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M&M 3e Re-recruitment - (closed)

Walking Dad

First Post
Sorry, I have been RL occupied.

About OniSumo:

I don't understand why she has Safe Fall and suggest the Interpose Advantage to be effective as a meat shield.

Finally, she has an Advantage that enhances her grapple, but no actual skill in grappling.

Close Combat: unarmed is an option, meaning skill with unarmed strikes like punches and kicks. However, this bonus does not apply to other forms of unarmed combat maneuvers, including, but not limited to, grabbing or tripping.

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If Onisumo had Fast Grab, then whenever she hit with an unarmed attack she could use that to start the grab, then using her str from growth (Which is what I assume Goldhammer was planning on doing for grapples).

So yeah, I'd suggest dropping Safe Fall and Diehard and picking up Fast grab and Interpose right off the bat.
I had planned on going over characters in detail to help out, but have been busy - 9 hour shifts at work, 4 month old baby at home, and lotsa games running on two different message boards.

Will do an analysis of them after I catch up on all my posting tonight.


First Post
Sorry, I have been RL occupied.

About OniSumo:

I don't understand why she has Safe Fall and suggest the Interpose Advantage to be effective as a meat shield.

Finally, she has an Advantage that enhances her grapple, but no actual skill in grappling.

Oni Sumo has safe fall because its meant to represent her ability to absorb an impact from any fall with her superhuman levels of body fat and amazing toughness. It also allows her to catch herself if she falls while wall-climbing.

As for grappling, well I had a look through the rules and I couldn't find any grappling skill you could buy. I thought it was just a strength check. So yeah, I can replace safe fall with Fast Grab and Interpose if you feel it would suit my character better.

Also for things like a laptop or a bag of sweets (for the sake of regeneration), would I need the equipment advantage to get them?
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If they have a game application they're generally considered to be worth Equipment points. I don't know how WD would want to run the 'food source' for your regen though..

As for the grappling, there isn't a list of skills for all the types of combat, there's just the general Close and Ranged combat Skills, which you buy for specific attacks as you wish. The strength check for grabbing is after you 'hit' them, it's the Effect (Like the save DC on an affliction or damage effect).
If it's a close attack like grab/grapple, you would buy it as "Close combat: Grab", instead of "Close combat: Unarmed" or, for example "Ranged combat: Hadoken".
If you wanted to be generally good at ALL close combats or ALL ranged combats, you could take the appropriate advantages (Close attack or Ranged attack), or the appropriate attribute (Fgt for close, Dex for ranged).
So for example if you had:
Fgt 2, Dex 1, Advantage: Close combat 2, Ranged combat 1, Skill: Unarmed 4, Grab 2, Throwing 6
your attack rolls would be:
Unarmed +8, Throwing +8, Grab +6, All other Close attacks +4, All other ranged attacks +2.

So if you wanted to make a grab attack, you would use the skill Close combat: Grab(Or grapple however you write it) to make the attack roll vs your opponents parry to see if you hit them, then the strength check to see if you succeed at grappling them.
I suggested Fast Grab b/c it allows you to hit them with an unarmed attack, AND grapple if you successfully hit (Whether they succeed their save vs the unarmed damage or not)
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First Post
Anyway, I made some changes to Oni Sumo. She can now grab and take hits for others. Also changed her Regeneration. Having her need to eat was an amusing idea at the time, but I think it would of been to annoying to deal with in the game. Hope getting rid of Safe Fall doesn't come to bite me in the butt.

[sblock=OniSumo] Fujii Miki

Abilities: 60pp
STR 12 (14-20) (24pp)
STA 14 (16-22) (28pp)
DEX 1 (2pp)
AGI 0 (0pp)
FGT 1 (2pp)
INT 1 (2pp)
AWE 1 (2pp)
PRE 0 (0pp)

Initiative: +0 (0 agi)
Melee Attack: Unarmed +3 (fgt 1 + Unarmed 4 + Close Combat 3)
Melee Attack: Everthing else +4 (fgt 1 + Close Combat 3)
Normal Grab: +4 (fgt 1 + Close Combat 3)
Ranged Attack: Throwing +6 (dex 1 + Ranged Combat: Throwing +5)
Specific Attacks:

Defenses: (13 pp)
Dodge: +3 (4 base - 1 size)
Parry: +4 (4 base + 1 fgt - 1 size)
Toughness: +16 (2 sta + 2 Growth)
Fort +16 (14 sta + 2 Growth)
Will +6 (5 base + 1 awe)

Skills: 14pp
Close Combat: Unarmed +8 (5 ranks + 1 Fight + 3 Close Combat)
Expertise: Nerd Stuff +5 (4 ranks + 1 Int)
Insight +6 (5 rank + 1 Awe)
Perception +6 (5 ranks + 1 awe)
Ranged Combat: Throwing +6 (5 rank + 1Dex)
Intimidation +5 (4 ranks +1 Growth)

