(M&M) Jemal's Chosen IC Issue 1: The Beginning


TIME: September 15th, 2008, 12:01 AM
PLACE: Secret Research Laboratory somewhere in California

As a thunderclap resounds in the background, A german accent drifts through the room... a room filled with chemicals and scientific aparatus. The voice's source: A tall, skinny bald man in a lab-coat speaking to a computer screen

"Zis amount of zee compound iz much too dangerouz for ze boy, mien Herr. It eez going to 'ave zide efekts. Ve must decrease ze intake or ve vill endanger ze experiment!" the scientists arms flailed as he spoke, but the unseen image on the other end of the screen didn't seem to notice or care.

"We have ordered that you Continue the Procedure, and you will do so. Do not forget to keep the recorder going. We'll want to review it.. Regardless of the 'outcome'"

TIME: September 15th, 2008, 2:38 PM
PLACE: Hixville High; Hixville, California

School that day was dark and gloomy. The students, and many faculty, had been letting the recent bad string of weather be reflected in their attitudes.
The school principle, Mr Priscus, had always been very hands on with his handling of the school and now had something planned to lift everyone's spirits. An assembly had been called this afternoon (Hopefully followed by an early dismissal), and the student body seemed a bit more lively as you made your way to the Gym. Seemed like it might actually be a little bit of fun to be had yet that day.

Too bad you never made it.

It was perhaps the loudest thing you'd ever heard, leaving your ears ringing as you picked yourselves up off the floor - you didn't even remember falling - and looked around. An entire wall was missing, the brick turned to dust. On the other side was the parking lot - or rather, the crater where it used to be. As students rush crazily all around you, you see a boy laying in the center of the crater. Only a few people seemed to notice the boy, but those of you who did felt drawn to him. As the crowd begins to clear, with the students and teachers running from the 'explosion' (Or whatever it was), you see a dark figure walk up to the far side of the crater and look down at the boy. Just looking at it sends chills down your spine.

Raising a hand, it points some sort of weapon at the boy. Someone shouts - you're not sure who - and it looks in your direction. You see it's face, or rather lack of a face, with two red dots where eyes should be, but the rest nothing but shadow. Those eyes bore into each of you as it seems to only now register that you may have noticed it.

A loud hiss fills the air as the weapon raises to point at you and begins to glow.

BOOM. :p

Glancing around, there seems to be about a half-dozen people looking at the boy and the shadowy figure(Basically the PC's and one or two others). Nobody else seems to have noticed they're there. Though then again, nobody else is sticking around the site of the explosion...

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First Post
Hayley stands frozen to the floor in shock at the tableau before her...right up until that thing notices her and starts pointing that gun anywhere near her! With a shrill shriek she took off running for cover...instinctively trying to avoid other students just in case that thing shot at her.

All she needed was a chance to get out of sight, a chance to catch her breath and THINK for a second about what she needed to grow!

Walking Dad

First Post
Jacob stands 'frozen' (;)), too. Then he quickly glances for cover and looks atthe others around him.
Shall I dive for cover? But I think I can better handle the attack than the others... he thinks.


First Post
Art's eyes grow large when he sees the crater parking-lot.

Crap, my car...my car...the sword was in...

Then two things happen at once: Arthur sees the dark man aim his weapon at him, and he sees the wreckage of his car with the sword's handle sticking out of the twisted metal.

Arthur leaps behind the wreckage of his car and grabs the sword, still in its scabbard, and peers over the wreckage at the figure with the glowing eyes, hoping the car is good enough cover for...whatever that is.

Relique du Madde

Oh crap.

Edgar dove for cover and tried to scramble to find a safer location. Why the hell is that thing pointing that gun at me for?
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