / Touch12 -- 0 Dam / no effects

Beginning of round 4, EVERYONE IS UP.[/sblock]


First Post
This imp was tougher than he looked, as he seemed to drain the very life from Wahyu's ally. The oracle needed to do more than just this to make an impact. He cried to Dunkel as he sheathed his blade, "Dwarf! Tend to Hawk as I give ye needed shelter!"

Muttering a prayer of safety and obscurity, Wahyu took a short breath as he reached toward the flames and pulled, then did so again, and again yet, the flames in the sconces burning lower and dimmer with every motion. He swayed on his feet and his eyes rolled back, his tongue lolled out and the flames seemed to die altogether, when finally he snapped to, the flames roaring back to life as he belched forth a great, swelling cloud of billowing black smog.

[sblock=OOC]He five foot steps to j7, sheathes his dagger as a move action and casts obscuring mist as a standard one, on the top right corner of his square (I assume that's how that works).[/sblock]

[sblock= Wahyu's Mini Stats]Wahyu
AC: 18* (16* flat-footed, 15* touch)
HP: 30/30
CMB: 2 CMD: 14
Fort: +3 Reflex: +4 Will: +6
Perception: +6, Darkvision 60 ft
Initiative: +6
Current Weapon in Hand: Dagger (+4, 1d3+0, 19-20/x2)
Current Conditions in Effect: Shielf of Daith (+2)*
Spells Remaining (1st): 4/8
Spells Remaining (2nd): 3/5

Used Items:
Bolts (2/20)
Abilities Used:
Voice of the Grave (3/4 questions asked)[/sblock]

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