Magical Tattoos?

I'm looking for some source material for magical tattoos. Maybe magic items, spells, or something else.

I know of the Tattooed Monk. Is there anything else out there?

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The Scarred Lands books (Relics & Rituals 1 & 2) have some tattoo material in them, but I have not read them in a while. The Forgotten Realms books also have minor stuff related to Tattoos with the Red Wizards needing Tattoo focus feat and a few related effects.


First Post
In WotC's D&D material, Complete Arcane has something along these lines, I believe.

Elsewhere, there are many more (and quite possibly better) options.


The Spell Compendium reprints the spell Create Magic Tattoo, which can produce one of a variety of effects that last 24 hours. It was originally printed in one of the Forgotten Realms books.

Dungeon #109 has the Tattoo Magic feat, an item creation feat. It allows a caster to create tattoos that include a single-use spell.

The Expanded Psionics Handbook has the Scribe Tattoo which allows you to create Psionic Tattoos that store psionic powers. Even if you don't use psionics, the feat can be adapted to use regular spells pretty easily.


First Post
Psionic Tattoos, from the XPH, which function basically like potions. Just make ' em Arcane Tattoos and you're set.


First Post
Most of the rules I have seen for magical tattoos so far I dislike cause they say the tattoo fades or one time use which IMO is stupid. I have seen a lot of fiction that have magical tattoos do fade or are not one time use. So finding rules in D&D that to me says true magical tattoos will be hard. Complete Arcane magical tattoos is actual a variant spellbook.


First Post
Just use it as an additional ability of magic item, adding +30% of the base price in that they can't be removed or sundered, but still take up a body slot. So you could tattoo a pair of bracers of armor on your forearms, or tatoo a cloak of the bat on your back, or a pair of eyes of the eagle around your eyes...


I'm Ray...of Enfeeblement
Klaus said:
Just use it as an additional ability of magic item, adding +30% of the base price in that they can't be removed or sundered, but still take up a body slot. So you could tattoo a pair of bracers of armor on your forearms, or tatoo a cloak of the bat on your back, or a pair of eyes of the eagle around your eyes...

That's a really nice idea, I like that :) :cool:

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