M4: Under the Volcano [Nimisgod judging] -CONCLUDED

Knight Otu

First Post
Erekose13 said:
re: loot, Tenebrynn will take the cash.
re: making arms or armor for people. Tenebrynn will be charging a 50% commission on items. So base price = 1/2 market price. Tenebrynn's charge = 1/2 base price. This takes into account the fact that I have to spend 60% of the xp cost (so do you) and we each have to spend full craft point costs.
Since you mentioned that you'd go Eldritch Knight, wouldn't the armor fit you as well?

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[SBLOCK=Loot]Ogrin is interested in the ship (sell value 1500gp) and possibly the mithril chainmail. A platemail can be adjusted for 200-800 gold, and a medium light chain shirt would likely be adjustable to a small chainmail armor for an appropriate sum...

And Velmont, please note that the value we should divide on is the SALE value, not the buy value, as that's what the items are worth to us. Otherwise, there'll be a huge overload towards the ones that prefer cash over items - ie a certain trader... ;-)[/SBLOCK]
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First Post
[SBLOCK=OOC]rln, the sell price of the boat is 1950 gp, which is 65% of his price, as Rinaldo can sell item at higher cost. He can sell at 75% of the price, but keep 10% for him and gives back 65%. So, if you want to have the boat, you must pay it at the price it is sold for the group, which is 65% of it's price, and Rinaldo will not have his 10% cut on it as he will not sell it.

Orsal: If Nurlan keep the wand, it is sure Rinaldo will buy one. A suggestion, it is we split the cost of that wand and a new wand ([487.5 + 712.5]/2 = 600 gp each). What do you think of that Orsal? [/SBLOCK]

[SBLOCK=Loot]Here what each want, and how much it would cost each person.

Ring of Counterspelling [2600 gp]
Cold Iron Dagger [2.6 gp]
Mithral Chain Shirt [715 gp]
Cloak of Resistance +2 [2600 gp]
Cloak of Resistance +2 [1950 gp & Cloak of Reisstance +1]
Wand of Cure Light Wounds (50 charges) [487.5 gp]
Mithral Chain Shirt [715 gp]
Keelboat [1950gp]
Potion of CMW [195 gp]
Wand of Cure Light Wounds (50 charges) [487.5 gp]

Ok, Nurlan and Rinaldo want the wand.

Ashnar and rln want the Mithral Chain Shirt.

Eanos and Ashnar want the Cloak of Resistance +2.[/SBLOCK]
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First Post
rln said:
And Velmont, please note that the value we should divide on is the SALE value, not the buy value, as that's what the items are worth to us. Otherwise, there'll be a huge overload towards the ones that prefer cash over items - ie a certain trader... ;-)

OOC: Already considered, look at post. You'll see in the SBLOCK Loot, a SBLOCK detail. In it, you would see those lines:

detail said:
Total Items: 27048

Selling value (at 65%): 17581.2
Rinaldo's service (remianing 10%): 2704.8

So the amount of money I calculate is from the selling value. When someone buy an item from the loot, he buy it at the selling value (65% of the market price). Each item bought that way will reduce the amount of money Rinaldo gain from his service (as the item will not have been sold by Rinaldo).

So, when I write down in the wish list of everyone:
Loot said:
Mithral Chain Shirt [715 gp]
Keelboat [1950gp]

The Chain shirt value is 1100 gp, sold at 65% it worth 715 gp
The boat worth 3000 gp, sold at 65%, it worth 1950 gp

Does it looks right to you or I have miss something?
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Knight Otu said:
Since you mentioned that you'd go Eldritch Knight, wouldn't the armor fit you as well?

the 10% spell fail is too high for me. I'll have to find another way to get armor. I'm thinking of an animated tower shield, but we'll have to see. maybe I can propose spell failure reducing armor special abilities.


First Post
Erekose13 said:
the 10% spell fail is too high for me. I'll have to find another way to get armor. I'm thinking of an animated tower shield, but we'll have to see. maybe I can propose spell failure reducing armor special abilities.

OOC: Mithral Buckler! Well, that is a shield bonus to AC, not an armor bonus. But for armor bonus, you can have a mage armor or bracer of armor.


mithril buckler is an idea, but I generally use both hands on the quarterstaff. mage armor lasts 5 hrs now, so that is generally on.

Knight Otu

First Post
rln said:
[SBLOCK=Loot]Ogrin is interested in the ship (sell value 1500gp) and possibly the mithril chainmail. A platemail can be adjusted for 200-800 gold, and a medium light chain shirt would likely be adjustable to a small chainmail armor for an appropriate sum...

And Velmont, please note that the value we should divide on is the SALE value, not the buy value, as that's what the items are worth to us. Otherwise, there'll be a huge overload towards the ones that prefer cash over items - ie a certain trader... ;-)[/SBLOCK]
If Ogrin is certain he can get the armor adjusted, Ashnar will relinquish it to him.


First Post
I'm all for adjusting armor size, though I'll leave the details to those more versed in such matters.

Back to your regularly scheduled programming...

The party finally visits the audience chamber in the Palace in Monemvassia. The Palace is a sprawling walled complex on the top of the huge boulder which in the Peninsula around which the city is built. From the entrance to the Palace, the party can see out many miles to the sea, and observe the bustling commerce which is the city’s chief economic engine.

The Palace build speaks of old money and power. It’s walls are whitewashed and masterfully built. The guards are finely dressed in purple livery and carry themselves with great discipline.

When escorted into the audience chamber itself, the party is immediately mesmerized by the huge Dragon head stuffed and hung from the wall behind the royal throne. It is very similar looking to the dragon the party met on the island, but much, much bigger. It has black skin pulled taut over its skeletal face. Long horns curl back over the top of its head, and its lips are pulled back to reveal long sharp fangs.

Once the party gets their bearing, they are escorted forward past numerous suits of empty armor, garish tapestries, crossed weapons hanging on walls, and grim looking guards. On the smaller throne below the dragon head sits Prince Medius, looking dour. The higher, large throne is empty. In a small chair to the side sits Edgar Vossinger, looking nervous as usual. There are also four other men, standing, wearing nice clothes. They are middle aged, and otherwise unarmed and fairly non-descipt. The do whisper to each other as the party enters. They carry some scrolls and quills. There are also a handful of guards.

“Welcome back.” Says Medius. “What have you discovered?”

Spot check DC 20. Everyone have a shot
[sblock]let me know if you make it[/sblock]
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LEW Judge
I can't load invisiblecastle right now, so I'll roll the spot check offline: 10. Nurlan doesn't see anything remarkable.

Nurlan steps forward. "Your Royal Highness, Causticus was a servant of a black dragon who lays claim to your most excellent city. Perhaps she is related to the fabled wyrm whose head is mounted behind you. He called the dragon "Mother"; whether he was literally her offspring her merely her servant and disciple we do not know, although he did not display any arcane talents of his own. He worked with an illusionist by the name of Frump, a treacherous fellow who provided magical assistance to his conspiracy. At any rate, we tracked him to the island where the dragon made her home, an island not far from here which was just being destroyed by a volcanic eruption as we left. We were imprisoned, but escaped, and finally confronted the would-be usurper in a final battle. Causticus and I both died in that battle; the wise and just priests of Sela have rectified the situation in my case, but Causticus remains and will ever remain dead."

OOC: Nurlan agrees to Rinaldo's suggestion regarding the wand. Also, he did answer Ashnar's comment/question; I'll post that reply out of sequence when I get a chance.

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