[M&M] Shadowrun [Recruiting]


After looking for months (here and elsewhere) for a Shadowrun game with no success, I decided to ask about interest. I played 1st edition a little bit a long time ago and wanted to try the game again. I have found some players, but there doesn't appear to be any GMs around.

Since I haven't the Shadowrun experience to GM with those rules, I don't feel comfortable even giving it a shot with a friendly crowd of players. But recently I have played somed20 Modern and I have done some DMing under 3.5Ed D&D I could maybe adapt to running a campaign under d20 Modern. This gave me the idea about taking a some Shadowrun adventures and just run them under d20 Rules using the d20 Modern Core, Cybernet, Urban Arcana, D&D Core, and Future books to retool the encounters. Using the Shadowrun source books only for Setting information.

Any players interested? How about a more experienced GM?
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Thy wounds are healed!
Shadowrun 1ste now that takes me back. I remember it coming out and my players not wanting to play D&D (back then we played basic from the boxed sets) and it was all about going out and shotting up a place.

My DM experience is small in Shadowrun but I did love the setting and rules system. Now d20 mordern I have never played so I'm out there as well.

Just wanted to drop in to say good luck and if you don't find players it might only be because alot of games have started up lately. Because Shadowrun is an awesome world as everyone knows.


Voda Vosa

First Post
I'm up for it. I've moderate experience with d20 modern, having played over 5 or more games, and DMing two. I must also say that it's an easy system to learn, rules are free access and getting started in the system is easy.
As for Shadowrun, well your speaking bananas to me, know nothing about it, but perhaps wikipedia could share some light over that.


d20 Modern uses the similar rules with D&D3.5 so it's not a huge leap for some people to cross-over. I am comfortable playing it after only a couple of months. Some skills have changed a little compared to D&D.

However with the Urban Arcana supplement it can be combined with D&D. I was toying with the idea of running a D&D campaign via Urban Arcana, allowing mundane humans (with d20 Modern classes and gear) to cross-over into fantasy land. Figured ammo scarcity would be a pain though, unless the characters could go back and forth.

Trouble with Shadowrun is that I have been able to find a few players hear and there, but no GM. Having only played 1st Ed once, I don't know the system well enough to try my hand at that.
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Thy wounds are healed!
Looks like someone made a Shadowrun d20 rules set google it and you'll see. I also found a pdf.

Guess the internet does have everything.

EDIT: wow they have a Corporate Zombie class



In searching for the Shadowrun d20 rules that HM found, I found (on this site no less) that many people have thought of this idea and discussed it about 5-6 years ago. There are rules, but they are not perfect, mainly because SR doesn't use the level system and does its magic differently.

While I think the idea of running a Shadowrun setting with d20 rules would work for people familiar with d20/D&D (which there are many here), anyone having played Shadowrun would probably consider it a poor substitute.

But I also think anyone on this site that plays D&D3.5 could adapt to d20 Modern pretty easily, probably easier that going to D&D4Ed. Mixing the Modern rules and D&D concepts with Urban Arcana would capture some of the flavor of the setting, but it would not be the same as Shadowrun.

My idea was not to actually convert the rules though, but to just rework the encounters in some of their published adventures using d20 rules and sources to come up with something similar from the GM side. Heavy work for the GM, but players would only need to know about the d20 rules. Setting information would be provided as any campaign would do.

@Voda Vosa: No actual knowledge of Shadowrun could actually be a good thing, since d20 Modern would be the rules anyway.

@Warshrike & HolyMan: Biggest thing for d20 Modern is the change in classes for modern play, but many of the skills and feats (sometimes called Talents) are exactly the same as D&D3.5 (which I know you both play), so not a huge learning curve at all.

So if there is interest I will consider it some more. Since I play with all of you already, I was hoping for some new people to poke their noses in too. I will give it some more time as it hasn't been a week yet.

Voda Vosa

First Post
M&M is another option if you don't want to use level ups in the classical way, besides allowing a high degree of customization to the characters. Just pick a low power level if the characters are going to be regular folk, and you are done! I have experience with it as well, I even made some automated excel sheets for it.


I will take a look. M&M is "Mutants and Masterminds" Correct?

BTW, since you never actually launched your Chronos Sphere game are considering trying to run a different d20 Modern game?

Voda Vosa

First Post
Yep.mutants and masterminds. 2nd edition.
Chronos sphere was a good game, don't know why it didn't catch up player's attention. Being a DM of a setting of which I know nothing is not something I feel comfortable with.

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