[LPF]Run Away


"If Lu can get out of the way, I can try to hold them in place long enough for others to finish them off. My apologies to those who can't see in the dark, but it's the only trick I have left to deal with these critters." Thuvian frowns as the barrage of acid flasks fails to accomplish it's goal.

[sblock=actions]Ready casting of Binding Darkness on the swarm as soon as Lu gets clear. As a standard action, you cast a weave of shadows at any foe within 30 feet as a ranged touch attack. The shadows entangle your foe for 1 round plus 1 additional round for every five wizard levels you possess. In conditions of bright light, this duration is halved (minimum 1 round). A creature entangled by your shadows has concealment from those without darkvision or the ability to see in darkness, and other creatures likewise have concealment relative to it.[/sblock][sblock=Thuvian's mini stats]
Thuvian Darklight
Initiative: +3
AC: 17 (14 flat-footed, 17 Touch)
HP: 12 Current: 12
CMB: +1 CMD: 14 Fort: +1 Reflex: +3 Will: +4(6 vs illusions)

Current Weapon: Light Crossbow (+4/1d8)
Notable Effects: Mage Amor

Binding Darkness, +4 ranged touch attack, 6/day, 5 left
Darkness 1/day
Spells Remaining
Cantrips: Acid Splash, Detect Magic, Ghost Sound, Prestidigitation
1st Level: Color Spray, Obscuring Mist, Silent Image, Vanish[/sblock]

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First Post
Xerik sighed as his acid did very little to stem the tide of rates, and more then likely did more damage to Lu then anything. "Sorry Lu!" He shouts before moving up towards the swarm to help the creature out, taking care to protect himself until Thuvian is able to lock the swarm down

Move action to move 30' towards the swarm, Standard Action Total defence

[sblock=Mini Stats]
Initiative: +6
AC: 16 (12 flat-footed, 14 Touch)
HP: 9 Current: 9
CMB: +1 CMD: 15 Fort: +0 Reflex: +6 Will: +0
Resistance: 5 Cold, 5 Acid, 5 Electricity

Current Weapon in Hand: Rapier


First Post
Ni and Lu wince in tandem as the acid from Xerik's vial singes the eidolon, although only Lu seems to be actually hurt. Stepping forward, Ni says, through gritted teeth, "I've got some more acid for ya, rats!" as a small green orb congeals from nothing in his palm and then shoots forth, singing a cluster of the vermin. Ni gives a celebratory fist-pump.

Lu does its best to reduce the swarm's numbers, swatting and biting in earnest. Ni nods his understanding to Thuvian and calls out, "Lu! Retreat!" and the eidolon obediently takes a step backward.

[sblock=Actions]Ni moves forward 15' and casts Acid Splash. Lu full attacks and then takes a 5' step backwards, out of the swarm.[/sblock][sblock=Stats]Nimientioquijuil
Initiative: +2, Perception: +2
HP: 16/16
AC: 17 (Touch: 13, Flat-footed: 15) CMB: -2 CMD: 10 Fort: +2, Ref: +4, Will: +4

Current Weapon in Hand: None

Summon Monster I: 9/9
Spells: 0 (Infinite), 1 (2/3)

Active Magic: Mage Armor - Lu (0/2 hours)

Status: Summoned, Perception: +2
AC: 16 (FF: 14; Touch: 12) CMB: +3 CMD: 15 Fort: +3 Ref: +4 Will: +0

Natural Weapons: Bite (+3, 1d6+2), 2 Claws (+3, 1d4+2)[/sblock]
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Satin Knights

First Post
Arianna lets another speargun bolt fly managing to skewer another already dead rat. Changing tactics, she reaches into the pocketed scarf for the acid vial.
[sblock=actions]std shoot, move equiv retrieve acid vial[/sblock][sblock=mini-stats]

Arianna Mermaid ~ Perception +3, Sense Motive +2, Stealth +1, Low Light Vision
Base HP 17/0, AC 14, 12 T, 12 FF, Init +2
Current HP: 17
, Current AC: 14
CMB +0, CMD 12, Fort +3, Reflex +2, Will +6 . . Move 15'
MW Long Spear +1, d8 with 10' reach
MW DW Spear Gun +3, d8
Dagger +0, d4 or thrown +2, d4
Active Enhancements: -
In hand: none

