[LPF] The Forbidden Isle of Ancient Secrets


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We solve one puzzle to get a hint to a much larger mystery. It seems this is not just going to be just search and rescue.

Walking over to Relic Aradra whispers "Ask about either the prisoners of the mind or the prisoner of old. I think we know what the prisoner of glass is." Nodding towards the point where the wsip disappeared earlier

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First Post
Relic smiles broadly as Daylily frees the wisp. "Perhaps you should free the other one as well Daylilly."

Relic nods at Aradra's prompting and whispers in reply. "I fear whatever answer this creature gives us will only deepen the mystery. Don't you think we would be better to ask about the whereabouts of Sara? It says it watches. It must have seen something."


First Post
Relic clears his throat. "Well ... it seems the creatures have good hearing, and they are as capricious as I suspected. Why don't you free the other one, Daylilly? I'll take care not to ask any question other than the one we wish to ask the creature."

Satin Knights

First Post
Daylily leads the group up to the intersection that has another lit streetlamp. Peering around the corner of the vegetation, one can see that the cliffs carve a deep dent in the rather round island. While two broken globes can be seen in the distance, another streetlamp stands lit at the end of the next road that heads towards the cliffs.


First Post
Daylily loads another chunk of rubble into his sling as he ambles down the road. He cocks an eyebrow at Aradra. "You wants to the practice the shoot this time, or no?" He glances around, alert for more tasty things to kill.[sblock=Mini Stats]

Daylily Falshenaya

AC: 18 (18 flat-footed, 13 touch)
HP: 66/69
CMB: +10 CMD: 22
Fort: +8 Reflex: +4 Will: +4

AC: 16 (16 flat-footed, 11 touch)
HP: 78/81
CMB: +12 CMD: 24
Fort: +10 Reflex: +4 Will: +6

Perception: +11
Initiative: +2

Current Weapon in Hand: Earthbreaker
Current Conditions in Effect: Lingering rage, PA/FF
Rage Remaining: 9/13

Used Items:
Rations, 1
CLW Wand, 14
Javelin, 2
Barbarian chew, 1


First Post
With a shrug Ardara says "I have to be a little conservative with my bow's ammo, but I have something that won't break on impact at least. Save your sling's stone on this one."

He grabs at his combat survival knife at by his belt, and after moving forward to get a better line of sight to the ball, takes careful aim at the crystal at the top and flicks the dagger at his target.

OOC: Deadly Aim + PBS with the dagger. +12 to hit with 1d4+9 should break the ball.

Maidhc O Casain

Na Bith Mo Riocht Tá!
Kalinn ambles down the road with the boys, watching in amusement as they take potshots at the lights to free the will-o-wisps.

OOC: Sorry - brain dead, nothing to contribute at this point.

[sblock=Mini Stats]
Kalinn Ari

Standard Block
Initiative: +03
AC: 27 (13 Touch, 24 Flat-Footed)
HP: 80/80
CMB: +09 CMD: 22
Fort: +07 Reflex: +06 Will: +05

Rage Block
Initiative: +03
AC: 25 (11 Touch, 22 Flat-Footed)
HP: 104/104
CMB: +11 CMD: 22
Fort: +10 Reflex: +06 Will: +07

Rage Block (Hafísbíta in Hand)
Initiative: +3
AC: 25 (11 Touch, 22 Flat-Footed)
HP: 99/99
CMB: +10 CMD: 21
Fort: +09 Reflex: +05 Will: +06

Fatigue Block
Initiative: +2
AC: 26 (12 Touch, 24 Flat-Footed)
HP: 80/80
CMB: +08 CMD: 20
Fort: +07 Reflex: +05 Will: +05

Senses: DarkVision
Perception: +09, Sense Motive: +0

Special: Rage (Remaining Rounds: 10/10)
Special: Spirit Totem (+7/1d4+2)
Special: Claws (Remaining Rounds: 05/05)
Special: Boon: Shield (Remaining Points: 10/10)
Special: Boon: Healing Surge

Current Weapon in Hand: None

Spells Available (Cantrips: Unlimited, 1st Level: 6/7 per Day, 2nd Level: 3/4 per Day)
Cantrips: Acid Splash, Disrupt Undead, Jolt, Haunted Fey Aspect, Mending, Ray of Frost
1st Level: Ear Piercing Scream, Protection from Evil, Shield
2nd Level: Protection from Evil (Communal)

Satin Knights

First Post
The globe shatters and another will-o-wisp is free from its eternal prison. "Brother says I give you one truth and one question answered for my freedom. So be it."

"The machine of changes is broken and out of control."

[sblock=Daylily and Aradra]"Shh. No, the ugly one." is heard from around the corner of the building to the southeast. Shadow quietly growls.[/sblock]
Daylily, Aradra and Shadow get a surprise round action.
??/?? ~ AC high ~ grateful Will-o-wisp

??/?? ~ AC ?? ~ multiple hidden foes

67/69 ~ AC 18 ~ Daylily
45/45 ~ AC 14 ~ Relic ~
75/78 ~ AC 21 ~ Aradra ~
72/72 ~ AC 19 ~ Shadow ~ amulet active
58/79 ~ AC 23 ~ Iosef ~
80/80 ~ AC 23 ~ Frost ~
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First Post
Relic clears his throat. "I understand better this time. We can solve the riddle the last wisp gave us, I believe. So... Wisp ..."

Before Relic can ask his question violence shatters the calm around him.

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