[LPF] Wreck Ashore


"Good that you looked into them. I suggest everyone to get prepared for two week travel. Get healing potions if you can afford it. I don't think we will have help from a person of Faith"

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First Post
Amien unrolls the scroll and barely glances over it before folding it up with uneven creases very unlike the way it was presented at first, and slips it under the hold of leather. Something about shipments he thinks, not really caring about the fine details so much.

"And why should they?" he asks rhetorically but in a rather welcoming tone, "Simple jobs for simple folk. Time to buy an extra bottle, I guess." The up front coin pieces will let him buy that second potion he was barely under the price for.


First Post
Umralar shrugs and takes his coins, ignoring the comment about 'different looking ones'.

"So when's this ship set to leave? I guess if this is everything you know I'll head over to the docks to get settled in and meet the captain and crew."

He pushes away from the table and heads for the exit, pausing at the door in case the young man had anything to add.

Satin Knights

First Post
"Well, I should deliver these two other notes. If someone could lead me to the Mystic Pearl, that would be good. I can deliver this, and you can get your last minute supplies. Then we can go to see the dock master at the docks. If I remember the schedule right, the ship should be leaving with the morning tide."

"Unless there were any other questions?"
He waves his arm as to sweep you all towards the door to get this moving.

[sblock=ooc]If you desire to purchase anything else at the Mystic Pearl, you may. At this point, magical items, even potions need to be rolled for. Mundane items do not require an availability roll. The full instructions are in the first post of the Mystic Pearl thread. Yes, I am a stickler for counting things like rations, so stock up. Any items from Core Rule Book, APG, Adventurer's Armory or Ultimate Equipment is available unless it deals with firearms or spell blights. The Adventurer's Armory is great for cheap, useful items.[/sblock]

As Galandra has been to the Pearl many times, she leads the party and messenger to the shop on Arcane Row. Once inside the shop, the messenger takes his missive up to the counter. After a few moments, he returns to the group, "Here is a sealed letter to deliver to the mayor. They say to make sure it stays sealed until it is in the mayor's hands. Looking at this place, I suggest you obey." He seems visibly frightened by the emporium, which seems much larger on the inside than the outside facade suggested.


First Post
Parinon follows along as they make their procession to the Mystic Pearl. He grabs some additonal rations to sustain him on the trip and a good number extra arrows. Unable to think of anything else besides potions which were above his limited reserves he quickly pays and stashes the new supplies in with the rest. While he waited on the rest of the party he snooped at what they were bringing in case he was forgetting anything obvious as he was so inexperienced.

[sblock=ooc]Updated the char sheet with the coin we received and the supplies.[/sblock]
[sblock="Mini Stats"]Parinon
AC: 20 (Touch: 14, Flat: 16)
HP: 11/11
Perception: +1, Sense Motive: +1
CMB: +4, CMD: 18, Fort: +3, Ref: +5, Will +1

Longsword: Attack: +4 Damage: 1d8+3, Crit: 19-20/x2
Dagger: Attack: +4 Damage: 1d4+3, Crit: 19-20/x2, Range:10'
Mace,light: Attack: +4 Damage: 1d6+3, Crit: 20/x2

Longbow: Attack: +5 Damage: 1d8+0, Crit: 20/x3, Range
Increment:100'Effects: None Arrows:Common(60)

Combat Feats: Point-Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Rapid Shot

Condition: None

In Hand: Longbow

Consumables: 1 Waterskin, 14 Trail Rations [/sblock]


First Post
Amien props himself up after what must be mere moments after he had sit down, and follows the leader to the Pearl, occupying his hand with fidgeting with the coins he just obtained.

He hasn't reacted at all to the Wayang so far. Amien can think of several reasons not to make any sort of fuss, so he doesn't.

When at the Mystic Pearl he would attempt to purchase another Potion of Cure Light Wounds. If the Pearl doesn't have them, he would seek out a general store to buy a separate sack and about ten more rations to lug around in the sack. He wouldn't have to carry this sack into battle. Should be about 51 silvers worth of purchase.