Consumables: 35 spear gun bolts, 20 cold iron bolts, 4 days rations,
. . .... . . . . . . . 3 potions of Cure Light Wounds, (in scarf)
. . . . .... . . . . . 1 potion of Lesser Rejuvenate Eidolon (backpack)
.......................1 wand of Lesser Rejuvenate Eidolon (50 charges)
.......................1 wand of Cure Light Wounds (50 charges)
Loot chosen: 1 vial of Acid (in scarf), 50 GP payment

Summon Monster I: 7/day, 0 used
.Cantrips: unlimited Detect Magic, Mage Hand, Drench, Jolt
. Orisons: unlimited Stabilize, Guidance, Purify Food/Drink
1st Level: 2/day, 1 used Mage Armor, Lesser Rejuvenate Eidolon
1st Level: Memorized Bless, Divine Favor, Longstrider(d)
Channel Positive Energy: 7/day, 0 used 1d6 healing
Interrupt Abilities: Move HP from Arianna (real) to Teq (temp) to keep above zero

Beast (Teq Oola) ~ Perception +11, Sense Motive +2, Stealth +1, 60' Darkvision and Low Light Vision
Base HP 17/11, AC 15, 11 T, 14 FF, Init +1
Current HP: 17/11, Current AC: 19
CMB +4, CMD 15, Fort +3, Reflex +1, Will +6 . . Move 30'
Claw/Claw +4, d4+3
MW Longspear +5, d8+4 with 10' reach
MW Darkwood Speargun +3, d8
Dagger +4, d4+1 or thrown +2, d4+3
Jolt +2, d3, RTA spell
Active Enhancements: Mage Armor (1.8 hours)
In hand: Speargun and acid vial[/sblock]


First Post
Thiera darts forward, acid vial in hand, and throws it at the swarm of rodents.

[sblock=Actions]Move 20' toward the swarm, then throw the acid flask.[/sblock]
[sblock=Combat Stats]Initiative: +3
Max HP: 11 Current HP: 11
AC: 15 Touch AC: 13 FF AC: 12
CMB: +1 CMD: 14 Fort: +3 Ref: +5 Will: +1
Speed: 20'
Resistances: 5/Cold, 5/Electric, 5/Fire

Main Hand: Acid Flask
Off Hand: Longbow[/sblock]


First Post
The swarm manages to attack one more time before the next round attacks. Biting and scratching at Lu, the rats seem desperate to try and finish off the creature in front of it.

However, with the next volley of attacks the swarms starts to disperse. Lu catches a few in his claws and teeth, but the majority of the swarm lines burnt, skewered, or otherwise dead.

[sblock=Combat Over]
Good job guys! I am backish. I will try and update when I can, but my schedule is less busy then how it was before.

Satin Knights

First Post
Arianna goes and attends to the wounded feliphant. Pulling a wand, she heals a bit of damage it took in its gallant charge. The wand fizzles. She tries again. Still it is under performing. "I am going to have to talk to someone about this when we get back topside."
[sblock=actions]Heal Lu 6 HP.[/sblock][sblock=mini-stats]Arianna Mermaid ~ Perception +3, Sense Motive +2, Stealth +1, Low Light Vision
Base HP 17/0, AC 14, 12 T, 12 FF, Init +2
Current HP: 17
, Current AC: 14
CMB +0, CMD 12, Fort +3, Reflex +2, Will +6 . . Move 15'
MW Long Spear +1, d8 with 10' reach
MW DW Spear Gun +3, d8
Dagger +0, d4 or thrown +2, d4
Active Enhancements: -
In hand: none

Consumables: 35 spear gun bolts, 20 cold iron bolts, 4 days rations,
. . .... . . . . . . . 3 potions of Cure Light Wounds, (in scarf)
. . . . .... . . . . . 1 potion of Lesser Rejuvenate Eidolon (backpack)
.......................1 wand of Lesser Rejuvenate Eidolon (48 charges)
.......................1 wand of Cure Light Wounds (50 charges)
Loot chosen: 1 vial of Acid (in scarf), 50 GP payment

