Mac Map software


First Post
My coworker uses a Mac (OS X I think) and is wondering about dungeon map creation software.

Initially he was wondering what was the conversion from Inches to Millimeters, because he would like maps suited for 25mm miniatures, hand drawn or not.

I use a PC and am clues as to the software available for Mac, any clues? Thanks ;)

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RC Hagy

I have no idea as to Mac map software as I did all of mine in Adobe Illustrator. I will post a link into the Mac thread and we will see who bites.


Hecatæus said:
My coworker uses a Mac (OS X I think) and is wondering about dungeon map creation software.

Initially he was wondering what was the conversion from Inches to Millimeters, because he would like maps suited for 25mm miniatures, hand drawn or not.

I use a PC and am clues as to the software available for Mac, any clues? Thanks ;)

Steve Jung

Hecatæus said:
Initially he was wondering what was the conversion from Inches to Millimeters, because he would like maps suited for 25mm miniatures, hand drawn or not.
No idea on map programs, but there are 25.4 mm per 1 inch.


Unattainable Ideal
Here's what I do:

I use Create, from Stone Studio Software.

I created a Pattern of 1-inch squares. I draw out my map and apply a fill using that pattern. Et voila! I have miniature-scale maps that print out beautifully.

Create is $150 (compare that with Photoshop or Illustrator) and if you're on Mac OS X and have to do any graphics work, it's an absolute bargain. It'll make you happy you're a Mac user. It's more intended for page layout and web design, but I have a lot of fun using it to create maps.

For any bitmap needs I use the Gimp. The Gimp is free, and I can import its output into Create if I want to apply the grid pattern to it.

I don't get the features of Dundjinni or anything like that, but it works great and I get very good-looking maps. I'll try and post some later today.

Mac version of Dundjinni

While Dundjinni currently does not have a Mac version, it was written in Java, largely for portability. So we expect to have a Mac version out in a few months, if your friend can wait.


Unattainable Ideal
Hey, mindy from fluid -- is that, like, official? Cause that's AWESOME news.

As a Mac user, it's easy to get resigned to the fact that some stuff just NEVER gets ported -- and I certainly got the cold shoulder from... um... some other RPG mapping company when I asked them if a Mac version was in the works.

This would be great news. Expect a sale right here!


Unattainable Ideal
Here's a couple of maps I've made in Create:


  • Cavern.jpg
    59.8 KB · Views: 67
  • Airship02.jpg
    50 KB · Views: 79
  • HollowRock.jpg
    154.9 KB · Views: 71


Currently, I use CorelDRAW for my 2-D graph-paper style maps, though I have sworn off buying new Corel products and am learning Illustrator (Corel did not release CorelDRAW 12 for the Mac OS).

For 3-D maps, I enjoy combining elements of Poser and Bryce. I'll probably give DAZ|Studio a try, once it's out of beta.

When Dundjinni for Mac OS X arrives, I will reward Fluid's faith in the Macintosh platform by purchasing the platinum edition. Here's hoping there's an undersea art pack available, by then. :D

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