Advantages: 8 pp
Improved Grab 1
Languages (Japanese) 1
Ultimate Effort (Toughness) 1
Interpose 1
Fast Grab 1
Close combat 3


Movement - Wall Crawling - 2 points
Leaping Rank 8 - 8 points
Immunity Rank 12 (Cold and Heat Damage, Fatigue, Pressure) 12 points
Impervious Toughness Rank 12 - 12 points
Growth Rank 8, Permanent at Rank 2 -(+2 Str, +2 Sta, +1 Intimidation, +2 Mass, , -2 to Stealth, -1 Dodge, -1 Parry) going up to Normal Growth Rank 8 (+8 STR, +8 STA, +4 to Intimidation, +1 Speed, -8 to Stealth, -4 Dodge, -4 Parry, Size 0 ) -16 points
Regeneration 5 ranks - 5 points

COST: 60 Abilities + 14 Skills + 8 Advantages + 55 Powers + 13 Defences = 150/150


Miki, a nerdy Japanese girl graduates from her small town High School with dreams of becoming a model. Yet due to her short, chubby figure, she's kicked out every modelling agency she tries to get into. After years of rejection, she turns to an experimental weight loss surgery. Scientists at the 'Divine Waistline' weight lost mega-corp implanted a strange artificial organ into her that would pump her body with an unknown element, keeping her slim and pretty forever.
But after the surgery, they discovered that the organ had malfunctioned. Instead of making her slimmer, it made her fatter. Not only fatter, but bigger and stronger too. Her skin became a monstrous reddish hue. She could leap to great heights and climb tall buildings with her claw-like fingers. Her alien could make her grow even bigger and health Miki's wounds whenever she feed herself. She had become a mountain of a woman, like a great big fat oni sumo.
Miki just laughed, perhaps driven slightly insane by the experience. She was now powerful enough to do whatever she wanted and take whatever she wanted and no one could stop her.
Escaping from Divine Waistline, Miki stole some super stretchy fabric and made herself a colourful super villain outfit. She renamed herself THE ONI SUMO, raider of banks, jewelry stores and chocolate factories, all to satisfy her endless hunger. Yet now that all super heroes have been wiped out and aliens have taken over the world, that short little nerdy girl still inside her wonders 'how long can I stay bad?'

Over-sized: Even at her smallest size, Oni Sumo is still towers over people at 8 feet tall. Her bulkiness makes it hard to fit into things designed for normal sized people. This also means she'll stand out in a crowd and will draw attention.

Biggest is best: Oni Sumo is well aware that she's the biggest, fattest criminal in the city and in her mind, that gives her power. She knows that she'll never fit in with normal people after her transformation, so likes to show them just how much more powerful she is than them. She likes to demonstrate just how big she can get, even when it would be a bad idea to do so and bullies those smaller than her. This can lead to her underestimating smaller characters.

I want your respect: On the surface, Oni Sumo wants to feed her greedy, gluttonous lifestyle. She seems to have only a love for money and food. Yet deep down, she longs to be respect by her peers and the public. If she has to get that respect through fear, then so be it. However she is very loyal to her peers who tell her they respect her, even if they secretly don't.

A big fat nerd: Inside this greedy behemoth, beats the heart of shy nerd. Oni Sumo spends her free time reading comics, design cosplay outfits and getting into arguments on the internet. She's sadden that she can no longer be part of that world and her sweet nerdish heart may stop her doing something truly evil. It might make Oni Sumo feel obliged to do something if she witnesses the tyranny of the alien invaders first hand.

The makings of a super-sized solider: Oni Sumo may not know it, but there are factions who might have an interest in her. The Alien invaders may want their organ back, while rogue human factions may want to turn it into a weapon. The Divine Waistline mega-corp may want to get rid of her and scientists that made her before they create too much bad publicity for them. The scientists may ask Oni Sumo to help them if this happened

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Walking Dad

First Post
Looks good. One thing, immunity to fatigue does not apply to the cost of using Extraordinary Effort (otherwise you couldn't use EE). Backgroundstory is complicated, as the alien invaders are the only known alien species of the setting.

I will make team decisions during the extended weekend.


First Post
Looks good. One thing, immunity to fatigue does not apply to the cost of using Extraordinary Effort (otherwise you couldn't use EE). Backgroundstory is complicated, as the alien invaders are the only known alien species of the setting.I will make team decisions during the extended weekend.

Well the idea was that the Mega-Corp, Divine Waistline, made the organ using tech acquired from the invaders. This is why the invaders will be after Oni Sumo and her major motivation for fighting them. If its easier, I can change it that the Mega-Corp used earth super science gone wrong to make the organ. Whatever would fit the story better.
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Walking Dad

First Post
Sorry, got some problems with logging in here, but everything is settled now. Can I get a quick roll call who is still interested in the game (including the "old" players)?

Confirmed interest (will be updated):

Goldhammer - OniSumo
Shayuri - Kitsune
Jemal - Siren
Graybeard - Dynamo
Voda Vosa - Helis
Thanee - Sorceress
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