[sblock=ooc]Question I haven't been able to confirm myself. Is it alright to just frequently update the wiki with character sheet changes like obtaining the 30 gold and consequentially the item purchase, or should we keep track of that separately and then do a major update once we level up?

Also, please excuse me if I am posting at a much higher frequency than everyone else. I am super active on the internet and I want to do the buying item thing.[/sblock]
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Anya pads along with the others as they leave arcane row. Her weapons alone now weigh almost as much as she does, and javelins point every which way from the over-sized quivers strewn about her person. Her armor creaks in protest against the straps of the quivers, scabards, and overfilled backpack. Despite her heavy load she seems to have no problem keeping pace with the group.

"There are a some more things I need from my place. You can come along if you can handle walking through the planks." she says, shifting her shoulders under her load.
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After buying some more stuff, Galandra nods to Anya. "Sure" she simply agrees to follow her. It would be good to know where to find her later on if needed be.

As they walk to her place she decides is better to talk a little "I'm looking for one of my sisters. Damaris... I don't know if you remember her. Golden curls... nice dress, likes to sing... that kind off stuff. She ran away a month ago" she explains "... well, if you see her, tell her my Old Man is worried about her. She could at least send a letter to say she's fine" she sighs and shakes her head. "Maybe I'll have better luck when we get back... Venza is too big for my taste"
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Satin Knights

First Post
OOC: Question I haven't been able to confirm myself. Is it alright to just frequently update the wiki with character sheet changes like obtaining the 30 gold and consequentially the item purchase, or should we keep track of that separately and then do a major update once we level up?

OOC: Also, please excuse me if I am posting at a much higher frequency than everyone else. I am super active on the internet and I want to do the buying item thing.
1) Yes, update the wiki immediately when you receive things or make purchases. If you wait, things get lost, or it takes a long time to search back through to find what and for how much it was. As an example, my other game is 76 pages and counting.

2) No problem about the posting rate. Some characters are more talkative than others. Some shine during face time, while others shine during combat.

3) I would prefer you to use the [ sblock=ooc ] tag instead of the [ ooc ] for the out of character comments. For those that are trying to just read the story line, and surprisingly many people do, it presents as a cleaner format where they can skip the backstage conversations.

The Mystic Pearl thread is a special case, where the rule is reversed. We want the purchase/sale accounting in [ OOC ] tags so it stands out. A judge goes back through and processes sales back to the store and updates the first post in the thread occasionally, okay, rarely, but sometimes.

4) For the really out of context questions, you can also use the "Send a private message" function by clicking on a player's name to the far left. My mailbox usually sits about 80% full, but I usually can still receive 3-4 messages a day.

5) The Cure Light Wounds potion you purchased in the Mystic Pearl should have an "is it in stock d100 roll". Roll the d100. If it comes up 75 or less, they have one in stock. When purchasing multiples of something, yes, you have to roll for each individually. The first failure means they are all out of stock.

If the d100 roll fails, and there is one listed on the first post of the thread, then you can purchase that "under the counter/backroom stock", but that means one of the judges has to go back and edit the first posting to account for it. Since it is time consuming for a judge, we prefer you to try the random roll first. Also mark the item loudly can clearly as being from the first page, so it gets removed off of the first page.

6) I quoted Det, but 1-5 is all beginner advice for everyone. It takes a little while to learn all the tricks this board's software can do.

"Yes, I remember the singer. She did not seem to be in tri-tower, but I don't think she would spend much time in my dunschar part of town if she could help it. Venza seems more to her liking-" she says as a booted foot breaks through the rotted plank they are traveling on and ankle deep into the foul mud below "-at least the shinier parts. Dé mallaithe merde mud!" She yells, shaking her boot as even the local toughs start clearing the path in front of the belligerent walking arsenal. "Forcing the girl to stay would be wrong, but I'm surprised you and your father couldn't track a girl like that to see her safe to town."http://www.irishdictionary.ie/dictionary?language=irish&toLanguage=english&word=mallaithe

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