M4: Under the Volcano [Nimisgod judging] -CONCLUDED


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Rinaldo moves around Nurlan next to the last place he has seen Kazikazi and try to grab him, if he is still where he was standing when he had seen him.

[SBLOCK]Move W,W,SW,NW,N then grapple check against an invisible opponent. Seems to fail the touch attack at first :( [/SBLOCK]

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[SBLOCK=If Ogrin can act now]Ogrins vision clears, and he sees Kazikazi disappear. He looks for blood spots on the ground from the cut he dealt the 'god' and attempts to charge in and wrestle him to the ground![/SBLOCK]

Razh charges in where he last saw Kazikazi, chopping high to avoid hitting Ogrin, hoping to strike the wizard down before he's had a chance to move.

- as he took a 5ft step first, he shouldn't have moved further
- in any case, a spot check might help deduce where he is headed, looking for blood spots on the ground from his earlier wound
- with a crossbow, he shouldn't be able to do any AoO's
- invisibility gives 50% miss chance
- grapple is a melee touch attack, so shield/armor bonuses are negated
- Ogrin has wrestled with spellcasters before, and knows they're not good at it :)

Fair enough. I'll let Manzanita do the rolls here, since honestly, I'm note sure what would apply when trying to grapple invisible foes. Grapple checks aren't "attack rolls" per se, so I suppose most effects (Invisibility, Inspire Courage etc) doesn't affect them, 'by the book' at least.

Ogrin has melee touch attack +5 with IC, grapple check is +0[/SBLOCK]


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You expect me to figure all this out? KK is protected by a mage armor, sheild spell, displacement, and now invisibility. I"m probably the least rules-savvy amongst us. Yes he's still in that same square. To hit him, then, requires making the 50% miss for displacement, AND the 50% miss for invisibility, then hitting his AC? Sound right?


Tenebrynn notices his friends running into the wall and veers to the right heading beyond the column and up the right side of the room. He'll charge the Gnoll and take it out if he can.

[sblock=ooc]Sorry I'm a bit out of the time loop.
Rd 16 drank potion - healed 9 hp. moved up to middle of room.
Rd 17 changed direction - moved up right side, past columns.
Rd 18 charge Gnoll if in range.
hope thats right

rolls - http://invisiblecastle.com/find.py?id=475309[/sblock]


First Post
Upon reflection, displacement shouldn't stack w/invisibility, so miss chance stays at 50%. Actually, his displacement spell has ended by now, anyway.

Round 18
Rinaldo moves forward 30 feet, and tries to grapple, but finds nothing.
Ogrin also leaps into that space, but doesn't get his hands on anything, except maybe Rinaldo.
Tenebrynn closes with the gnoll and smacks it with his staff. His staff passes right through the creature, striking the column. The gnoll disapears.
Razh swings his axe above Rinaldo and Ogrin, but also can't hit anything.
Nurlan continues to sing (which won't help the subsequent listen checks.)
Listen DC 24 for Ogrin, Rinaldo Tenebrynn and Razh DC 33 for Eanos [sblock] You hear footsteps moving NE[/sblock]

The hobgoblin continues to cower.


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Manzanita said:
You expect me to figure all this out? KK is protected by a mage armor, sheild spell, displacement, and now invisibility. I"m probably the least rules-savvy amongst us. Yes he's still in that same square. To hit him, then, requires making the 50% miss for displacement, AND the 50% miss for invisibility, then hitting his AC? Sound right?

Here my opinion:
Displacement and Invisibility shouldn't stack. The first rely on sight, misguiding the opponent. The second simply make the person invisible, and thus, vanish from sight, leaving no trace. But even if they doesn't stack, if the invisibility can end with an attack while the displacement can continue to make effect. But I have no rules to support that...

For mage armor, it gives an armor bonus, and, as SRD tells:

SRD said:
"An armor bonus doesn't apply against touch attacks..." as told here

For shield, it gives a shield bonus, and, same thing here

srd said:
"A shield bonus doesn't apply against touch attacks." as told here

In conclusion, the touch armor class isn't affected by the spells here, but Ogrin have 50% chance to fail at all because of the invisibility.

Also, Ogrin could create a bracket, as teh advanatge of teh bracket is the defender must look in front and behind him. If he is really in the square where he stands being invisible doesn't allow him anymore to se both side at a time. So, Ogrin, try the bracket. Nothing to lose here.

Finally, to spot an invisible creature that is moving, it is a DC: 20

As usual, you are the master, you hae the final word. Hope that will help[/SBLOCK]


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Seeing the gnoll dissapearing. "I knew it, it was trickery. He is an illusionist, just like my cousin Opale!" Rinaldo looks around, trying to find a faint distortion in the air, but seems to looks in the wrong way.

[SBLOCK=OOC]Listen: 19
Spot: 6

Is tehre any other exit than teh one used?[/SBLOCK]


Ogrins perceptory skills are not good enough to find their assailant (Listen +0, Spot -1 = impossible). Instead he draws a dagger while retreating north toward the wall, where he has a better view of the area. He then stands ready to throw it whenever anything give their assailant away (ie someone appearing from thin air, some ally pointing out his location etc)

Razh chops the air a few times until he realises their opponent is no longer there. He then looks around but sees nothing (no appropriate skills here either) and decides to wait, readying a charge or move towards their assailant as soon as he knows where to run...

[SBLOCK=OOC] As it is a quite out-of-the-ordinary situation, I wanted to leave the decision to the DM. It was also 1AM and IC was flaky :)

Edit: And FWIW, I'd have done the same ruling as you did, and concur with velmonts statements.[/SBLOCK]
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Eanos, human monk

The sounds of battle and his distance make tracking the man by ear impossible from his present condition. Confident that the Hobgoblin is as illusory as the gnoll which just disappeared, the monk moves across the room, closer to his companions, hoping a better proximity will help.

[sblock=OOC]Double move to I10[/sblock]


LEW Judge
So that explains why those two weren't actually doing anything, Nurlan thinks on seeing the illusion disappear. He then runs, at full speed, toward the entrance, in case it is possible to cut off Kazikazi's escape.

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