Summon Monster I: 7/day, 0 used
.Cantrips: unlimited Detect Magic, Mage Hand, Drench, Jolt
. Orisons: unlimited Stabilize, Guidance, Purify Food/Drink
1st Level: 2/day, 1 used Mage Armor, Lesser Rejuvenate Eidolon
1st Level: Memorized Bless, Divine Favor, Longstrider(d)
Channel Positive Energy: 7/day, 0 used 1d6 healing
Interrupt Abilities: Move HP from Arianna (real) to Teq (temp) to keep above zero

Beast (Teq Oola) ~ Perception +11, Sense Motive +2, Stealth +1, 60' Darkvision and Low Light Vision
Base HP 17/11, AC 15, 11 T, 14 FF, Init +1
Current HP: 17/11, Current AC: 19
CMB +4, CMD 15, Fort +3, Reflex +1, Will +6 . . Move 30'
Claw/Claw +4, d4+3
MW Longspear +5, d8+4 with 10' reach
MW Darkwood Speargun +3, d8
Dagger +4, d4+1 or thrown +2, d4+3
Jolt +2, d3, RTA spell
Active Enhancements: Mage Armor (1.7 hours)
In hand: wand [/sblock]
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First Post
Ni rushes over to Lumoi'es the instant it becomes clear the rats are dispersing. As he cradles his eidolon as best he can, Arianna heals the odd creature back to full strength. Ni nods his thanks profusely.

"Ah yes, wands, they can be quite unreliable if you get them from the wrong fellow. I only bought magical goods - although I could only afford small things, really, I'm not in a particularly advantageous situation economically at this stage in my life - from one especially trustworthy fellow back on Illi Esse. Haven't tried the continent's goods, yet, but," he frowns, "this doesn't bode well."

Lu shrugs off Ni's over-attentiveness and turns to munch on a nearby apple core. Ni looks around at the group. "Well, those acid flasks didn't really do much, but they sure were a good idea - we'll have to remember to commend our employer. Shall we continue?"

[sblock=OOC]Hope we didn't lose the new guys. Thanks for the wanding, SK.[/sblock][sblock=Stats]Nimientioquijuil
Initiative: +2, Perception: +2
HP: 16/16
AC: 17 (Touch: 13, Flat-footed: 15) CMB: -2 CMD: 10 Fort: +2, Ref: +4, Will: +4

Current Weapon in Hand: None

Summon Monster I: 9/9
Spells: 0 (Infinite), 1 (2/3)

Active Magic: Mage Armor - Lu (0/2 hours)

Status: Summoned, Perception: +2
AC: 16 (FF: 14; Touch: 12) CMB: +3 CMD: 15 Fort: +3 Ref: +4 Will: +0

Natural Weapons: Bite (+3, 1d6+2), 2 Claws (+3, 1d4+2)[/sblock]


Thuvian observes the swarm breaking up quietly, "Yes, they were a wise choice, a rare thing indeed to find amongst the nobility. We should probably keep moving, as there may be other things down here besides our intended target that would like to introduce themselves unnecessarily."


First Post
As Lumoi'es slips away from Ni's gnome-sized bear hug, the summoner nods exaggeratedly. "I agree - who in all the planes knows what else is down in this sewer. Rat swarms! Underdwellar colonies! Luminescent bats! We'd better get moving!"

Ni starts to march off, continuing in the direction the group had been traveling until the appearance of the rats, with Lu catching up with and then surpassing its diminutive master to take the group's lead.

[sblock=OOC]Are @Drakhar and @mazzoli still with us? I'd hate to have lost them so early in their LPF lives![/sblock][sblock=Stats]Nimientioquijuil
Initiative: +2, Perception: +2
HP: 16/16
AC: 17 (Touch: 13, Flat-footed: 15) CMB: -2 CMD: 10 Fort: +2, Ref: +4, Will: +4

Current Weapon in Hand: None

Summon Monster I: 9/9
Spells: 0 (Infinite), 1 (2/3)

Active Magic: Mage Armor - Lu (0/2 hours)

Status: Summoned, Perception: +2
AC: 20 (FF: 18; Touch: 12) CMB: +3 CMD: 15 Fort: +3 Ref: +4 Will: +0

Natural Weapons: Bite (+3, 1d6+2), 2 Claws (+3, 1d4+2)[/sblock]

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