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Magic items EVERY character NEEDS

A wand of cure light wounds is a must. As somebody said cleric in a stick. Storing items are nice. Ring of flying can by pass a lot of traps. But it does really depend on the play style.

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Vargo said:
Wand of Cure Light Wounds.

750gp per wand at full retail, which is cheaper per use than any curing potion or scroll. It's basically a Cleric-in-a-stick, letting a party press on long after they would normally have to rest. Make sure you keep a couple of these around, and also make sure you have a couple potions of Cure Moderate Wounds on hand - if all the people who can use it go negative, you need something to bring 'em back up.

Yep. And Heward's Handy Haversack is a personal favorite! :)


First Post
I'm going to be a narrow-minded dolt and agree with "XXXX of Haste" (Boots of Speed) and "XXXX of resistance". My campaign isn't all combat, but enough combat happens that it's become increasingly obvious how much of a duh Haste and Resistance bonuses are in terms of "You gots to have this."

That's one of the main reasons that I'm in favor of the 3.5 version of Haste. Now, as a DM, I don't have to decide between being silly or being suicidal -- in a 3.0 D&D world, any intelligent monster WILL have brewed, bought, or bartered a potion of haste, or else it's a very sad monster that's just been dumped by its girlfriend and isn't sure it can keep going on in this hard and painful world. 'Cause any intelligent monster that ain't Hasted is toast in a fight.



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Wippit Guud said:
Quaal feather tokens - Tree.

Ask the people who use them (like me), it 700 tools in one!

Okay, one of my players started to hang out at ENworld, and next thing you know he decides to buiy 100 Quaal's Feather tokens: Tree.

Now it wont be long until he pulls the dislocated jaw joke*

*a small feather put into an enemy mouth afcter wich it suddenly turns into a tree, the bane of dragons!


I am an evil DM, therefore my players have taken to always purchasing the following:

1) ring of sustenance

2) Heward's Handy Haversack

3) appropriate protective items / save enhancements againts the (natural) elements

4) dull grey ioun stones with continual light cast on them

I remember their first kitting-out. I warned them that I track the more mundane challenges in the world, but it wasn't until they were suffering from starvation and fatigue, wandering around in the dark and forced to leave treasure in a cave that they believed me.

Now they prepare. And now I get 'em with the exotic dangers.

Told ya I was evil.


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jmucchiello said:
Funny, my DMG says the boots of speed only last 10 rounds per day:

EDIT: You know, I had a doubt and looked at the DMG and you are right....

But anyway, as the haste spell has been modified in the rules 3.5, there shouldn't be anyone running after Boots of speed. The other suggestion about boots of Springing anf Striding is indeed very good. I have these in 2 campaing and I guess that as soon as the new rules for haste are going to be enforced by my group (Soon, since I am the half part time DM :D ) My character will switch to Boots of Springing and Striding for that campaing too.

No more triple spell casting / round :mad: ;)
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I'm going to say:

1) Boots of Striding and springing. for the benefits, it's really better than boots of speed, unless you are a sorcerer.

2) Ring of sustenance. The ability to go with only 2 hours of sleep per night, and NOT need for food and water, while on a campaign will be an amazing boon.

3) Heward's handy haversack. Those who ask why, need not apply. :)

4) An immovable rod. The many uses for this item are legion.

5) Decanter of Endless water (are those still around?): Endless water is worth all the gold there is.

Basically, most any item that overtly breaks the laws of physics is very valuable to an adventurer. :)


First Post
1) Ring of Sustenance - For reasons stated above.

2) Rings of Protection - provide AC bonuses against Incorporeal attacks and touch attacks. Must have for Wizards or... well, for anyone actually

3) Ring of Swim - Totally subjective. I don't know how many times the group I've played in have almost died due to low swim checks.

4) Bag of Holding/Portable Hole - I wanna carry a rowboat whereever I go :D


First Post
Myrlund's Spoon.

That's right, the humble spoon. Tell me, what good are your boots of standard equipment, mercurial keen fire ice shock greatsword, and cloaks of immunity to everything if you get lost in the desert, or trapped in an endless labrynth?

Seriously though, my list is a bit more humble.

- Potion of cure light wounds (or better)
- +1 weapon (or better)

That's it - the items *every* adventurers need ASAP. And wizards can give the second one a pass. Relying on GMW to penetrate DR is like begging your DM to ambush you with wraiths.

As far as storage items, I'm incorrigible with them. I had a gnome with a portable hole once, and had walls, shelving, and two floors put in. I had amoung other things several barrels of water and hardtack, a rowboat with oars, a collection of outfits for disguises, weapons of the type that our whole group favored, a disassembled ballista, and pretty much anything else I could imagine.

Voidrunner's Codex

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