[LPF] The Forbidden Isle of Ancient Secrets


First Post
Aradra calmly takes aim, and launches two arrows from his first shot. He then launches one more at the same target, before trying to shoot the one moving closer to the party. The house simply ducks his head as the archer looks around.

Shot 1 and 2 on pink, shot 3 on green

Shadow will move into the water, trying to engage the creatures before they get closer. Move L6,7 M6,7 should be one move, then ready a bite attack.

[sblock=Aradra Stats]

Aradra Longstrider

AC: 20 (15 flat-footed, 15 touch)
HP: 69/69
CMB: +9 CMD: 20
Fort: +7 Reflex: +11 Will: +5

Perception: +12
Initiative: +7

Current Weapon in Hand: None
Current Conditions in Effect: Rapid Shot/Deadly Aim;Woodland Stride

: 70/70 Minutes Remain (Darkvision)
Level 1 Spells: Longstrider, Gravity Bow
Level 2 Spells: Hide Campsite

[sblock=Shadow Stats]


AC: 19 (17 flat-footed, 11 touch)
HP: 62/62
CMB: +11 CMD: 23 (27 vs Trip
Fort: +9 Reflex: +7 Will: +2 (+4 vs Enchantment Charm/Compulsion)

Perception: +12
Initiative: +2

Current Weapon in Hand: Bite (+9 1d8 + 15 + Trip)
Current Conditions in Effect: Power Attack, Furious Focus, Evasion, Share Spells; Scent
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Maidhc O Casain

Na Bith Mo Riocht Tá!

Seeing that the man in the boat has thrown a line ashore, Kalinn abandons her efforts to get him a rope. She drops her supplies to the sand on the landward side of her horse and dismounts, snatching her blade from its straps on the saddle as she moves toward the straining Daylily.

"Let's get him ashore and away from those crabs, then we can join in the fight!"

  • Move: Dismount
  • Move: to I8 help Daylily.

[sblock=Mini Stats]
Kalinn Ari
Initiative: +3
AC: 23 (20 Flat-Footed, 13 Touch)
HP: 68/68
CMB: +5 CMD: 18
Fort: +8 Reflex: +6 Will: +6

Rage Block
Initiative: +3
AC: 21 (18 Flat-Footed, 11 Touch)
HP: 89/89
CMB: +7 CMD: 18
Fort: +11 Reflex: +6 Will: +8

Senses: DarkVision
Perception: +09, Sense Motive: +0

Current Weapon in Hand: None

Spells Available (Cantrips: Unlimited, 1st Level: 6/6 per Day)
Cantrips: Acid Splash, Disrupt Undead, Jolt, Mending, Ray of Frost
1st Level: Ear Piercing Scream, Mage Armor, Protection from Evil, Shield
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First Post
As what is going on creeps into Relic's vision he raises his rod towards one of the crabs and shouts: "Only death awaits you here! Away with you! Find something else for lunch or become lunch yourself!!"

[sblock=Actions] Relic casts Cause Fear on crab at H2 using his Rod of Lesser extend to lengthen the time. [/sblock]
Relic Nevyn
(Lvl 4) Human Wizard 3/Oracle 1
HP: 31/31
AC: 14 Touch 14 FlatFooted 11
Initiative: +4; Temporal Celerity: Rolls initiative twice and can use either result
Fort: +2 Ref: +3 Will: +6
Wizards Spells: lvl 0: Prestidigitation, Detect Magic, Read Magic, Ghost Sound
Lvl 1: Shocking Grasp; Silent Image; Colour Spray; Cause Fear: USED
Lvl 2: Summon Monster II, Hideous Laughter, Invisibility
Bonded Ring:
Pearl of Power (lvl 1):
Lightning Flash 7/7 uses left today
Oracles Orisons: Detect Poison, Create Water, Guidance, Purify Food and Drink
Oracles Spells: lvl 1: 3/3 uses left today
Wand of Mage Armor: (48/50) charges
Wand of CLW: (50/50) charges
Rod of Lesser Extend: 2/3 uses left today
Consumables: 4/4 CLW Potions; 8/8 trail rations
Scrolls prepared for Battle: Magic Missile, Shield, Ray of Enfeeblement, Hypnotism, Moment of Greatness
Curse: Clouded Vision: Max Vision limit 30'; as Darkvision

Satin Knights

First Post
Aradra skewers the wounded pink crab, which is now pinned to the side of the boat with two arrows. The green crab tries moving in on Shadow who was ready for him. Shadow bites down on the shell and you hear a mighty crack. The crab tries to pinch back futilely before going limp in the wolf's jaws. The blue tinged beast charges at Daylily and manages to slash his shin. The red one keeps snapping at his original meal, but is not making progress on dragging it into the water.

