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Kris, surprised at herself for walking right past the scorpions without noticing, curses under her breath as she draws her bow. She emits a sharp, high pitched whistle while pointing at the scorpion next to Sanguine, who springs into action. Kris then knocks an arrow, and looses it at the same scorpion. (unless its dead, in which case she fires at the other one.)

Full round attack: (sc2) attack rolls of 7, 12 and 21, dealing 2, 3, and 3 damage respectively. (I forgot to subtract 5 for 2ndary natural attacks. Also, crit failed, rolled a 5.)

Free: command Sanguine to attack
Move: Draw bow
Standard: attack (sc2, or if dead and if possible, sc1) Attack roll of 13 for 1 damage (I forgot to add the penalty for firing into melee combat.)

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Morgan spins to the scorpion on the left, pointing a finger at it and letting a single word escape her lips.


A beam of red light beams forth, stabbing towards the creature.

[sblock=Mini Stats] Morgan Blake
Init: +1
AC: 11 (10 Flat-footed, 11 Touch)
HP: 6/6

CMB: +0 CMD: 11 Fo
rt: +0 Reflex: +1 Will: +3

Resistance: none

Current Weapon in Hand:
Shortspear: Attack: +00 = [BAB (00) + STR (00) + Misc (00) + Magic (00)]

Damage: 1d6+0, Crit: 20/x2,
Spells Remaining:
Cantrips: Spark, Flare, Arcane Mark, Prestidigitation, Umbrella

First Level (4 spells per day): Disguise Self, Burning Hands

[sblock=Actions] Attack Scorpion 1 with Elemental Ray (Fire):
Invisible Castle:
http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/3876556/ [/sblock]


The attacks from the party get mixed success; corners hamper some, inexperience others, but both scorpions do take damage. The left scorpion is only hit by Morgan's fire ray, but the right one takes damage from the ocelot, Kris's arrow, and Frederick's attack. The left scorpion is annoyed, but not overly bothered as it takes a quick step to be able to reach multiple foes. It's claws lash out at Erinth while it's stinger goes after Antal. One claw misses wildly, but the other easily hits, causing 3 points of damage; the stinger buries itself in the summoner's arm, dealing 2 points of damage and delivering a painful dose of poison. The right scorpion is far less pleased as it lashes out with its full attack. It's claws angrily strike out at the ocelot, but the corner prevents one of them from hitting, though the other one is just able to get through the ocelot, dealing 2 damage. It's stinger lashes out at Frederick, dealing 3 damage and injecting poison into his body.

[sblock=scorpions round 1]There isn't a lot of room for maneuvering. The bars are the sides of the tunnels. The surprise round was the scorpions jumping out from behind some rubble.

xxxx|__ Ki |
xxxx|__ Sa|
|__Sc1_E _Sc2 |
|_A_______F_ |
|___M_ Kr____|

Antal 8/10; AC 15
Erinth 6/9; AC 16
Frederick 6/9; AC 15; potentially poisoned
Kin 11/11; AC 15
Kris 9/9; AC 16
Morgan 6/6; AC 11
Sanguine 13/15; AC 17

Scorpion 1 2 damage; AC 12
Scorpion 2 6 damage (noticeably hurt); AC 12[/sblock]

OOC: The party is up. Actions will occur in posting order. Morgan, the elemental ray technically requires a touch attack roll; I'll not worry about it this time, but in the future make sure to include it. Also, Sanguine, remember -4 to attacks for cover from corners. Antal and Frederick need to make a DC 12 Fort Save or take 1 Str damage.


First Post
Antal steps back from the scorpion again, wincing at the small wound on his arm but focusing on the matter at hand and enduring the poison as well as he can. He touches Morgan's shoulder lightly, muttering "You're probably more dangerous than I am," along with a few more arcane syllables.

Kin, on the other hand, steps closer to get a better angle for attack now that the giant scorpion has stepped forward, and claws viciously at the creature.

Save against poison succeeds with a 21.
Free Action: 5-foot step South, away from Sc1 and adjacent to Morgan
Standard: Cast guidance on Morgan. She gets a +1 competence bonus on a single attack roll, saving throw, or skill check. She must choose to use the bonus before making the roll to which it applies.

Free Action: 5-foot step South, adjacent to Sc1 again so that he doesn't have to deal with cover
Full-round Action: Full attack against Sc1; attack rolls of 15 for 9 damage and 14 for 8 damage.[/sblock]

[sblock=Mini Stats]
Antal Amakiir
AC: 15 (13 flat-footed/Touch)
HP: 8/10
CMB: -2 CMD: 10 Fort: +3 Reflex: +2 Will: +2 (+4 vs. Fear)

Current Weapon in Hand: Mace

Summon Monster 1: 7/7 remaining
Adaptable Luck: 3/3 remaining
Spells Remaining: 1st Level 2/2

[sblock=Kin]Initiative: +1
AC: 15 (14 flat-footed/11 Touch)
HP: 11/11
CMB: +4 CMD: 15 Fort: +3 Reflex: +1 Will: +2
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First Post
Kris realizes that it is too crowded and cramped down in this tunnel to continue shooting arrows without risking hitting an ally, so instead she lowers her bow, and mutters a few words in elven before laying a hand on Sanguine's back.

Sanguine then hisses, and attacks the scorpion with renewed vigor.

Standard action: cast guidance on Sanguine. +1 on next attack roll.

Full round attack: Attack rolls of 6, 8, and 2 each for 3 damage.[/sblock]
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Voidrunner's Codex

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