Your employer is watching from the road.

The party is up.
[sblock=Combat]Strength check DC 13 to move the boat 10', DC 18 to move it 20'.
It is a move action for the first person to grab the rope out of the water.
These are mindless critters, so the Cause Fear spell was ineffectual.

Crab blue
Crab red
Crab pink ~ dead
Crab green ~ unconscious

Damage ~ Name ~ condition
3+1 NL ~ Daylily... ~ bless ~ fatigued
0 ....~ Frost...... ~ bless
0 ....~ Relic...... ~ bless
0 ....~ Iosef...... ~ bless
0 ....~ Aradra.... ~
0 ....~ Shadow.. ~
0 ....~ Employer ~
?..,...~ Fisherman ~ wounded
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First Post
Relic mutters a curse at having wasted a spell on a mindless crab. He decides his own talents are all but useless against such creatures.

"Daylilly, may the Wind guide your hammer!"

[sblock=Actions] Relic casts Guidance on Daylily [/sblock]

Maidhc O Casain

Na Bith Mo Riocht Tá!
Kalinn takes hold of the rope to pull with Daylily . . . or to allow him to drop it and crack the attacking crab open. She gives a mighty pull on the rope.

[sblock=Actions]Move: None (or take rope, not clear on this)
Standard: Pull (1d20+2=17) on the rope.[/sblock]


First Post
Have Shadow move to attack blue

Move Aradra to have clear LoS to the last crab attacking the man.

[sblock=Aradra Stats]

Aradra Longstrider

AC: 20 (15 flat-footed, 15 touch)
HP: 69/69
CMB: +9 CMD: 20
Fort: +7 Reflex: +11 Will: +5

Perception: +12
Initiative: +7

Current Weapon in Hand: None
Current Conditions in Effect: Rapid Shot/Deadly Aim;Woodland Stride

: 70/70 Minutes Remain (Darkvision)
Level 1 Spells: Longstrider, Gravity Bow
Level 2 Spells: Hide Campsite

[sblock=Shadow Stats]


AC: 19 (17 flat-footed, 11 touch)
HP: 62/62
CMB: +11 CMD: 23 (27 vs Trip
Fort: +9 Reflex: +7 Will: +2 (+4 vs Enchantment Charm/Compulsion)

Perception: +12
Initiative: +2

Current Weapon in Hand: Bite (+9 1d8 + 15 + Trip)
Current Conditions in Effect: Power Attack, Furious Focus, Evasion, Share Spells; Scent


First Post
"Hah! Is come to hammerings!" With a nod to Kalinn, he drops the rope and swings at the attacking crab.

[sblock=Mini Stats]

Daylily Falshenaya

AC: 18 (18 flat-footed, 13 touch)
HP: 44/47
CMB: +8 CMD: 20
Fort: +7 Reflex: +4 Will: +4

AC: 16 (16 flat-footed, 13 touch)
HP: 55/55
CMB: +10 CMD: 22
Fort: +9 Reflex: +4 Will: +6

Perception: +9
Initiative: +2

Current Weapon in Hand: None
Current Conditions in Effect: Fatigued
Rage Remaining: 9/9

Used Items:
Rations, 1
CLW Wand, 1
Javelin, 1

Satin Knights

First Post
Relic shifts and enhances the wild elf's abilities. Kalinn yanks hard on the rope and makes progress pulling the boat ashore. Shadow moves over through the water, bites the blue crab, but in time to tangle up in the rope a bit. Aradra moves his horse up enough to take a shot at the crab on the far side of the boat. He wounds it. After Shadow's bite, Daylily retaliates at the sea beast that just nipped him, resulting in cracked crab before it has been cooked. Iosef wades through the wades, realizing half plate armor is not the easiest to to swim in.

The last crab is determined to get its dinner, but has no success after being wounded.

The party is up.
[sblock=Combat]Strength check DC 13 to move the boat 10', DC 18 to move it 20'.
It is a move action for the first person to grab the rope out of the water.

Crab blue ~ dead
Crab red ~ wounded
Crab pink ~ dead
Crab green ~ dead

Damage ~ Name ~ condition
3+1 NL ~ Daylily... ~ bless ~ fatigued
0 ....~ Frost...... ~ bless
0 ....~ Relic...... ~ bless
0 ....~ Iosef...... ~ bless
0 ....~ Aradra.... ~
0 ....~ Shadow.. ~
0 ....~ Employer ~
?..,...~ Fisherman ~ wounded[/sblock]
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